Chap 03

KEVIN woke up with a girl in his arms. She's a part-time crew in the catering of the wedding of Dustin and Javier last night. He was jealous of watching his brothers being lovey-dovey with their partners. Even Rafael seems to have one, or busy with someone. He doesn't have the mood to party with them.

So when this girl started to show some interest in him, and flirt with him, he didn't hesitate to give her his attention. Now he made his fill. He slowly let go of her side and went out of the cabin wearing the same tux he wore last night. Then he left a note on the bedside table, to bid his goodbye to the girl, like he always does when he woke up with any woman.

It seems like they were at the cabin were the other crew of the catering sleeps. Everyone was still sleeping so he just silently went out of there. He's not happy with what he'd done. Most of the time, he admitted that it's his way to let go of his frustration and stress. So he won't deny that he's just using them for his own good. Not that he forced them though. They actually volunteered and willingly gave their body to him. No one was complaining.

Although at first, there were girls who tried to trick him. Saying they were pregnant but he immediately brought them to Javier's clinic for checkup and he'll find out they are laying. There are some who really got pregnant but it turns out not to be his because before the day ends, the real father came into the picture. All of it scares him, since then, he got more cautious. He always brought protection with him and they have bunch of it in the room at the Secret Cabin where they always bring their woman.

Now, he and Rafael was the only single among the five brothers. And probably the ones who will use the cabin next. Speaking of the cabin, he was on his way there so that's he will walk in to the secret passage and go to his house, which was at the top of the bar and club. He badly needed a shower.

"Frey, I don't love her. You are the one I love." Kevin stopped in his track when he heard someone say that and it was coming from the porch of the secret cabin. It's not his intention to listen or to pry, but it's his only short cut way to his penthouse.

It was early in the morning; it was no yet bright, actually. The two were both in the front porch of the cabin, right on the side of his way. She knew who the girl is, of course he do. She's the only woman he brought into that cabin last time and that woman looks like she just woke up. Probably still in her sleep when this guy came and woke her up. He didn't know when the party did ended last night.

"Jake, just stop it. You don't love me and you're going to be a father now. Just go back to Mitchie. You should go back to her now, she needed you." Friday Alcaraz also known as Frey. She seems so tired on saying those things; that she probably keeps on saying to the guy for a lot of times now.

"I can't marry her. I don't want to marry her. You are the one I love, let's run away from here, come with me instead, Frey."

"Jake, are you out of your mind? Mitchie is going to gave birth now; sooner or later you'll be a father. You have to face your responsibility."

"It was just a drunken mistake. It's your fault why I did that with her. You are always busy on your work and didn't have time with me." The guy was now accusing her.

Kevin felt like he wanted to punch that guy's face for disbelief. How dare him accused someone with own mistakes? Did she tell her to make the other woman pregnant? What a bastard.

"You know what? Blame me or whatever, I don't care, but I won't get back at you. You already ruined my trust, and even the trust of my family to you. It's almost a year now, Jake, just accept your fate on marrying her and you're becoming a father. Months after she gave birth you're going to marry her, so stop bugging me. Plus, I told I already have someone."

"No you're not. You still don't have anyone because you are still in love with me. No one saw you with someone. Ten years of our relationship will not put into waste, just get back to me. I know you want that too."

"No. You're just using me to get out of your situation, Jake. And I won't allow that to happen. So, please, leave me alone."

Kevin was getting impatient because of their drama. He wanted to go home and took a shower badly. But the guy doesn't know how to stop and give up. So, to make it stop, he went at the back of the cabin and used his key to go in, and then he removed his upper shirt again to look more dramatic. And messed his hair to more effect and went out of the porch.

"What's going on here, sweets?" He used his bedroom voice like he just woke up. He went to Frey and snaked his hands on her waist and kissed her on the lips, just a smack and went to her ears and whispers. "Just go with it." He's in a drama club when he was in high school so he knew how to act. He put pull her closer to him like guarding his territory and turn to the bewildered guy. "Who's this guy?"

"A-ah..." Frey seems to be in shocked but manage to continue. "I-it's Jake."

"Why are you bugging my girlfriend this early in the morning?" He intended to frighten the guy with his serious tone. "Who are you to disturb our sleep? Do you know what time is it?" He let go of Frey to be closer to the guy who was smaller than him, probably have the same height with Frey in her high heels. The guy steps up. Good.

"Kev, it's okay. He's going, anyway." Frey just hold his arm to make him stop. "Just go, Jake."