Chap 18

"Look, it's not because I am being catty here, but did you just really asked me here to watch you eat and not talk to me? Because it irritates the hell out of me when you're being so serious and not talking."

He looks shocked by hearing her sentiment. So he just stared at her for a second, then he just took a deep breath after and put down his spoon.

"I'm sorry. I don't know I irritate you that much. I don't want you to feel that way, it's just that. It also annoyed me when I see you smiling to those guys, while you didn't smile when you're with me. I wish that I could see your smile again, just like what I saw the first night at the car." Now it's her turn to pause. Did she hear it right? "Okay, fine. I admit. I don't know how it started, but I always got annoyed whenever I saw you laughing or even smiling with other guys. Before, I always got mad at you and it also made you irate again. So, I tried to suppress my annoyance by being silent, but it still makes you annoyed. I'm sorry."

"Hold up... Why would I smile at you when you're not even smiling at me? Whenever you're with me, you always have that serious and annoyed look."

"It's because of what I saw before coming near you. You're smiling or laughing while chatting with Max. You let them call you with your nickname when I'm not around and as you call them with their names as well. While you always call me 'sir' even though I told you not to."

"I always call you that because my boss is your brother. It's just right to address you like that. I should have call you boss too because, as of now, you are my current boss. What is wrong with that?"

"I don't want you to call me that. I already told you that since the night of our anniversary. And to correct you, I'm not your boss here."

"I don't know why you're getting mad now, just because I call you 'sir'. I didn't know why you're getting annoyed when I am just being friendly. Are you jealous or something?"

"Si, estoy celoso!" He answered instantly that made her stared at him again. She may not know the exact meaning of what he said but, Ysa knew he just confirmed that he's jealous. Everyone knew what 'si' means in Spanish and it means yes.

She didn't notice that their conversation was being loud that some of the customers near them were watching and listening to them. Even Mickey didn't know if he will smile at him or not. But then, some laugh and when she turns he saw Rafael, one of Redwood Brothers.

"Por fin lo admites, mi hermano." He said while smiling and shaking his head. It looks like he's having a snack that time.

"How long you've been there?" Oscar just asked him with knotted forehead.

"Ouch, am I going to be offended that you didn't saw me since the moment you came in? I'm about to make my presence known, but then I don't want to intrude, so…" he turn to her. "Hi there, Ysa."

She just smiled back at him. Then he heard Oscar groan, that gain a laugh from Rafael again. She's somewhat thankful that their small argument was forgotten because the two started to talk in Spanish and it made the other costumers to go back to their own businesses.

Then Rafael left them after. But minutes after he left, Oscar said they're also leaving. They were both silent again while walking back to her cabin, until they reached it.

"So, I guess I'll see you again tomorrow?" Oscar finally asked.

She just nodded. He won't let her leave anyway. Plus, she needed to help him fixed the room. He said he needed her help.

He smiled at him because he left her bewildered. She just stared at his back while leaving. She was not sure what happened to them that day. It was a mess. One minute, they were talking normally, and in another minute, they were arguing, and then back to normal. It was a mess.

One thing she realized that day. She just can't say 'no' to him. Why? She's not sure either.
