Chap 04

"YSA, your brother needed a surgery as much as he could. Your mom was desperate that's why she called me and I also wanted to help. Stop making a fuss about it, okay?" Oscar heard his brother talking on the phone when he went down from his room.

It was already noon and he knew his brother got home late last night. Oscar slept late last night because he tried to figure what furniture's he will buy for his house and it was already 3 in the morning when he decided to rest. That is why he also knew that Dustin came home late last night.

"Fine, you can pay me installment if you want. Or maybe I could ask you to do more work for you to pay it. Just stop whining, okay?" Dustin said again and he gave him a coffee he made for them. "Gotta go, talk to you later." Then he ended the call.

"Es tu asistente?" he asked his brother. "What's wrong with her?"

Dustin just let go of a sign and drink his coffee. "Her mom called me last night seeking dome help because her brother met an accident that made him needed an immediate surgery, but the hospital won't do that without a down payment. So they called me and I helped. Now, Ysa was making a fuss on why did he help them again without telling her. She's it's too embarrassing to bother me with money again."

"Does she always refuse on taking money or help from you?"

"Yes. Like, all the time. I don't offer her everyday or what but she said it's too much to asked financial help from me. Whenever I did, I tried, he always work hard and paid me after. I just let her pay it sometimes, just to save her pride."

"But she's already work hard for you."

"She didn't know that. She thought it's her job although her job is to fix my schedule and write and entry about my meetings. But she did all my work sometimes; still, she said it's not enough."

Oscar remembers that Isabelle's dream is to be an interior designer, so she already has knowledge of doing that. He promised himself to be hand on to fixing his house, so he won't get any professionals for that. But, he didn't promise that he can't ask for and someone's help or opinion.

"I'll pay you with the bill. Let me burrow her for a month or so." He didn't hesitate to tell Dustin.

"Pardon?" Dustin asked again so he repeated it. "Why do you want to burrow her for that long?"

"I need her opinion in help for furnishing my house. I don't like any professional designers because I told you; I want to do it by myself. Isabelle dreamt of being an interior designer and she also have knowledge on it, so I think she's perfect for the help I needed. I'll pay her after, and also pay her debt to you."

Dustin just gazed at him with doubt so he just looked at him seriously. So he let go of a sigh again. "Why Ysa, all of a sudden?"

"Hey! Do I look like I'm gonna do something to her?"

"You know what I mean, Oscar."

"Look. I'm not going to do anything bad, okay. No te preocupes. Don't worry."

"You'll not gonna take 'no' for an answer, are you? Fine. I'll let you have her, for a month, only if, you promised not to anything against her. "

"Deal." He agreed.

"Anyway, who was the girl you were with at the party?"

He raised an eyebrow with his question. He didn't even know anyone at the party and he don't remember any woman he talked with during that time.

"One of my employees saw you enter your car with a girl. They didn't saw her face but they knew it was a woman. Some of my employees at FerArD knew all of you, so it's impossible for them to be mistaken. Plus, I didn't saw you come with Javier and the boys; they said they were with you when you all came. Why didn't you let us meet her? Why are so secretive all of a sudden?"

"No tengo novia. I don't have a girlfriend."

"So, who was the girl with you at the car then?"

"It was your assistant." He shrugged ad lean at the sofa.

"Wait… what?! That was Ysa? How did you--- what the---." Dustin can't compose a sentence because of bewilderment. "Is that why you both came in together? What did you do to her, Oscar? Why are you together?"

"Before you think of anything else and worst, it's not what you think." He said casually and told him what happened that night before he freaked out even more.

He is not a saint and he is not a playboy as well. But, she's still a guy and even he's a brother od Dustin, he will think that he might do something to his assistant, whom he was closed with. He can't blame him because he first met Isabelle than any of them. And knowing Dustin being this over protective brother for all their younger siblings, he knew that he's also like that to Isabelle.

Speaking of their siblings, their eldest, Cassandra, who lived in Pennsylvania with their father's parents, was a year older than Dustin. She became the mother figure for all of them, and then Dustin, Javier and Kevin were next. Lauren from Canada, Minji from Korea, Natasha from Venezuela, and him was a year younger than the three boys. Pierina from Italy and Rafael was next. Sachiko, the eldest among The Marias sisters is the same age as Rafael and Pierina and was the only one who doesn't have a twin, because next to her were Tomiko and Toshiko, who were two years younger and another two years later, the twins Yumiko and Yuriko came.

They were the famous fifteen Redwood Siblings that their father Brandon Redwood created. From ten different women in his life, including the one he married, the mother of The Marias, Akiko Ryuzaki-Redwod. And among the younger daughters, Dustin was protective of them.
