Chap 10

ISABELLE was uncomfortable the moment they step out of the car and went inside the mall. Oscar was walking beside her and he looks like he didn't notice the eyed that follows them - specifically him - while walking. Who wouldn't notice him when his image and aura is shouting handsomeness? Tall. Moreno. Handsome. So much for an eye-catcher.

She's too shy to walk beside him but every time she walks slowly and let him walk ahead, he stops and waited for her. So she has no choice but to walk with him. She looks so small beside her because her height falls just in his chest area. And even though they are both wearing a shirt, him wearing a denim shorts, and her wearing a jeans, he still looks like a model, while she looks like the 'alalay' or the maid.

"Bella, what do you think we will buy first? Is it the appliances or the basics?" Oscar asked and even faced her.

She checked her notes first. She wrote everything they needed for the house. "Sir, I think we'll go with the appliances first, because we can asked them to deliver it at the dock. We'll go with the basics and sheets next, because we can carry those with us." That's the time she turn to face him and saw he was just looking at her. "What?"

"You write everything down?"

"It's better to write everything down because sometimes we forget things that we should buy. It's a hustle to come back again just to buy the thing that we forgot to buy, isn't it, sir?"

"One more time that I hear you call me 'sir', I'm gonna kiss you." He said and started to walk again.

Ysa just looked at him in awe. As if he'll going to do that.

They went inside the department and went straight to the appliances area.

"Ysa," a guy called up for her.

"Bryan, are you working here?" She happily asked when she saw her high school classmate.

"Yes." He shyly answered. "How about you? I heard you are working at FerArD, you're being successful now, huh?"

"Not really, just enough to help my family and my siblings."

"Good for you. That Mario guy must be regretting on letting you go now."

It's not a secret in their area that Mario, her ex broke up with her because of her family's status in life. His batch mantes warned her that he and his family are somewhat kind of belittling or judgmental, but she didn't listen until it happens to her.

"Bella, did I mention about buying a television? Because I don't remember." Oscar came and just pulled her away from Bryan, so she just sign they'll go first, to him.

Even when they reach then kitchen appliances area, Oscar didn't let go of her hand. Maybe he's not aware of it again.

"Ma'am, sir, how may I help you?" A sales lady from that corner approaches them.

"Is there a latest model for a fridge on this brand?" Oscar asked as he pointed the famous brand of a fridge.

The saleslady led them to all the new models of a fridge and tried to explain some functions of it.

"It will not be difficult for your wife to locate the ingredients that she will cook." The sales lady pointed at her.

"Ah---." She was about to protest and correct her when Oscar put her arms around her shoulder.

"Thanks. We will get one of this. We still need to buy some appliances, would it be okay if we go around first?"

"Sure, sir." The sales lady replied so they started walking away.

She just looked up at him with a knot in her forehead. "Why didn't you correct the sales lady?"

"What for?"

"Just, you know, to correct her. And… you can let go of me now, you know."

But instead of letting her go, he even pulled her closer to him, so he was like hugging her neck now. She shrieks because of that and she knew that she got everyone's attention so she just hit Oscar's chest and buried her face on his side because of embarrassment. She can feel him chuckling.

What's with this guy today, anyway?

The shopping of appliances came to an end when Oscar talks about the delivery of all the appliances, he saw Bryan again.

"Looks like you found a new guy now, Ysa. You're really being successful, not just in your career, even in love life." Bryan teased her with a smile.

"Oh, no, you got that wrong. Anyway, how's Melai?" She asked about his girlfriend who is working abroad.

"Still working there. She's coming next month for our wedding. Ah, I gave the invitation to your mother, did she gave it to you?"

"No, not yet. I didn't have the chance go home yet. But, she called me and told me about it. So, congratulations, by the way. Finally, you're both settling down."

"Thank to you, for playing cupid for us."

"Are you finally going there with her, after?"

"Bella!" They both turn to face Oscar and look so serious again. Ysa is sure that he is really bipolar.

"I'm not buying television, sir; I'm just talking to a friend." She said before Oscar will say anything again.

"We're done here. Let's go." He said and pulled her again and put his hands around her neck.

"See you." She tried to say goodbye to Bryan who just smile at her.

She glared at Oscar but before they went out of the department store Oscar kissed her on the lips all of a sudden. It was just a smack, though.

"Si---." Again he kissed her.

"I told you, one more 'sir' and I will 'kiss' you." He said and smile at her.

She was dumbfounded. He really can't understand this guy.
