Chap 27

"YSA, why are you still here? It's already time to go home." Dustin reminded him when she was about to leave the office. He might have a date with his fiancée, Selena, again.

"I'll just finish this and I'll go home later."

"No. Get ready to go home now." He said authoritatively. Then lean on his table to whisper. "If you don't want Oscar to come up here." He said then leave.

He just watched his boss leave and she gave out a sigh. Right. He promised Oscar that they will spend time together today. He insisted on going with her at the hospital. He said it's the only time he could be with her for long.

Boss Dustin knew about it because it seems like there are no secrets between the Redwood Brothers. No one knows that Oscar was her boyfriend yet because he made him promise not to just barge in the office just to see her. So they always met at the dock or at the hospital. When she was a bit late, he will warned her that if she will not come in fifteen minutes tops, he will go and pull her out of the office.

She checked her phone and stood up instantly when she received a lot of text from Oscar. She's fifteen minutes late now. And the last message she read, he said he's coming. So he put all the documents on the side, saved her computer and grabbed her bag to go out.

"Are you in a hurry?" Angelo, one of the architects at the company, whom she was with at the elevator asked. He might be going home as well. She just smiled at him and nodded.

To her surprised. A lot of the employees of FerArD were crowding at the entrance talking each other like gossiping when they went out of the elevator.

"What's going on?" Angelo asked puzzled as well and they both went out of the building. Only to see Oscar talking to Dustin. Her boss seems to be stopping him to go somewhere. When her boss saw her. He patted the shoulder of his brother and went inside his car and leave.

"Bella!" Oscar turned to her with serious face, and it was like animated, the crown turn to see her.

"You're Bella?" Angelo asked her that she didn't notices he's still there.

She took a deep breath and decided to go near the grumpy man. "Who's that guy?" Oscar asked nodded at the direction she came from.

"Before you make a fuss in here, can we leave this place first? You're already getting more attention."

Oscar stared at her for a minute before he moved and open the car door for her. They silently leave the place.

"So, are you going to answer me now?" Oscar said trying to suppress his anger but his face muscle moved.

He took a deep sigh and faced him. "His name is Angelo and he is one of the architects in the company. We happen to just ride the same elevator going down. This is the reason why I don't want you to go to the company because we work with a lot of men, although we also have women in the company. You always got jealous, you always got mad easily. I wonder if you really have trust in me."

"Of course I do." He said after a while and this time his voice is calm. "But I don't trust the guys around you. You can't blame me if I only see you and be with you thrice a week."

"Oscar, I'm not that pretty for boys to go crazy with. Okay, you saw me pretty, but those guys see me like an ordinary girl. You don't have to be that jealous. Plus, we need to give time to each other for us not to be get tired of each other. We also need to miss each other."

"I will never get tired of you."

"Fine, but did you get my point?"

"Alright, I'm sorry. But hey, I think your officemates already knew about us."

"Right." She just pouted and she was shocked when he suddenly stopped the car and kissed her. "Oscar!"

They on the pedestrian lane and the stop light turn red. He's really getting any chance he could get, didn't he?

"I told you not to pout, that means you're inviting me to kiss you."

"That was when I bit my lips."

"Even though, you still did something with your lips."

She just rolled her eyes on him.

"You know that I love you, right?" He said suddenly.


"Well, then, Isabelle Tempera, my Bella. I'm telling you now and I will tell it again every day… Te amo mucho con todo mi corazón y mi mente. I love you so much with all my heart and mind. "


"Te amo."

"I know."

"I love you, Bella."

She just smiled but didn't show it to him. She knew that he will not going to stop saying it until she answered him back. He warned her about it before sending her home after her said vacation. He always does that when he knew that he's on the wrong and he wanted to apologize to her.


"You knew that I love you, Oscar. And even thought you always get mad and me because of your jealousy, I will still love you until you said you're tired of me, mi amor. Okay?" Mi amor became her endearment to him, and it means 'my love'. He said it's okay if that's the only Spanish word she'll know.

He smile and started to drive when the stoplight turns red. "Let's go and meet your family."

Oscar already met them so it's not that hard for her to introduce him. Her parents just reminded her not to be blinded by money or anything just because his boyfriend is rich. It's the only thing that her parents said after he said Oscar is her boyfriend. And every time Oscar met her, they always visit his brother at the hospital and were going to discharge tomorrow.