Chap 15

"Lauren told me she's sorry for not saying goodbye to you. She said that she just doesn't want to disturb you."

She suddenly steps away from her and just went back to packing. "So, you're girlfriend already left."

Girlfriend? Who? He didn't ask that because he was bothered by her packing. "Are you still leaving?"

"I don't have a work here anymore."

"By my house is not yet done."

"Max and the others know what to do. Plus, you said you'll do the room's furnishing, so we didn't touch all the rooms upstairs, beside of the veranda and the entertainment room."

"But Bella---."

"With all due respect again, sir, can you stop calling me Bella? Isabelle, Isabelle is my name and Ysa is my nickname." She said hardheartedly.

He let go of a sigh. He knew it's hard for her to forgive him now. "Maybe my sister was right, I shouldn't lose my temper on you and won't let you work alone."

"Sister?" She turned to him confused.

"Lauren. She already told me that losing my temper on you won't help me and that I should just restrain my jealousy. I'm sorry."

"Lauren is your sister?"

"Yeah, she's one of our half-sisters. She's the one from Canada. Did Dustin tell you about our family?" Bella nodded. "She's actually months older than me.''

Oscar got his confidence now when he saw Bella bit her lower lip. So she really thought Lauren is his girlfriend? Is that why she pushed him a while ago when she mentioned about her? Does that mean, she's also jealous?

"Why? Do you think she's my girlfriend?" He can't suppress his smile. Does that mean...? No, maybe it's not time to assume yet.

"You can't blame me. You didn't look like each other, plus she's gorgeous like a beauty queen. Everyone can say that you're not siblings." She answered but Oscar saw her face got red.

"You're beautiful too, Bella." He said and took the bag from her.


"Dustin said t not let you go back to the mainland without him because he is sure that you'll just go back to the company and do all the work again. He said this is also your vacation, so if the house is done, you can still stay here until the one month is over." He removed all the clothes she just put in. "Is this how you pack your clothes?"

"I'll do it." She insisted again and took the bag on her, this time; she just folded the clothed neatly and put it on the bed. "I don't think I can stay here for long. I'm done with my job. But if you let me do the work again, of course I have to stay."

"You don't have to do anything, just to stay here. Have some vacation. That's what Dustin and your parents wanted you to do as well. I'll let you tour the whole island myself. Plus, I said that I will do the rooms myself, but I still need your expert opinion with the arrangements."


"What do you mean - why?"

"Why did you choose me from the first place? We have a lot of expert designers in FerArD, why chose me? Is it just because of my debt? How did you even know about that too?"

"I heard Dustin talked to you that morning, when he also came home late because he assisted your parents at the hospital for Isagani's operation. Okay, I won't lie that I asked for your help because I also wanted to know you better. You see, that night from the party, when I saw you ran from your ex and told me what's going on, you already got my attention. And when I slowly knew about you, how you are when you're in high school and so on, I feel like I already knew you."

She just gazed at him and later on let go of a sigh. "I have to check on my brother too. I've been here for almost a month now and I didn't ask them about the bills."

"You don't have to worry about that because it's all under control. And before you react, I didn't pay it, not the whole, anyway. Javier let you used his name to at least have a discount. So the money that you gave your parents covered all the bills. They will call you for sure if they needed more. Plus, your brother is still recovering in the hospital, but he's fine now. The doctor said that if the metal casts will be gone, he needed to have a therapy to walk with the cement and cane. It might take him another week or so before they will let him go home."
