Chap 11

OSCAR tried to think why he asked Dustin's assistant to work with him in his house, why of all people, he chose her. He tried to answer those questions one by one.

Bella caught her attention the moment she saw her at the party. Her background story added more to it. He saw how down-to-earth she was and how good as person she is. She does not take advantage of Dustin's kindness, and she wanted to work hard for every penny she could get.

Then when he started working with her, he saw how focus she is and dedicated to every work that will given to her. Even though he let her work with the furniture, he still monitor her and she saw how she asked all the furniture shops in the province about doing the personalize furniture's until he found small shop.

Bella was friendly and knows how to read people she could help and that small shop she found was also a friend of hers. She chose it to help her friend in their business. Oscar wouldn't mind how big the shop his things will came from as long as the quality is good.

That's everything he could tell, why Bella got his attention. Once he gave his attention to someone, he knew that it will be hard for him to stop. That's who he is.

"I'll stay here for a while. The Head architect will take care of the company, so you must not let Ysa back, before I do." Dustin informed him over the phone.


"Don't be too harsh on her. She might be traumatized by you. She already complaint about how demanding you are."

"I know, I'm sorry."

"Tell that to her. Anyway, gotta go." He ended the call. So Bella is really in his hands now.

When the morning comes, she picked up Bella and they went to the mall for the shopping of appliances but she saw her talking to a guy and it seems like they are both close with each other too. He didn't stop himself from dragging her away from him. Oscar can't explain why he suddenly felt territorial.

When the saleslady thought they are newlywed, Oscar suddenly felt happy so he didn't stop himself to act. Then she saw her again talking and smiling at each other. She also calls him 'sir' in front of the guy, so the joke he said a while ago, he made it real and kissed her.

Bella seems to be just following him and his every instruction and she also played along on their 'newlywed' act when they went to the textile section.

"What's your favorite color?" Bella asked him when they are choosing more comforter, covers and sheets.

"I don't have anything."

"Really? Not at least one color you are fond of?"

"Earthly colors, maybe. Or brown. Why?"

"For your room. Speaking of that, we haven't talk about the room styles yet. How can we buy fabrics for it? Don't tell me you'll buy only the white colors?"

"What do you have in mind? You'll be the one fixing it anyway. It's up to you."

"Ma'am, you're so lucky to have a husband like him. He let you choose anything you like." A sales lady butted in.

"I agree, ma'am, plus he's also handsome." Said the other that made Oscar smile.

Do they really look like they are couple? Well, he kind of like the idea anyway. He's not gonna deny it.

"But my wife is also beautiful, isn't she?" He said and put his arms around Bella's shoulder.

"Of course, sir." The two ladies agreed.

Bella just look at him puzzled. He knew she's confused on what he's doing, but he just ignored it. Might as well enjoy the little play because he was sure that, the moment they return to the island, he can't do that anymore.
