Chap 13

AFTER they bought all the fabrics and appliances, they store everything first at tone room in that big house. Ysa and the three boys started to put wallpapers because Oscar seems to be busy for those days. When the furniture's finally came that day, four them didn't waste time to put them in place. They asked for more assistant for the appliances to moved and even the bigger furniture's. The rooms will be fixing soon, but Oscar said he wanted to do it himself.

"Oh shoot!" She immediately touched her forehead that was bump into the sliding glass door going to the backyard. She heard the boys who were carrying the beds to put it upstairs laugh at her.

"Are you okay? Looks like your mind drifted somewhere." Max asked him laughing. "Or maybe you're tired. You can have a rest, you know."

"I'm fine." She said still caressing her forehead. The impact was hard that's why it still hurt.

"Maybe Ysa's mind went to were boss Oscar is, and his babe. She's jealous perhaps." Mang Peping teased him, while fixing the plastics they uncovered from the furniture's that was scattered on the floor.

"Why would I? Stop teasing me guys, my forehead already hurts." She answered not sure if she's irritated from them or to herself.

What was on her again that she's out of focus? She was just asking herself if the two were together, and if she's really his girlfriend. So what was the act at the mall the last time, then? Just his play for fun? But wait… why is he that interested to know? She can't believe herself either.

She just took a deep breath and got herself together before continuing what she was supposed to do.

"What are you gonna do?" Max asked when he saw her get up the folding ladder. She was at the balcony going to the garden.

"I'll put the bulb in here, for later. I think we'll work until its dark for today. We can't just leave everything outside." She said as she went up the ladder and put the bulb to its socket.

"Be careful." Max said and helped her hold the ladder for it not to shake. "You should have told us that so that we can do it. You know how boss hated to let you climb on anything."

"I'm fine. I can take of my---- whoa!" She missed one step of the ladder and it made her unbalanced. She thought she'll have a face to face with the marbled floor when Max tried to catch her but also slipped so they ended up together on the floor. She was above him and her face was on his chest.

"What are you two doing?" She immediately stood up when she heard that authoritative voice and help Max to stand up too.

"Thanks," she said to the guy and let him go back to what he's doing a while ago. "S-sir, you're back. I thought you'll be gone until tomorrow." She finally faces the grumpy man. Looks like he's having a bad day again and they will be victimized by it.

"Is this why you're working so slowly because you're more flirting than working?"

She thought she heard that wrong but by the look of his face, he's being serious. What did he say? Flirting? Where did came from? And he even raised his voice on her now.

Ysa tried to calm herself at first and she doesn't want to argue. Plus, he is still her boss. But, he still continued talking nonsense, or accusing her things.

"I don't know you were just like those girls who flirted with any guy they saw? And what's all these staff? Did you just bought them somewhere? They looked like trash!"

Ysa was not sure but that hit the bottom of her patience. They work all day, and she even works during weekends just for that house to be done because she wanted to please him and satisfy him with her work. For the money he gave back to Dustin, for her debt, will be worth it. But, what is she hearing now? She's a what? She's not even there during the difficult part of fixing his house because he's with his girlfriend all day. So can he say now that they are not working and just flirting?

And he said the furniture's are trash? She had a difficult asking all the shops she knew to make those staff but they all reject and refuse her, said they have a lot of orders and they can't do it within the shirt period of time so she asked one of his high school friend's shop if they could do it and said they can. She was thankful to them for making it possible.

Again, she took a deep breath to calm herself but she knew that any minute now, she'll about to cry. One thing she learned and experience during his assisting with Dustin at FerArD is controlling her emotion.

"With all due respect, sir, we started to work early this morning because the furniture just came in. We wanted to at least finish the kitchen and the living room for today because you said that you want to do the rooms. We are working so hard just to finish it and to make you satisfy. And these stuff you call trash is the one that you made me design, you approved to it and the shop that created it, made it exactly like it was." She tried her best to those things calmly.

"And what do you mean by what I saw? Don't tell me you're just playing 'drop on top' together?" His voice is still accusing and with a sarcasm now. "Don't try to deny it because I saw it with my own eyes."

"Okay, that's it." She said not stopping herself now and gaze at him with furiousness. "Call it whatever you want and accuse me on whatever you want. I don't have to explain myself to you anymore. These things… these things you call trash, go ahead and throw it in the ocean, for all I care. And you know what? I don't know why you always put your temper on me just because you're having a bad day. I can everything you said, but this time, you're too much. I'm sorry, sir, but I quit." She emphasized the word 'sir' sarcastically.

Then, she left the room while passing the boys looking at her curiously and some even looks pity on her.
