Chap 24

She moaned when she felt her hand caressing her body inside her shirt. She's slightly sensitive on the side of her waist and he touched it, and it gives her shiver. Then he suddenly stopped. She suddenly felt disappointed. Why did he stop?

"I know it's not the time to talk about this, but are you okay with our setup? Are you okay with this? Aren't we supposed to talk about 'us' first?"

He was still on top of her and supporting her not to slipped in the rock. She didn't know if it's really the right timing to talk about it, plus, she was hanged up by the kisses. It kind of irritates her again.

"Fine. We have a mutual feeling together. I also like you because you also made me feel loved and special. I should have suppressed my feelings because I don't want other people to think that I am just after your money. But what can I say when you tell me you liked me first? So, there. I like you too. Can we continue now?" She answered as fast as she could and Oscar just chuckled but before her protest, he kissed her again. This time, there was no restraint.

She gasped when he cupped her breast. No one ever touch her there before but it's funny how she liked the feeling. When she was feeling hot all over, he stopped again.

"Bella, as much as I wanted to have you here, we need to stop before someone could see us. This is still a public place and you don't want to make a scandal, do we?" he said while catching his breath.

She finally realized about that too and she felt her cheek getting red.

"Let's get out of here. You're also freezing." He said and carried her again as they went out of the water. She suddenly shivers when she felt the wind, but Oscar gave her towel.

He smiled at her and gave her a pecked on the lips before gesturing him to get out of there. The private area is closer than her cabin, so they went straight to his house or villa. It was also Oscar's second day of stay in that house.

"Do you want to eat some snacks? I can make you some fruit slices. I didn't have anything on the fridge yet. Just some fruits."

She just nodded when they went in to the kitchen. She let him sat at the kitchen counter while he started peeling some apples and mangos for her.

"I don't know that you're good at peeling fruits." She commented.

"It's the only thing I can do in the kitchen. But cooking? I'll pass to that."

"Are you always ate at the restaurant them? Boss Dustin didn't also know how to cook, right? And he doesn't have a maid too."

"Yeah, but most of the time, we are okay with eating vegetable salad and fruits, and coffee. Especially when we are too tired to leave the house. But when someone came and visit us, like our Marias sister and aunt Akiko, they cooked for us often."

She just nodded. She's too lucky to have her mom who is also a good cook. At least she always eat a decent meal.

"By the way, does Dustin let you do all the work in the company? Should I ask him to spare you some time when he gets back?"

"No. Don't. I'm happy to assist him and as much as I can, I will do it. It's the least I can do for the helped that boss gave me. Plus, I don't want others to say that I'm taking advantage of what I have now."

"Did someone tell you that?"

She shook her head. "Some of them are just staring and looking at me like that, but I never heard them say it to my face. Especially when the time they found out that I got hired even thought I didn't finished my education and even didn't have a certificate for being a secretary. But when they saw how hard I work to help boss, they eventually stopped. Now, I don't want them to start judging me again just because my boss's brother is my boyfriend."

He gave her a piece of apple and put it in her mouth.

"I love that sound."


"You, calling me boyfriend."

"Did I say that? I said my boss's brother, and that can be sir Raf---." She put a mango on her mouth this time.

"You're talking too much. Here. Eat. I'll just prepare the bathroom for you to take a shower." He said with seriousness and she knew he's getting jealous again.

"But of course, Oscar Claudio Navarro Redwood is my boyfriend and no other." She said before he left.

"Too late." He said but still gave her a peck on his lips before leaving him in the kitchen.

Ysa just smile and continued to eat. She ate a lot of sliced fruits but that was different. It taste sweeter, or it's because her boyfriend made it for her? Oh, she also wanted the sound of it. She had a boyfriend. The man who likes her, and the man she also likes, or more. She won't let that opportunity passed again. She will grab the every moment with him.
