Chap 25

LATER, she went to the shower first. It was the shower from his room. He just let him barrow his shirt because she get a spare. Oscar didn't tell her to get one, so she ended up wearing his shirt again. She just washed his clothes on the automatic washing with dryer. She wore his shirt and new boxer. She doesn't have a bra but its okay because the shirt is lose and dark.

Ysa was still not used for the room to be that dark. He said he liked earthly colors but bought a dark blue color for his room. The curtains are also thick and won't let the sunlight came in. They needed to open the light even though it's still bright outside. She's not fond of it but it's his style, so he just let him.

She was drying his hair with the dryer when he's done showering and changing his clothes.

"I'll help you with that." He started blowing her hair at the back. "I didn't know that you were so easy to be cold?"

"The water in the lagoon is colder than I thought, but yes, I'm used to take a bath with warm waters from the pump. The weather here is warm so the water is also warm."

"You're not immune to cold?"

She nodded. He suddenly turn her to face him as he started to dry his hair from there. "How did you know, by the way?"

"You're lips were trembling. I thought you're just nervous from kissing me but I saw it's turning blue when we went out of the lagoon. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Even when I know that I'm not immune to cold, the lagoon was too beautiful to resist. So I still wanted to try dipping in there. Plus, you're also there."

"Still…" He said and started drying the edge of her hair. And because her hair was long, he accidentally touched her breast. She felt her nipple perked up, but it seems like Oscar have no idea what he did. "I don't want you to risk your health just because of that... What?" He was puzzled when he looked at her stiffened. He accidentally touched it not just once but a lot of times and she remembered the feeling of his hands cupping it a while ago.

Ysa didn't know what was also happening to herself or her own body. She suddenly felt hot again, just like what he felt in the lagoon. Every time Oscar accidentally touches her boobs, there was something awakening in her. She just bit her lips and tried to control herself.

"Por favor, don't do that."

"What?" She asked out of breath. She didn't know she was also stopping her breathing.

"That. You were like inviting me to kiss you again."

She just pursed her lips. "Let me continue it." She just replied and tried to get the blower from him but he dodged it away. "Just give it to me."

They were like kids fighting for the blower until he accidentally pulled her into the bed. She was about to stand up but Oscar didn't let her. Instead she flipped them together and now he's on top of her.


He didn't answer but instead he closed the gap between their face and started to kiss him again. Just like the kiss from the lagoon, their kiss became deeper. He pressed something that turned off the main light but open the lamp to make the room dimmer. She didn't care how did that happened because she's too busy analyzing her own feelings and what's going on with her body.

She felt Oscar's hand roaming around her body that made her feel shivers and hot inside. Feels like she was burning. Everything was new but felt good. She moaned in his mouth when she felt him cup his one boob. Now he knew that she's not wearing a bra. He let go of her mouth and started kissing her neck.

"Make me stop, my Bella." He said between his kisses on her neck. "Make me stop or else I couldn't, later."