Chap 17

"Too late, Friday." They both turn to the door and saw Kevin catching his breath.

"Kevin," Demi just said and after a while, Javier came into view.

"Someone call Dustin and informed him that Friday was rushed in here." Javier informed Demi after he kissed her. "That's why we went straight here when Dustin sent us the message. We were on our way here when we got the message. Then, we saw Doctor Garcia in the lobby and told us where Friday's room was. She also told us the findings, that she's 25 days pregnant.."

"You have no plans on telling me?" Kevin asked seriously and came near her. She was now sitting on her bed with a pillow on back for support. "Why?"

"We'll the both of you first." Demi said and dragged her husband out of the room.

Kevin sat on the plastic stool beside her bed.

"Just so you know, I never meant what I said at the resort. I just said those things out of anger. It's not for you but for those men who keep on looking at you." Kevin started after a while. "If that was your reason why you don't want me to know, then that a bull."

"You think that's my only reason? Like you said its nonsense."

"Then why?"

"Because I don't want that IT will be the ONLY reason for you to be with me. That IT will be the reason for you to be married at me forcedly. I know my parents; they wanted me to marry the father of my child even if they will force you to do it. I don't want that to happen."

"I was also part of the reasons why you got pregnant. I never thought of putting a condom when we did it, and I never pulled out when I 'come'. I never thought of anything when I'm with you, and I don't know why. I never get that careless before, in fact, I am always careful, but not with you. You see, you made me go insane. Whenever I am with you, I'm going out of my character, I'm different. My brothers pointed that out on me. Fit was my first time getting mad for just a small reason. I'm not like that before because I always flaunt my girlfriends, but with you, it's different. Just you. Because I wanted you all by myself. I wanted you to just show me your body. They said I've been possessive with you. Now I can't deny it because I know it's true. And you made me like that."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I like you, Friday."


"The first time I met you, when Dustin introduced you to us l, I am already attracted to you. No explanations ask, you already got my attention. But when he told us you had a boyfriend and might marry him soon, I back down and distance myself. I avoided you every time because I got afraid that I might just get away from your guy and might do to ruin your relationship. I don't want to do that. So I chose to distance myself to you. I thought it was a simple infatuation, and it will fade away but it never did. I just realized it until I saw you again at the wedding."

"But you still distanced yourself from me."

"Yes. But after the wedding, that early morning, when I heard you were both long gone, I still didn't figure that out until I went home. Then I saw you at the bar."

"But still you didn't do anything. I did the entire first move."

"Believe me; I gave my all to be able to do that. Because, Friday, I still respected you. If I'm going to have you, I'll do in the nice and right way. I want it to be special, like I wanted to pursue you first. But you were just so persistent of seducing me. That made me go crazy that I didn't used my brain at all. If I was on my right mind, I won't bring you to my house. If I wasn't serious, I might bring you to the secret cabin, like we always do with those girls we met before. I brought you to my house, which is also my wrong move because I can't stop myself from having you again and again. Especially when you walked around my house partially naked. And when you're gone, everything in my house reminded me of you, that I can't bear to stay because I'll just miss you like hell."

Frey felt her cheek getting red. She remembered those times when she's with him at his house. They were just busy filling their own desires. That they both didn't think of using protection. She was 25 days pregnant, which means, she's already pregnant the first day they did it, when they are wild and free. When they never stopped until they are both tired and sated.

"I thought I'll be fine after and I'll also forget you when you left, but I just get worst. Every parts and corner of my house, it reminded of you. That is why I went to Rafael's house and invaded him there. I thought it was just my house and the memories in there, but, now, you take the old Kevin with you. I neglected my own business. The business that I loved the most. I just don't feel like going, and just wanted to lie on the bed all day. Rafael was so worried that he told our brothers about me, and they all talk to me about you. They tried to put senses on my mind, that's why I decided to go with Javier and cone here. We were on our way when Dustin told us that you were rushed in here. I had this mix emotion in me, when I heard that you're pregnant. I was so happy but at the same time I got scared that you might hate the baby."


"That you might choose to abort it."

"What? And why would I do that? I'm not crazy to kill an innocent child."

"I know, but I thought you might hate it because it's mine… because I'm the father."

She saw how sullen he was when he said that. She also saw sadness in his eyes. So she felt the urge to hold his hand that was in the bed.

"If I don't want you, Kev, I won't let myself get near you. I won't even choose you that night too. Yes, I was honestly planning on just doing that with other guy that I saw in your bar, but you came and talk to me. For the first time, you approached me and even talk to me. You even invited me to drink with you. No ex for you to pretend, no brothers to force you talk to ne. Just you. You came into me willingly, so I said, why not you? Why not do it with you? But you know what? Being with you for the whole day and whole night, I just realize that I was also attracted to you, not just physically or sexually. That is why I got hurt when you said I was desperate to seduce every guy at the resort... and slapped you." She touched his cheek that she slapped before. "I'm sorry."

"No," he held her hand and kissed it. "I deserved it. I said something terrible. I didn't mean to embarrass you."

"So, are we good now?"

"Super." Kevin smiled at her and kissed her hand again.

There was like a bike load that got out from her chest when she talk and saw Kevin again. It was not yet clear but that will do, for now.
