Chap 02

When the afternoon came, Dustin went to the mainland first to check if everything is okay for the party. Then they will follow afterwards. The moment they reach the venue, his three brothers met someone they knew and started to converse with them, so he left alone at the lobby.

He was busy checking his phone with his emails when someone bumped into him. He gripped his phone held the waist of that someone when she almost out of her balanced.

"Isabelle!" A guy came running called the one in his hands.

"Sorry." The woman said and tried to regain her balance and stood up but her hands were still on her shoulder when a guy gets their attention again.

"Isabelle, we're not yet done talking." He felt the hand of the woman in his shoulder tightened.

"Stop bothering me Mario, we don't have anything to talk about anymore. We're long done." The woman irritatingly said.

"What's going on here?" he can't help but to but in.

Normally he won't interrupt anyone or intrude. He doesn't care about other's business but he thought and felt that the woman, who still holding him, needs help. He hands was still in her waist, by the way.

"Don't but in, dude, this is between couples." Said the guy to him that made him raised his eyebrow.

"En serio? I think you're wrong about that, because as far as I know, you were long done. Isn't that right, mi amor?" he said and look at the woman who was shocked but just nodded and avoided his gaze. "See? And yes, this is between couples, because I am her boyfriend. Lamento llegar tarde, por cierto. I'm sorry I'm late, by the way." He said to her and kissed her forehead.

"You have a new boyfriend?" The guys asked to the woman like confirming her. So he grip her waist to sign that she'll go with the flow.

"Y-yes." She answered and cleared her throat. "So, stop bothering me. I told you I already move on long time ago. So, please. Let's go."

He gave a warning gaze to the guy before they leave him dumbfounded at the lobby. When they went out of the lobby and back to the parking where they can't see him anymore, she slowly lose her hand on his and shyly faced him.

"S-sorry, si---."

"Is your ex still bugging you?" He asked her. Of course she knew who she is. She's the assistant of Dustin in FerArD, who almost do the work for his brother. When Dustin focused with the island before, she almost do the work and just let Dustin sign the papers.

That is also the reason why Dustin was so thankful and protective to her. He treated her like a younger sister, or more, maybe. He's not sure about that.

"I'm sorry, sir, if I dragged you on this. But, I'm so thankful for your help a while ago. Thank you." She said shyly again. "Sorry for the bother again, go ahead and meet your brothers inside."

"How about you?"

"I'm going to be fine, sir. I will just have a little air and I'll be back in there."

He nodded but didn't leave yet. He felt like he wanted t stay for a while too. It's not his plan to join the party anyway. Isabelle was just wearing a tube-like dress that also falls into her knees. So her shoulder were exposed.

"Hace frío aquí. It's cold here. Come with me." He didn't wait for her to response. He held her hand and dragged her back to the car where they left a while ago and let her sit at the passenger seat while he went to the driver's.

"You don't have to be with me, sir." Isabelle said when he settled down.

"It's fine. I was actually dragged into coming here, anyway. I'm not fond into for a parties, plus I don't know anyone in there, so might as well stay here."

He just leans back and closed his eyes. He has a reason why he hated formal gatherings. So it's better for him to stay there for a while. He wanted to just go back in the island but he already promised Dustin. So he'll show up to him later.
