Chap 18

WHEN Friday's family met Kevin, her mom looks like she doesn't like him. Her father just nodded and her brother seems to have an understanding with him. They both talk about business because they are both into bars. But her mom seems to doubt him now and she looks like she doesn't approve to him on marrying her.

Her mom was still in the old era and she's not yet open to those who have tattoos. Kevin had visible tattoos on his hands, but more on his bodies. Her mother hated guys with those. She said they are not pleasing in the eyes. They look like an ex-con too. Plus, the long hair he just bun at his back. Literally a rugged look.

"Was he the father of your child, Friday? Is he your boyfriend? Are you out of your mind? You change Jake with him?" That's the first word she heard from her mom the moment Kevin left after sending her home from the hospital.

Kevin went back to the island. He needed to help his employee who at his club. A customer filed a suit against his employee.

"Ma, you sound like I was the one who cheated on him. I didn't change him to anyone else. He did that when he made Mitchie pregnant, remember? And mom, Kevin is a good man. If not, he won't take responsibility of me."

"But look at him; he looks like he's not going to do any good."

"Mom, where's your principle, 'don't judge the book by its cover'? Kevin is a good guy. In fact, he's better than Jake. He never ran from his responsibility. You saw his concern with me and how he never leaved until he made sure I am okay. He just needed to go back to the island because his employee needed him."

"But still. How am I going to introduce him if he looks like that?"

"Is that your only concern, mom? It's okay for me to break up with him and raised my child alone because you can't introduce him to your friends?"

"Of course not, I just don't like him for you. There are lots of nice guys there who wanted to marry you, even though you already have a child."

"Nice guy? Jake was also a nice guy but look at what he did? And who among those guys who will accept a single mom like me? Mom, Kevin is my perfect guy. Stop judging him like he is not a good person, you don't know who he is."

"Just go to your room, Friday. We're done with this conversation. You need a lot of rest for you to come with me at the charity event tomorrow."

"Yes, we're really done, mom, and I will marry Kevin, whether you like him or not. He's the father of my child and the guy I love." Then she walks out from her mom.

She can't believe that her mom will judge him base on his appearance. That's a stupid thought. Jake looks decent and looked very professional but still cheated on her. Is that what she call decent and nice?

Because of her irritation with her mom, she didn't eat with them in their dinner. His dad just check on him goodnight and so dies her brother. Maybe she got her firm personality from her mother.

Before she went to bed, Kevin called her to check on her.

"I'm about to sleep now, you?" She informed him.

"I needed to finish some paper works. Go on, sweets, go to sleep and dream of me."

"Crazy." She said laughing. "Wait, how's your employee?"

"He's fine. He just defended another customer. The man claimed that he's drunk when he tried to touch the girl's private part, but the other customers say that he's not drunk at all. In fact, he didn't even have a single drink."

"Is there no CCTV inside your bar?"

"I respect my customer's privacy, so I don't stall CCTV in the inside, but we do have on the outside."

"How did you prove that he's not innocent?"

"All the customers from the bar became the witness, on my employee's side. They all saw the man following the girl at the bar. They said he's suspicious so they all look at him. CCTV from the outside proved that he was really following the girl. So, when he started caressing the girl, she seeks for help and that's when my employee came in. The man started the punch and my employee defended himself. All the hundred customers who were there witnessed it, plus, the girl he was following. She also filed a suit for the man. So the suit with my employee was dismissed."

"That's good then."

"Yeah. So, don't worry and sleep now, sweets, don't sleep late, it's not for you."

"I miss you calling me that."

"You'll gonna hear me say that from now on, sweets, until you get tired of it."

"I think, I won't."

"Alright, then. Sleep now, sweets. Love you."

"Okay, goodnight." She ended the call herself because she can't suppress the joy she was feeling. She finally heard what she wanted to hear from him. She might have a goodnight sleep now.