Chap 12

OSCAR let Bella choose where she want to eat. After bringing the fabrics they bought to the car, he asked Bella to go and eat first before they continue shopping. As usual, Bella brought him to a small canteen outside the mall.

"Ysa, long time no see." An old woman said when she saw Ysa. "Oh, you have a foreigner companion. Is he your boyfriend?" She continued when she saw him.

"I'm his husband." He butted in, but said in a polite way.

"Oh?" The old woman's eyes went wide and she looked at Bella amazed. "When did you get married? You, hija, you didn't even invite us."

"Saan kayo mamati dita. Ag ul-ulbod lang dayta." Bella said to the old woman in Ilocano. It's a language used by the locals in La Union. Bella thought that he didn't understand but he's been staying in that province for five years, so he kind of knew their language already. She said not to believe him because he's just lying.

"Ay," the old woman said, somewhat kind of disappointed.

He let Bella order their food. So they have a serving of seafood, vegetable and meat, plus rice.

"Do you always come here?" He asked when they started eating.

"When I was in high school, yes. I and my friends always eat here because of the unlimited rice. Why, you don't like? I thought it's my choice where to eat?"

"I'm just asking, Bella." He pointed out.

"Aling Margie always let me eat here, even when I don't have money to pay before. She said to put it on her list and I'll pay her when I have money. Because of her, I didn't starve myself. So, I was grateful to her. Even when I have a long list of debt to her, she didn't ask me to pay her instantly. When I ask her why she's so kind, she said she saw herself in me when she was a kid too. So when I graduated high school, I still didn't get the chance to pay her, until I got a job in our district as our chairman's secretary. I really put aside half of my salary to be able to pay her. And when I'm always around here, I always come here and eat. It's the least I could do to help her now."

"Did Dustin know about that? Did you bring him here?"

She shook her head. "Boss is always asking to eat at mall, so I don't have a choice but to eat with him there. You're the only guy I brought here."

"Not even your ex?"

"Mario? Oh, no, he hated this kind of place. If I'm going to bring him here, he'll just criticize the place."

"And you think that I won't?"

"If you do, I'll kick you out of here now." She just laughed. "I know you're not that kind who looked down on people. You might be strict and serious, but not the judgmental type."

He smiled when he heard that but he hide it buy just eating. She discovers another part of Bella's life, like her childhood. Oscar started to want and know more about this woman.

When they are done eating, he insisted on paying and let Bella wait outside. She was also talking to the server who seems to be her friend again.

"Hijo, you give too much, one bill is enough." The old woman tried to give back the four thousand back.

"No, it's really for you. Accept it as an early Christmas gift from me and Isabelle."

"But Christmas is too far yet."

"That's why I said 'early'. Just don't tell it to Isabelle. I just want to thank you for your kindness to her when she was younger."

"Wait... are you really her husband?"

"No, just a friend, but I hope I will be, soon." He smiled at her and bid his goodbye before going back to Bella.

Bella also said her goodbye to the lady before going back to the mall. They just buy things that they have on the list and tell Bella that they can always come back if they needed more.

They were at the parking when Bella suddenly look at the hospital near the mall. Oscar can see the worries in her eyes, and he knew that she was thinking about her brother. And she won't admit it to him if he'll ask.

"I think I forgot to buy something. Do you want to go somewhere first? I might take long to look for it."

"Do you want me to go and look for it, instead?"

"No, I'll do it. If you want to go somewhere or buy something, go ahead. I'll just call you when I'm done."

"Are you sure?" He just nodded. "Okay, can I go to the hospital and visit my brother? My mom might be in there too. I just wanna check on them."

"Go ahead." He just replied and told her to go first. When Bella was far, he went inside the car.

He took a deep breath and just leans at the car and closed his eyes. Might as well sleep first while he's waiting for her.
