Chap 16

ISABELLE was dumbfounded on what she heard. She didn't expect him to know about her family, or her brother. She keeps on being surprised, by the way, especially when he just hugged her awhile ago. She doesn't know why she can't push him away.

His embrace somewhat gave her comfort that was why she also calmed herself from crying. Not when he mentioned about Lauren. She thought he was his girlfriend and now that she's gone, he's starting on getting close to her again. It made her irritate and push him away.

She was embarrassed to know that Lauren was one of their half sisters. When he noticed about it added more to her awkwardness. And now she's shock to hear that he's also checking his family and made sure that they are okay.

They were now sitting at the bed when she's done fixing her clothes.

"Your parents were both okay and your other siblings were peacefully going to school. You have nothing to worry about. Like I said, they also wanted you to rest and relax even for a while. They said they knew how you always work and how you sacrificed everything to help them. So, they promised not to do anything that will worry you."

"Y-you talk to them?"

He nodded. "I checked on them when Lauren was at the salon. Dustin told me to always check on them, if they needed anything. He was not here so he asked me to do that. Sometimes he knew that your family won't tell you what they needed because they are also shy, plus they knew you're busy here. So, I went there to check on them."

"Then, have you met my parents?"

"Yes, your parents and your siblings were all there at the hospital yesterday. After Lauren was done at the salon, she came at the hospital and we actually spend the rest of our day with them. Lauren was so fond of your sister, just like she was fond on you too."

Ysa can't believe what she heard. She didn't expect that. No one from the elite family wanted to spend their time with someone like them. Not even his ex, Mario, even though they are not in elite. In fact, he never tried visiting her at their home. Now that he thought about it, he just sent her a message to meet at the mall before and that's where they spent their time together. Maybe her family was also shocked how down to earth these siblings are.

"You look surprised?" He said smiling at her.

He was so close to her now, that she had the chance to see his face closely. His almond eyes were also smiling. She can't help but stare at him. How could a guy be so pretty like him? He was looking at his eyes that he saw him looked down at her lips. Then he avoided her gaze and cleared his throat after a while.

"Uhm, how's your feet?" He suddenly asked and looked at her feet. "I saw you limping a while ago. Does it still hurt? Max told me you fell down."

"I'm fine. It just hurt a little bit, but---."

"Dios mio, you're bleeding." He immediately went to the bathroom and when he came back, he's holding a small medicine kit.

When she pulled his square jeans a while ago, he saw the wound on her knee and it was bleeding. She was shocked when he suddenly knelt in front of her, looking at her injured knee.

"S-sir, I'll do it." She stopped her but just gain a glare from him. Then he started cleaning her wound with care, making sure she will not get hurt.

When she gasp because of the sting, he blew it instantly fir her. She also smiled when he watched him seriously attending to her. Ysa think it was the sweetest gesture she ever experienced with a man.

"Next time, let the guys do the work, especially when you have to use a ladder. I told you not to do it, but you still did." Ysa sensed a bit of concern and scolding in his voice.

"They are all busy fixing the beds on every room and also fixing the furniture's in the dining room. I can't just stand there and watch. I should have done something. I can do it anyway, so why do I have to ask them?"

"Why don't you just listen?" He said with a sigh. "I know you're the type to not ask someone's help if you know you can, but sometimes there are things that you still have to do that for your own safety. Bella, you're superwoman." He finally looked up at her after he put a gauge on it. "And I told you to just call me by my name, right?"

"But si---. I mean, Oscar, I don't intend to be a superwoman. I just want to help them. For the work to be done as fast as we can."

He sat beside her again at the bed. "Why? For you to leave here immediately? Do you hate me that much?" She turns to him with knotted forehead. "Do you really want to leave because you can't bear to be with someone like me? Am I really too much to you?"

It's her turn to let go of a sigh. "Sir…" She saw how his face distorted on what she calls him that. "Oscar." She corrected again. She is really not used to call him by his name yet. "I just got furious a while ago because I was hurt by your comment that the furniture's were trash. You know how I tried to design them even though

I'm not a designer, and how I tried to look for a shop that will make them as fast as they could. But it was because of your wrong accusations. I don't hate you as 'you'. By the way, I'm sorry for yelling a while ago."

Oscar didn't say anything but he knew he's listening. They were just both sat there in silence, until he talked again.