Chap 17

"Are you hungry? Let's eat."

She immediately checks her wrist watch and it was 4 in the afternoon. It's too late for lunch and too early for dinner. And he didn't ask him for a snack or a coffee but to eat.

"You can have a snack or coffee if you're not yet hungry. I haven't eaten my lunch yet, and I just needed some companion."

"You didn't have your lunch yet?"

"I waited for Lauren to get on the bus this morning, and spend time on the traffic on the way to the dock because there was some accident on the road. When I got here, it was already noon. I was about to ask you to eat with me and… you know what happens next."

Now that she looked at him closer, he saw how exhausted looks like. If she didn't found out that he and Lauren were siblings, maybe she'll think that the two exhaust each other in some way. But, maybe he's just tired on taking care of his sister and the hotel and other accommodations in the resort. How could she forget about it?

"Before you came a while ago, we just got back from having a snack, so...."

"Oh, okay. Maybe I should go and eat by myself, then."

He stopped him from standing up. "But, I can have a coffee or drinks while accompanying you to eat."

"You don't have to force yourself to do that, Bella."

"I'm not. Everyone have their appetite when they are eating with someone. Plus, we just have a small snack a while ago, so I still have some space on my stomach."

"Okay, if you insist." He shrugged and they both went to the resort.


"YSA, you're early today. Oh, hi Sir Oscar." Mickey, one of the servers in the restaurant greeted her when they enter the restaurant. She just smiled at him and followed Oscar who seems to be silent again. "Are you going to get your usual snack or you're having an early dinner?"

"Just a fruit smoothie, Mickey. Thank you." She smiled at her. Oscar said his order after and he seems to be in his serious mood again. "Sir, are you okay?"

"Yeah." He said but his expression didn't change. "I didn't know that you've been close to the employees here now?"

"Not everyone, those who were trying to make friends only, those whom I had the chance to talk with. I came here every after working in your house, to have a snack or early dinner. And it's also his shift, so we saw each other most of the time."

"You keep on smiling at them too."

"Because they are also smiling at me. It's rude to just ignore them and not smile back. Wait, why it sound like it was a big deal to you?"

"No." He just said and that's when their orders came in.

Ysa felt he was lying. He felt like he didn't like that. Her, smiling to the other guys. Or maybe it's just her wishful thinking. Maybe.

"Si--- Oscar, if I may asked, why you are you calling me Bella?"

"You don't like it?"

"Not that, I'm just curious."

"Bella significa hermosa. Y eres hermosa."


"Nothing, just because..." He shrugged and just continued eating.

He just watched him while sipping on her drink. But it really got her super curious why he gave her another nickname. But then, he just silently ate his food and didn't even bother looking at her. She was not sure but that made him irritated. So she annoyingly put back her glass on the table. That made him looked at her puzzled.