Chap 05

YSA was not sure why his boss Dustin asked her to go in the island that day. It was her first time coming back to the island after they open them in public. In her opinion, she like the old peaceful island before, when the beach was still empty and silent compared now that it was loud and wild, at least a little part of the resort, but still. They even named it Yuwaku Shima that means island of seduction. That gives other meaning to the outsiders and thought that it is really a nest for lustful people. She's not that innocent to those kind of words, but she never tried partying and doing what they are doing. She's okay with her wholesome character.

When Dustin said that he will help Oscar with his house, and let Oscar pay her debt to him in return, she was kind of okay with it, because at least she will work with her dream job, furnishing a house. She's hesitant because she's not sure if she could talk to Oscar like what they did that night. He might be back to his old self again, ignoring him.

But Oscar started to tour him around his empty house alone and told him everything that he wanted to do and put on his house. She thought, maybe she could grab the opportunity and do the work. And maybe, she needed to visit furniture shops herself, for the making of the furniture's Oscar wanted. Until he started to demand that irritates her, but she just keep it to herself.

It's been three days now since they started the furnishing and he even asked three men to help them. They just finished painting the inner walls today. They might start putting wallpapers on some parts of the house soon.

The sun was already setting when she finally done with her work and wanted to go home but she needed to say goodbye to her real boss, Dustin. That's when she went to the resort and saw the crowd at that part of the shore, partying.

"Ysa, what are you doing here?" Kevin approached her and pulled her from the crowd when she was almost bumped by someone. "Did Dustin know your here?"

"Yes, sir, I came here almost every day since three days ago." She informed because he seems not to know. "I was just looking for boss Dustin, when I asked one of the employee, they said he's here." Her forehead knotted when someone started making out at the dance floor, but Kevin block the view.

"Come," she pulled her and let her stay beside the bar counter. He did something in there for about a minute and went back to her. "Here's for you. It's just a juice, don't worry. And give this to Dustin; he's at the floating Gazebo over there." Then he pointed the end of the wooden pathway above the sea water.

She thanks Kevin and went to where her boss was. He saw him staring at the crown like he's satisfied with what he saw. The gazebo was far from the party shore but it's still visible to see from there.

"You really transformed the island into this kind of place, boss?" She gave him a drink.

"What kind of place?"

"Wild. Loud." Ysa shrugged but her face was distorted.

"So how's the decorating going?"

"Boss, is your brother bipolar? One second he was kind and nice, but one second he's getting mad and I have no idea why. Plus, he has a lot of demands and requests. I already told him that I am not a professional designer. Heck, I didn't even finish my educated for that, so I am not an expert and I have no connections with a lot of furniture shop yet. I can use the connections in your company for that, though. But still... He wanted me to design his furniture's and make it personalized as much as possible. I'm not even a furniture designer." She was definitely complaining now but her boss just laugh.

"Just have a little more patient with Oscar, Ysa. Sometimes he's a bit grumpy and off but he's a nice guy. If you're done with his demand and finish the works, then you can ask for a bigger payment. If he will refuse, then tell me, I'll be the one to make him pay."

"But boss, it's not about the money." She gave a sigh. "Anyway, how about my work at FerArD? I might neglect it if I'm going to help him here."

"Don't worry; I think I can handle myself. I know I always needed your help before, but that was when we were still trying to make this island alive. Now, I'm all free. I think, it's also better for you to stay here first. I'll process your vacation leave that you never filed for the past years. You deserve to have some rest, although you're still working here. You'll stay here so that it won't be hard on you to ride the boat every day."

"Wait, boss. Are you saying that I will stay here in the island? Like, stay - stay? In this kind of place?"

"You'll be fine, Ysa. You're already a grown up woman, it's time for you to be exposed to the world." He just messed her hair while chuckling.

"Boss!" Ysa protested but she knew she can't refuse it. She needed t do it to pay her debt. She doesn't want people to say that she's using her boss' kindness for her own sake.

Boss Dustin gave him a job even though she's not that qualified, he still gave her a chance. He also patiently taught her on what to do in the company and all that's why she achieved what she have now. She might not have a diploma but boss Dustin gave her a lot of credits in her work. That is why she's so grateful to have a boss like him.
