Chap 03

ISABELLE felt uncomfortable with the guy she was with inside the car because she doesn't know how to start a conversation with him. Oscar Redwood, one of her boss Dustin's brothers, is the only guy she can't approach with even before. Even Rafael who can't speak other language except Spanish before, tried to converse with her. Oscar was aloof, not just to her but to everyone. At least that's what her boss told her.

She was actually shocked and surprised to see him a while ago and also tried to help her with her ex. He even pretended to be her boyfriend. So she can't refuse him when he dragged her inside the car. But now, there were awkward silent between them.

"What's the deal between you and that guy?" He finally started; she thought he's already asleep.

This is the first time she also hear him talk, not just one or two words, but a whole sentence.

"He's my ex, which I know you're already aware of." She started and took a deep breath. Maybe she needed to tell someone about him. People in the office started to ask who he was when he started to bug her recently and she can't just tell them who he really was. They all thought he's one of her avid suitor. "I thought he was going to be my 'forever'. You know, typical story of an in love teenager. He's five years older than me and he always encourage me pursue my dreams. We were both okay, just so I thought, but when I stopped going to school, because I have to. He started arguing with me, like he didn't understand our situation that I need to stop going to school to let my mom be cured from her illness. Then one day, he broke up with me saying that he don't need someone as poor as we are."

"What? He's a bastard."

"Yeah." She agreed with a sigh. "Then later I found out that he married a midwife and they have kids now."

"Wait. Are you saying that, that guy has a family? That he have esposa? A wife?" He repeated and she just nodded. "And he wanted to go back with you?"

She took a deep breath and nodded. "He found out that I'm working at FerArD, that I bought a small land for my parents to do a small farming and to renovate our house. He started to bug me recently and told me that he wanted us to start over. I may not finish my education but I'm not a fool. I told him that I already have someone else but he didn't stop. He said that I'm just lying. He even said that I'm full of myself because I'm already successful."

"En un maldito bastardo!" He said that even if she didn't know any Spanish, she knew he was cursing her ex. Base on the grimace in Oscar's face too.

"That's why he was dumbfounded to see you a while ago. Thanks again, Sir Oscar."

"If he will bug you again, you tell me." He said in an authoritative tone. "Dustin old us that you might not finish your education but you're smart and trusted assistant. That's why he can trust you with all his work while he's at the island. But, why didn't you try to continue your education after?"

"When my mom was cured, my siblings started to go to college so gave way and just let them study. Besides, I'm already working at the FerArD that time. Boss Dustin thought patiently taught me all the work, so I kind of studied because of it, less the diploma."

"How did you become Dustin's assistant, by the way?"

"I was working at the district office as a secretary of the town's chairman that time, when a friend said that the FerArD will be open again, after years of closing it, when the owner died. Said the son will manage it and he's looking for a new assistant or secretary. Seems like he can't stay with one not longer a week. That friend said that I should try and I did. I thought I will be rejected automatically because of my education background but luckily, she hired me. Everyone also thought that I'll stay for a week or so, but, here I am, still his assistant. I enjoyed working with boss Dustin, because I dreamt to be an interior designer before and the company provides that kind of service, so at least I still have the chance to work with designers. Sometimes, boss also let me help them with the designs and work."

"And you're contented with that? They won't even give you credit for your effort and work."

"It doesn't matter." She shrugged. "I'm happy to be able to work and help them."

"Bien por ti."

"Come again, sir?"

"I said; good for you."

"You know what, sir? You seem different today."

"How so?"

"You seem to be approachable now. You're always been serious whenever I see you. Like, I can't talk to you or even converse with you."

"I can back down sometimes. I just don't like people approached me just because they needed attention. There are a lot of things that I can spend my time with."

"But sometimes, you have to relax too. Like, chatting with someone or with your brothers with any topic under the sun. Being serious is also not good, I think."


"Lo que sea! Whatever!"

"How does it feel to be famous or an eye catcher when you were at school before? I'm sure you're also a chick-magnet, just like your brothers." She asked all of a sudden.

"I'm not."

"Eh? With that face? Impossible."

"Depende de ti." He shrugged. "if you don't want to believe it."

"Sure, because you, speaking in Spanish, just added more to your charm. Who wouldn't be attracted to that accent?" She commented.

"Why, are you attracted?" Oscar suddenly asked that made her pause. Did she say she was?

"I didn't say I am. I was just pointing it in general." She explained.

But to her surprised he saw the side of his lip went up. Did she make him smile? The ever serious guy she met? She didn't say anything or comment because she's sure that he will just deny it.

"Sir, are you not going inside?" She ask after a while.

"Are you sure you'll be fine now? How about your ex?"

"I'm sure he's no longer there. He's working at the hotel anyway, I'm sure that if his manager saw him slopping he will be scolded or fired. He won't take that risk, for sure."

"Okay. Wait, before we go, you can just call me Oscar. I'm not your boss anyway. Let's go." He said before going out of the car, which again, left her in awe.

"Here. Hace frio. It's cold." He put his coat around her shoulder and started to walk. Isabelle smiled because of his gesture. She didn't know that he's also a gentleman. Well, all the Redwood Brothers were gentlemen. At least now, she can prove that.
