Chap 07

She went straight to the nearby cottage from his house and saw him there but he's not alone. He was talking with a woman, a beautiful one, if she may add, and they are smiling too. He didn't know that the guy could smile like that. The woman looked at her when she was about to leave because she don't want to disturb them but the woman seems to tell Oscar her presence so the guy turn to him.

"I brought us food. Come and join us." Oscar said so she went near them.

She was about to get the serving spoon for rice when he get it from her and was the one to put a rice on her plate, like he always did when they eat together. She felt embarrassed because the woman was just watching them.

"Hi, you must be Isabelle?" The woman said to her.. "I'm Lauren, by the way."

She looked at her hands that have some paints on it, even though she washed her hands before going there. Then she was shocked when the woman grabbed her hand and shook it, still smiling fully at her. If she is a guy, she might fall for her beauty instantly. She was like one of the contestants in a beauty pageant. She had a beautiful smile that reached her eyes. Even when she's sitting down, their height seems to be on the same length. That means she's tall. No wonder Oscar fell for her.

"Ysa. You can just call me Ysa. Nice to meet you Miss Lauren." She finally said after checking her out. Working at the FerArD, she learned how to deal with sophisticated people and deal with formalities.

"You're super, formal Ysa, just call me Lauren too."

If she felt so small facing those sophisticated woman, who also judge and intimidate her, she didn't feel that with her. There's something in her aura that was welcoming and friendly. Especially with those smile.

They started eating and again, she was shocked to see her use her hand, like a local Filipino do. It's called 'kamayan'. When eating without using any utensil, just the hands. She always asked her questions that she gladly answered, until they started talking about different people they met from business. She learned that she's working at a auto manufacturing company in Canada.

If Oscar didn't interrupt them and says that his brothers were at Kevin's bar, their conversation might not be put into end. Too bad, she's enjoying chatting with Lauren.

"We'll talk again soon, Ysa. I hope?"

"Of course. I'm just here."

She was shocked again when she hugged her even though she's towering her with her height. How could a woman be that tall? Ysa was amazed.

"You don't have to finish the walls today, Bella. You can rest and continue it tomorrow. By the way, were still going to the mall for the other things. I'll pick you at 8." Oscar reminded her before they both leave.

She just watched them leave. From their back, they are perfect together. They are both tall and beautiful. She wished she also have a partner. What a shame.

"Ysa, have you seen the woman that was with boss Oscar? Who is she? Is she boss' girlfriend?" Piyeng asked when she returned. He's the third man who's helping them at the house.

"I don't know, I didn't ask. Let's just finished what we started. Boss said we can dismiss early today. Seems like he's in a good mood so, let's grab it." She said and they laugh but they all continue their work.
