Chap 06

"You are a guy who had a fare share of woman, so, I know you have a lot of experience with them. I'm just curious Kevin, how are you sure that you make your woman satisfied when you're having sex with them?" She asked as she get some fruit and eat it. She even used her tongue to wipe the juice in her lips.

Kevin didn't know if she's doing that on purpose to tease him or seduce him. He's not sure. Even their conversation seems to be going somewhere too. The fact that she is not yet drunk.

"Or you were the type that you don't care as long as you satisfy yourself?"

"Friday, I honestly don't know why you're asking that right now, but to answer you, I always made sure that I give her pleasure and satisfaction before I have mined." He drunk his brandy at one shot letting the hot liquid burnt into her throat. If she's some girl, he will just flirt back at him and have him in all fours, but it is Friday for goodness sake.

"Really? Because Jake was always on the opposite. He doesn't care if I'm enjoying it with him as long as he got his release. Honestly, that's the reason why I always told him I'm busy whenever he invited me in his apartment. My toys gave me more satisfaction than him."

"Alright, Friday, stop. I don't know where we're going here. Why are you suddenly so open with that kind of conversation?"

"I don't know. Maybe because it's you, Kevin. You met him, you know about him, you heard about my past and you are the only person I know that I can be open with, in this kind of staff." She stop sipping his glass and looked at him. "Sorry, does that make you uncomfortable?"

"I'm a guy, Friday. Talking that stuff with a girl - a hot girl, to add more - is not a normal conversation for me."

"You find me hot?"

"Don't tell me, you don't know?"

"Okay, thanks. Well, fine. I'll stop." Then she just stares at her glass after letting a long sigh.

"Friday, do you have more problems beside of your ex?" Kevin felt that there's more to that sigh. Is he having trouble at home or at work?

"Is it that obvious?" She laughed but it didn't reach her eyes. Again, she let go of a sigh. "My parents wanted me to marry someone. They are scared that I might be an old maid because of what happened to me and Jake. I mean, is it that easy to just forget and look for someone else to replace a guy whom I with for ten years?"

"Then tell them about that."

"I did, but they said I'm not getting any younger. Maybe they are already dead when I moved on and look for someone else. They said that I'm too peaky when it comes to men. That I ended up with a cheater. But you know what? Demi joked that I should try to just pull someone and made myself pregnant. And I was thinking about that when I came here."

"But you're not like that, Friday."

"I don't know." She also drank her glass in one shot and grimace after but ate a fruit to ease the burnt. "To tell you the truth, I am thinking of doing that to you."

"Doing what? To make you pregnant?" He asked in awe.

"Is it that shocking?"


"I know. I'm sorry." She just leaned back at the sofa and stare at the ceiling. "I don't know what made me this desperate."

Kevin was just watching her. Friday is not bad at all. In fact she's tall and pretty. She had this angelic face that even in her age of 32, she's still looks young. That is why she got his attention at first glance before. He had this thing for older women, but Friday was just older for five months than him, but still...

Friday still maintained her figure and beauty. She had this curvaceous body that any guy would love to touch. That, every guy will turn their head when they saw her walk. And with the dress she is wearing right now, it shows more of it. And speaking of that, he can't stop himself from looking at her cleavage. She's wearing a dress that shows more of it. He just swallowed and resists himself especially that he's sitting with her. He felt his pants tighten as well. She always have that effect on him.

He cleared the invisible lump in his throat. "Maybe you're just pressured. Because you parents wanted you to get married, plus you want to show your ex that you really moved on from him."

"Speaking of that, do you know that he told my parents that he met you? He said that he met 'My' new boyfriend, which was the reason why they called me and wanted me to bring my so called boyfriend for them to meet. If they don't want my boyfriend, they'll let me marry the son of their friend. How good was that?"

"Then let me meet them. I can pretend to be your boyfriend in front of them too."

"Are you sure? Because I'm telling you Kevin, if you do that, then you have to get ready on marrying me. I'm sure they will push through that thing, if they knew that you're one of the famous Redwood Brothers ruling this island. That's the kind of family I have."

"Are you tired? Do you wanna go home?" he suddenly asked because he didn't heard much of what Friday said because he was distracted of the full view of her boob, less the tits. And it's not helping him.

"Are you already kicking me out?" she said sitting up straight.

"No, of course not. You just look tired."

"Fine, I won't bother you anymore. Might as well go out and find some--- hey!" He pulled her back again to sit when she stood up. But instead of sitting on the sofa, she sat on his lap. Now he knew that she could feel his hardness that became harder when she sat on it. And for him to support her, she accidentally touch the side of her boobs.
