Chap 15

"CONGRATULATIONS! We are so happy for the both you. At least, kuya Kevin is not a loser anymore." Yui joked and greeted Kevin and Frey. She's the eldest among The Marias Sisters, the legal daughters of their father.

They were all in Kevin's penthouse to welcome Frey in their family. Kevin just proposed to Frey this morning and they also found out that she's already pregnant too. Who would have thought that the two will end up together, plus recently made his brother sulk and cave in to his house? Now Kevin is also happy in love and getting married next.

"So, kuya Rafael is the only single now." Yuri pointed him. Yuri was their youngest among Redwood Siblings and also the youngest among The Marias. Even when he look so mature on the outside, she was still a child for them.

"I know, you don't have to point it out." He admitted.

"If I know, you're also into someone." Selena meaningfully smiled at him. They all just got back from their honeymoon and vacations.

When he sent the new couple in the mainland, Selena told him that she found out something and she wanted to talk to him about it when they come back. She knew about him and her friend, that's for sure. But she doesn't know what happened to them during the reception. The only one who knew about it was their eldest sister Cassandra.

"How long have you been expecting, ate Frey?" Yumi, twin sister of Yuri asked.

"About 4 weeks now." Frey answered.

At the end of that little party in Kevin's penthouse, they found out that there will be three little Redwoods coming in their family. He might be happy too if only he also has someone right now. Now he was the only single among them, but he didn't feel like going out and search for a partner too. Just thinking about it made him feel sloppy. He just wanted to stay at his office making himself busy or in his house doing nothing.

He was now sitting at the wooden pathway letting his feet reach the sea water while watching those people playing and having fun at the ocean. But he suddenly felt that he's on the wrong place to relax because he saw the gazebo that reminded him of that night with someone. Where they had their little escapade and the most wild and fun sex he ever had. That girl just woke up his libido every time she gets near her, and he knew it's the same for her.

At first, he thought that's the only thing he felt for her, that she was just his sex buddy. That when he held her hands while going into the water that night and feel her close to him, he felt the attraction and desire for her were getting stronger. But because she found out that he was a Redwood, she stayed away from him. If it was the gils, they might still stick to him and even asked him to marry them, but not Ivana. Rafael knew that the real reason why she left was because she thought that he just played her.

Cassandra was right that she shouldn't affect him because she's just one of those women, but he was still bothered by it and still confused about his feelings.

"Kuya," Yumi came and sat beside him in the wooden pathway. "What are you doing here, sulking alone?"

"Just having some air before I go back to the Spa. You're not going with Yuri?"

"All of them have their own agenda, so I prefer to stay and relax."

Yumi is the one helping their abuela in their hacienda. It was a wide mango farm that supplied fresh mangoes to supermarkets nationwide and also to restaurants and food manufacturers. Among the sisters, she was the only one who showed interest on it, so their grandparents gave it to her.

"Why don't you go and try some activities here too? Like trying different water sports? I think you're the only one who doesn't know how to surf."

"I don't mind." She shrugged her shoulders. "I tried but failed and I don't want to do it again. I don't want to drink the water from the sea that might have a lot of pees or urines and other micro organisms." Yumi is not that sporty, she gave up easily when it comes to sports. Although she's strong as a woman. "Anyway, do you want me to introduce you to someone?"

"And why did you suddenly say that?"

"You look so alone a while ago at kuya Kevin's penthouse. You're the only one who doesn't have a partner among our brothers."

"Well, I'm not."

"Yes, you are. Ate Cassy told me to check on you, actually."


"She's worried about you. She doesn't tell my why, but I think she mentioned that you're undergoing a so called girl-problem?"

"Maybe you're mistaken, I'm fine."

"Ate Cassy told me to tell you that… is it really okay for you to just let her go? That, are you not going to do something to get her back? Are you not going to clear yourself from her? Because if you say yes, then she told me introduce someone to you."

He didn't say anything. Is it okay for him to let her go? Is it okay with him to think that she hated him because she thought he played her? Is he really okay to think that she might forget about him and find another man? He doesn't think so, because the week after she left the island became a torture for him. He always find himself staring blankly at the ceiling or at the wall or somewhere else.

He just gave out a sigh. "For now I just want to do anything yet. I don't want to be with any woman. I just want to be alone.

"But I am a woman that means you don't like me here to?"

He just raised an eyebrow on her. "I mean women who are not my sisters."

"Too bad, I know a lot of girls who wanted to meet you. They all wanted to meet the only single among the Redwood brothers."

"Why do I feel like you're going to sell me to them?" he gave his sister a meaningful look.

Yumi shrugged. "If that will make a good profit on Hacienda de Maria, then, why not? I'm a business woman, you know."

"You're willing to sell your own brother just for a good profit?" He can't believe she said that.

Yumi burst out laughing. "Relax, I was just kidding. Why would I do that? Plus, as if mom would let me do that too." He just looked at his sister with doubt because she was not a joker before, in fact, she's always serious. "Alright, I'm sorry. It's just that I am not used on seeing you like that. Even ate Demi were asking if there's something wrong with you because you don't play with Anthony anymore. The reason why I don't have any plans here because I thought that you'll make me do something challenging again, although I always fail, but still.

"I'm not just in a mood to do something now, maybe soon."

"Maybe I should look for that girl and bring her here." She stood up making her confused. "She took our kuya Rafael with her and that's not right." Then she walks out. He just followed her with his bewildered gaze.
