Chap 05

KEVIN spent his day with his siblings, but after that they all their own world. Saying they'll take care of themselves. They just let them because they are all grownups anyway. After several days, their life wen back to normal when their siblings seem to went home to their country already. He's now at his bar, giving drinks and mixing drinks to his customers.

He was wiping some glasses in there while watching the group inside the bar having conversation and they are all drunk already. The funny thing about running a bar or working in one is listening to the conversations of the customers. They were drunk and they didn't even know that what they're saying is on different topic.

Some of them are even arguing about the famous Redwood Brothers of the island, of hiding to the public, saying maybe they are ugly or old or whatever because they don't show themselves to public. Most of them probably shocked to see the face of Dustin and Javier in the newspaper or magazine about their wedding. They let themselves be photograph for the magazine of one PR Company. But Oscar, Rafael and he still remain anonymous.

"One martini, please." He turned to the girl who sat in front of Dino, his silent bartender. Silent because he rarely talks to anyone, sometimes he just talked to him, because he's the boss. Dino just smile and nod at the customers but didn't have conversation with them.

"Let me," he said and give him the cloth he was using to wipe the glass and attend to the woman. "Tough day?" She gave him her order.

"I thought there is no-talking-with-the-bartender-with-tats policy here?" Friday asked with knotted forehead but still get her martini.

That's the rumored policy at his bar. No talking to him when he's in there. Because if he wanted to talk to anyone, he'll be out of the bar counter himself.

"There's always an exemption to every rule." He shrugged.

"Right." She just said and sip on her martini.

"So, how's work?" he asked again and lean at the counter forward.

"Like you said, tough. Good thing, I don't have to work on weekends, and its Friday night, so here I am."

"Oh." He said amazed. "Friday, huh?" She just rolled her eyes like she always got that joke a lot because of her name. "You didn't get bothered by that bastard called your ex?"

"Nope, thanks to you. It seems like he really got frightened. But, I think it's because his fiancée already gave birth. A friend of mine said he changed when he saw his son."

"And you're okay with that? I mean, you seem to still love him."

"I don't... or maybe I still do, but not like before. Ten years was not that simple t forget, you know. Everyone thought we'll end up together but he cheated on me. So, no, I'm not okay with the whole thing, but I accepted it. That's the right thing to do, anyway. I'm just trying to stay positive."

"That's a good thing. Keep it up."

"I will. So, what makes you break your policy and talk to me?" She asked again looking straight at him now.

"Like I said, there's always an exemptions to any rule."

"But there is also a reason on why you made that exemption."

"Well… maybe because of your beauty?"

"And that is another policy you just broke. Are you flirting with me, Mr. Redwood? I thought that a big 'no' in here too?"

"You know a lot of those rumored policy here, don't you?"

"A lot of my colleagues are fan of this place and they always mention about those policy. In fact, they all wanted to meet the infamous Redwood brothers who rule this island."

"And you didn't brag that you already met us?"

"No. I don't want to be bothered by them just to ask me you guys. I'm too busy to do that, plus, I know Dustin won't allow that as well." She glances at her empty glass now.

"Want more?"


"Friday, do you want to go inside, instead? For us to have a drink and have more conversation. It's okay if you don't want to."

"Am I free to go inside? I don't have a VIP pass."

"You're with me, I'm your passes." He said pointed to himself.

"Okay, sure." She just shrugged and met him at the entrance of the VIP rooms.

The guards saluted him and open the VIP door for them but when they are inside, there are no vacant tables there so he decided to bring him at their private room. The room where he and his brothers have their private conversation while drinking. The server gave them a drink and they just have brandy.

"Is this a secluded area already? That only staff can enter?" Frey asked while wandering her eyes around.

"It's our private room, me and the boys. When we're having a private talk about private things and problems, we stay here." He handed her a glass of brandy.

"And do you bring your girls here too?"

"You mean the 'not serious' one? Nope."

"Then why bring me here?"

"Friday, you're not just someone to us. Dustin know you and he's a close friend of yours too."

"Oh, I thought you brought me here to flirt with me, privately." She said laughing and drink on her brandy.

"Why, are you willing to flirt with me?" He just rides-on. Now that he learned she's single, might as well try to get close to her now.

"Why not? You're hot; you're a guy that every girl would like to have."

"You're not drunk, are you?" He suddenly felt like she's being serious now. She can't be drunk by just a glass of martini and a sip of brandy, is she?

The woman just laughed "I'm a heavy drinker, just so you know. I'm not drunk. Don't tell me you're getting scared? Or you're not used to woman initiating the flirting?"

"Of course I do, I mean a lot of woman came and start flirting with me. It's just that, I never expected you to do it… to me."

"Am I that goody-girl to you?"

"Yes. Like, you are the type to just ignore men and wanted to just be with your books and all."

"Well, fact check, mister, I'm not."

"But you're the serious type, Friday. You are not the type to just play. You're not the type to flirt."

"True, but now that I'm single, maybe I can do that. Plus, I'm an adult with needs too."

Now that new. Friday is openly saying those things to him now. He just amusedly stares at Friday. She really seems to be serious. Maybe it's her way to move on with her ex?