Chap 08

OSCAR was getting impatient and keeps glancing at his watch while he was at the bus terminal waiting for someone. Dustin said that he needed someone to pick someone in the bus terminal at the mainland. Rafael was busy and so does Kevin, Javier was still in a conference, so that left him.

He was busy painting with Bella at his house when they called so now, here he was, waiting for someone he doesn't even know. Dustin said that someone knew them, so he'll just stand there and wait.

"Oscar!" A woman waved her hand on her. She just got out of the bus. And all the passengers turn to them. Some of them were amazed. Who wouldn't if they saw a foreign woman, tall and all, smiling at the crowd like a beauty queen? Then she ran to him and hugged him.

"Lauren, what are you doing here?" He asked after she let him go.

"Visiting. What's with the long face?" She asked with knotted forehead.

"Let's get out of here first." She said as they enter his car. He hated those people who stares at them they they're watching a movie or whatever. "Wait, where're your baggage's?" he asked when he never sar her holding anything except for an overnight bag.

"I don't have one. Just this."

"Just that? Don't tell me that you run from home?"

"No, silly. Am I a kid? And wait, don't act like you're older than me because I am still a year older than you. I am still your 'ate'."

He just rolled his eyes and started the engine; she's just older by months. "So, why are you suddenly here? Wait, did you just got in the country?"

"Nope, I'm here two days ago. I just finished my agenda with the company yesterday. I ask Dustin if I can go and visit his infamous island. Some of my friends can't stop talking about it when they visited the country, so, I got curious. So, I'm going to stay for 3 more days and I'll be back to Canada. My luggage is at the hotel I am staying. I just brought some pair."

"So, if you don't have a business meeting here, you'll not gonna visit us?"

"Hey, you sound like I hated coming here. Of course I wanted to visit you guys and spend time with you. It's just that, we are all too busy with our own lives. Plus, it's not just me, how about ate Cassy?"

Lauren is the President of her mom's auto manufacturer company. All of the woman whom their father got pregnant before were all from well of company, or at least have some businesses to run.

"Anyway, how are you?" Lauren asks after a short silence. "Are you not planning on settling down?"

"And you? Do you already have plan? Like you said, you're older than me."

She rolled her eyes but didn't say anything.

"Don't tell me, your boyfriend still didn't ask you?" they knew that he have a boyfriend, a son of one of the BOD in their company.

"As if." She just said and let go of a sigh. "By the way, Rafael said that you're busy with someone nowadays? And he said there's a girl involved?"

"I don't know what they told you, but I was just busy furnishing my house."

"By asking Dustin to burrow her assistant to help you. Oscar, Dustin had an Architectural company, he has a lot of competent interior designers, but you still chose her secretary to do that job."

"I didn't you that you guys were talking about me behind my back?" he raised an eye brow but still eyes n the road.

"Sometimes, yes, only when our brothers noticed something from one of you. So far, you have something interesting. Although, we know about Dustin's mysterious girl too."

"Whatever. They're just making up things. Just so you know, I just want to help her." Then he told her about the debt from Dustin and Bella's dream. "So, I suggested asking for her service, just for her to pay Dustin. Bella dreamt to be an interior designer and she studied it but didn't get the chance to finish it because of her family. I just want her to reach her dreams and maybe encourage her to continue her studies. She's still young, so she can still do that."

"Okay, I didn't say anything." She raised her hand for surrender. "You're being defensive, just so you know too."

"I'm not." They went to the yacht that was available that time when they reached the dock.

"Is this your yacht?" Lauren asked when they are into it. "Cool,"

"Your company is about vehicles; don't tell me it's your first time seeing or riding one?" He asked jokingly.

"Do you think I'm a first timer? Of course I rode a yacht before. And to correct you, our company only produces land vehicles, not in water." Lauren defensibly corrected.

"Hey, I'm just kidding? Why so sensitive?"

"Who's sensitive first?" Lauren took a deep breath and turns her gaze into the sea. Oscar knew she might have a problem. But he's not the type to intrude or ask, but if they tell him, and they needed help, that's the time he butted in.

He just laughed at her when she was amazed of the fish jumping out of the water. She looks like a kid losing her poise. Lauren was the tallest among all of their sisters. She's close to the height of Dustin. Dustin. Dustin was their eldest brother but he's the smallest among them. Dustin's height is 6 feet flat, so, Lauren probably 5'7" or below.