Chap 26

"Make me stop, my Bella." He said between his kisses on her neck. "Make me stop or else I couldn't, later."

She didn't answer him but moaned. Why would he let him when he hung up on her two times already? He doesn't want him to stop now. She already loves the feelings. When he tried to take off the shirt she's wearing, she even helped him.

"Oh, my Bella." He said when she saw her half naked body. She suddenly felt shy but when he started caressing her again, all of her shyness just faded away and she's now willing to give everything to him. "Eres tan hermosa, my Bella. You are so gorgeous."

When he suck her boobs and played with her tits with her tongue, she arched her body to let him devour more of her. She even held his hair and helped him be closer to her. His hands suddenly went down to his legs helping her to spread it and she did it without any doubt. It might be her first time but she's not that innocent on that thing called intercourse or sex. These days, there are lots of sex education videos on the internet. Plus, she's aware of the love making of two couples. They are a couple, even though they just started the label a while ago, but the feelings and mutual understanding started long ago.

When she felt her hand on her center she moaned sweetly. His kisses went down slowly on her body until he reached just below her belly button. He looked at her like asking for permission to continue, so she nodded. He pulled down his boxer she's wearing. Ysa can feel the hotness on her cheek. She knew that she's blushing like a ripe tomato now. Good thing she just shaved yesterday.

All of her thoughts and shyness faded when he started kissing his inner thigh while playing her center. That was just pure bliss. Then he started devouring her center. She can't help but to let go of a moan. She feels like she's in ecstasy while Oscar expertly eating her. Ysa felt so good, until she felt like she's going to pee so he made him stop.

"What?" He asked chasing his breath.

"I-I think I have to pee." She confessed and Oscar paused for a while but then smile after.

"Just do it here my Bella, don't try to stop it." He said and just continued what he's doing.

Ysa still tried to stop but when she can't hold it anymore, because Oscar became rougher on her, she just let it go. When she looked at him, he's still in there, like hungrily doing something, and it's still giving her blissful feeling.

"Eres tan delicioso, my Bella." He said when he looked at her. If her face get's redder, she might be now. When he kissed her again in her mouth, Ysa can taste herself.

He stood up and took off his shorts and boxers in one go. Her eyes went wide when she saw his hardness. Then she gaze up to his face and saw him smirk. He stroke his own length while looking at her.

"No te preocupes, Bella. Voy a ser suave. Don't worry, I'll be gentle." He said with so much affection and started to kiss her again on the lips.

She felt his hardness touching her center, like teasing it at first but in a few minutes, it's getting her wet again. And it was inside her in one go, she moaned in pain. Oscar didn't move just yet and gave her a kiss to make her forget about the pain and let her get used to it to his length inside her. Then after a while, when her center was not in pain anymore, he started moving in and out of her. Slowly.

"Mmmm...." Ysa can't help but moan. Everything is painful but eventually, it was blissful, and she felt like she wanted it fast. "C-can you go a little bit faster?" She asked him.

He chuckled but he followed. Now, Ysa feel so good and more in ecstasy. She can't help but let go of sweet moans, until she felt like she's going to come again. This time he didn't make him stop but let him thrust faster. Her center clenched her length that made him groan.

He was also groaning as his trust goes faster and faster inside her. She didn't know what happens next, but she just felt him let go of something inside her while she also tried to release. They were both panting after, but Oscar still gave her a kissed while his length was still inside her. They were both kissing while calming down.

Then Oscar lied down beside her and just embraced her after he kissed her forehead. Suddenly, Ysa felt dizzy but still trying to suppress it.

"Sleep for a while, my Bella." He said while still hugging her. "You'll have a hot bath for your soreness later."


"Si, my Bella?"

"Did you… uhm… did you use contraceptive?"

He froze and she turned to face him. Ysa didn't remember him putting one and Ysa knew that he also released inside her. She's not into pills either because she's not even doing that. It was her first time and he knew it.

"No te preocupes, I won't run from the responsibility if you'll get pregnant. But I think you won't. It's your first time and we just did it once. Don't worry about it. I'll still take care of you whatever happens." He promised and kissed her again in her lips and in her forehead before hugging her tightly, making her feel not t worry at all.
