Chap 16

"MISS Frey, let us do that." One employee tried to get the folder from his hands. They just finished a meeting with a client and everyone leaved the room to send the client out. So she decided to fix the room.

"It's fine. I'm almost done anyway."

"But, Miss Frey, you just got back from another meeting."

"I'm fine." She said but stops when she felt dizzy. Maybe, because she didn't eat much. She just ate cookies and coffee a while ago.

"See, you have to get some rest, Miss Frey."

"I'm okay." She tried to walk and get the folder in the other table but the dizziness is getting worst. "May – be – I was – just ---."

"Miss Frey!" That was the last time Frey heard before everything went black.

When she woke up, she saw white ceiling and can feel something in her hand. She already knew she's in the hospital. The thing on her hand is an IV.

"Friday," That's her mom who just came inside the room. "Are hurt somewhere? Are you hungry or thirsty?"

"I'm fine." She answered.

"Why didn't you take care of yourself, Friday? You made us all worried. Your assistant said you didn't eat lunch too."

"Mom, just let Friday rest." It was her older brother, Saturn.

Her mother just gave out a sigh. She knew she was just concern about her.

"I'm just worried about her and the baby."

"'Mom!" Saturn just warned their mother.

"Baby?" She asked then her mother just pursed her lips. "Who's baby?"

"Don't mind her, Friday; the doctor will come any minute to tell us the result of the tests they did to you. They thought it's not a simple dehydration and over fatigue."

As if on cue the doctor came in and she's also with Demi. They seem to know each other.

"How are you feeling, Ms. Alcaraz?" The doctor asked her smiling.

"Fine, I guess."

She started explaining what happened to her and what they found out on her tests but the only thing she catch and heard was the last sentence she mentioned.

"... because you are 25 days pregnant, Ms. Alcaraz. Congratulations."

"Wait... what?" She thought she heard it wrong.

"You're 3 weeks pregnant, girl." Demi was the one who answered. They all thank the doctor after and leaved them there. "You know I was just kidding when I told you to make yourself pregnant, right? I really don't mean it, Friday."

"What? What do you mean hija?" Her mom butted in.

"It's nothing, tita. I was just messing with my friend here. Kuya, why don't you bring tita home? I'll take care of Friday for now."

"You better call the father of your child, Friday. You better talk about the wedding. I don't want you baby to be born without you getting married first." Her mom just said before following her brother.

"What's with you, Demi?" She rolled her eyes on her friend.

"Sorry, I didn't intend her to hear. Anyway, it's Kevin, right?" Demi asked directly.

"Do you think it's Jake?"

"Hey, don't be sarcastic on me to grab your hair here. And wait... You didn't even deny that you intended to make yourself pregnant?"

She didn't say anything. She didn't intend to, but she was the one initiated the affair. She was the one who started to talk about sex to Kevin. She was also the one who moved and started to ignite the fire when she had a chance to run away that time.

She didn't mind if she's going to get pregnant because she knew that Kevin will take care of her. At least, that time. Plus, when she saw Mitchie's baby, she wished that she also have one.

"Dios mio, Friday!" Demi can't believe she did that.

"What? I just can't help it. I was desperate to have some sex that time and he was just so damn hot to resist." She admitted. "Plus, I wanted to have a baby, just like you said, so I did."

"With Kevin? The brother of your colleague. One of my brother-in-laws."

"I am aware, Demi. You don't have to slap it on my face."

"He needed to know about this."

"For what? Look, I know I told you that I intended to get pregnant, but I was just kidding about that. It just happened that night. No plans, nothing at all."

"You plan it or not, he still needed to know."

"No. I don't want to tie with someone who doesn't love me just because I'm pregnant. It s better for him not to know."

"And how would you explain your parents about that? That the guy won't take responsibility? Then what? They're going to let you marry someone else? Do you think Kevin will allow that to happen?"

"Yes, if he doesn't know that the child was his."

"Too late, Friday." They both turn to the door and saw Kevin catching his breath.