Chap 14

"Is that the girl from the other night?" Cassandra asked the moment he went back to their table. "Is she your girlfriend?"

"No, why would say that?" He grabbed a drink from the waiter who passed by.

"You leaved me and Yuri that time just to go to her. We waited for a bit hoping you'll introduce us but it seems like you don't have plan so we just continue walking. And now, you left me here again to talk to her. Plus, you seem to have a fight with her too. Like an LQ. You even made her cry. I thought you guys won't let a girl cry?"

"I didn't… at least not intentionally. We just has a misunderstanding."


"He thought I'm just an ordinary masseur from the spa, and when he found out about the real me, she freaked out."

"That's not how a woman freaked out, Rafael. She seems hurt. Why did you lie to her in the first place?"

"I didn't."

"Then why didn't you tell her?"

"She never asked. Every time she visited the spa, she just requested me as her masseur. I am a license masseur, so I attended to her request. He never ask who I am, nor tried to at least know about me."

"So you pretended to be just a masseur and give her services?"

"I didn't pretend." He pointed out. Why didn't all women understand that?

"But you also didn't make yourself known; instead you still play with it and been her personal masseur. How will she suspect on who you are if you're always there every time she requested you? Like an employee who didn't have the right to say no to the customer? You always have a way to reject her request and introduced one of your best masseurs instead. Maybe, even when you're busy you will still go and attend to her." He didn't say anything because he knew he done that twice or more already. "See? You never lied nor say anything, but still you continued to play the role. That means, you also played with her."

"It's not my intention to." He gave up, his sister have a point.

"Whatever. Anyway, that will not be a big deal if she's just an ordinary customer to you. She's just one of your customers who visited the spa and thought you're a masseur anyway. Unless..."

"Unless, what?"

"Unless, she's special to you."

"She's a friend of Selena."



"Still... you don't want her to hate you. Still... you don't want to make her feel bad about you. Still… you wanted to be with her." She continued. "Because she's not just an ordinary customer, she's not just any woman, and she's not just a friend of Selena. Am I right, Rafael?"

"Maybe." He shrugged and tossed his wine in one go.

"You're not trying to get drunk, are you? You're still going to drive the newlyweds to the mainland later tonight." His sister reminded him.

Right. She's going to drive the yacht later. Dustin and Selena are going to have their honeymoon abroad and their flight is at dawn. Javier and Demi will follow later in the after lunch because they are going to Mexico too. Javier's grandparents and mother didn't come at the wedding because it was abrupt, but they promised to visit them after. Demi is pregnant with their second child, so the honeymoon was already done before the wedding, like they said.
