Chap 04

The guy seems to be really frightened because he ran and even stumbled on his way. When he's no longer in their sight, he turned to Frey.

"Thanks." She said shyly and gaze at the wooden floor.

"Is he your boyfriend?" he just said as started going inside the cabin. Frey sat on the rattan sofa at the living room watching him put back his shirt.

"Ex, actually." She answered putting her feet up and hugged it. "We broke up almost nine months ago."

"And he wanted to get back to you?"

"Look, I don't want to talk about him, okay? Thank you for helping me, but I'm not in the mood to explain. And by the way, how did you get in here?" She wandered her eyes around and landed on closed screen door at the open back door of the cabin.

"I always have my keys. Look, I don't want to intrude too, but I can't just walk pass the cabin without interrupting your little chat. Plus, you look like you needed help to chase him away. Anyway, call the security of the resort, if he's coming back again. Or ask some help to anyone to let him stay away from you."

"I can handle him."

"Of course you do." He said in a sarcastic way.

"He's not that bad. He's not a criminal. He just needed someone to put some senses on him."

"And you are still taking his side." He pointed out. "Anyways, it's your choice. I'm outta here." He said and went out of the cabin.

Kevin went straight to his room's bathroom and showered. He soaked himself into the bathtub for how many hours for him to refresh and went out of his room with just his boxers. He can even walk around naked because no can go to his penthouse without surpassing security.

He made his morning coffee and sat at his veranda overlooking the wide sea. He's at the top most of his building. The first floor of the building was actually the club. The second floor was the close bar. The third and fourth floors are his employee's quarters and the fifth floor is his penthouse. The only floor that has an elevator and a tight security too.

He remembered what he felt last night again. His brothers are settling down one by one already. Ysa and Oscar might be the next and compared to Rafael, he's older. And he knew that he might be next to have a serious relationship as well. How about him?

He was in his thought when the intercom from the security beeped. "Sir, your sisters are here and they wanted to go into your house."

"Kuya, you better let us in or we'll do something here." He heard a girl saying that but he knew it's one of their sisters.

He stood up and pressed the button to reply. "Let them in, in 5 minutes." He said and run to his room to wear something. He just pulled a shirt and a summer shorts.

Right, they were supposed to be eating breakfast at Javier's house before the family go to Mexico and visit Javier's mother there. They didn't attend the wedding because it was abrupt.

"Hey, girls." He greeted the three girls that came in to his penthouse.

"We thought you're sick that's why you didn't show up in our breakfast a while ago." That's Laureb, their sister from Canada.

"Dios mio, kuya, did you just got home?" Natasha's eyes were wide open when he asked that, she's their sister from Venezuela.

"Hai dormita con qualcuno? You're gross." Pierina, their Italian sister grimaced at him.

He just laughed at them. "What can I say? I'm just a healthy young man."

"Young? You're already old. Go and get some wife too." Lauren threw a throw pillow on him

"So, what brought you here? Did Dustin already go for their honeymoon?" He changed the topic.

"Yup, last night, after the party. Kuya Javier at ate Demi went to the airport and go to Mexico with our little bunny, Anthony." Natasha anwered.

"We just want to check your home, kuya. We already saw the villas and kuya Duns's house, but not yours." Pierina informed.

"Go ahead and tour yourself in. I don't mind. You're not going to get anything here and take it with you in your country, are you?"

"Are not hiding anything here? Like a dungeon for your toys or something that we must not see?" asked Lauren again.

"Who am I, Christian Grey? Just go and check the house and make yourself at home too. For the record, I don't bring any girls here. In fact, you are the first women who invaded this house. Oh, wait, are you really a woman?"

Three pillows hit him and he just laughed at them when they started to go around his house. He went back to the Veranda and drinks his - now warm - coffee. He didn't mind though. They were really not the typical half-sibling because they were all close like friends. They may not be look alike and they didn't stay in one place together, but they were all unusually close.

Her mom was from Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, that's why he grew up in a coastal area or near the beach. When she told her mom that he's going to stay in the Philippines with his brothers, he didn't let him at first, but he can't stop him from doing that because he's already grown up anyway. Plus, she's also happy with her own family there now.

They all get together when their father died. That's the first time they meet each other, although they already knew each other with the help of social media. Yes, they argue sometimes and have a little misunderstanding but the beauty of having a lot of siblings is they make ways to help you make amends together. That's another unusual thing about their family. And no matter how they laugh about their father's past, they are still thankful for giving them, not just a sibling but a friends they can run to.
