Chap 17

"Luis, can you come and help us inside after that?" It was a familiar voice of a woman but he can't see her yet because he was block by the guy serving their food.

"Yes, chef." The server nodded.

Chef? That voice. Out of his curiosity he tried to peak to see who was the owner of that voice and saw the woman he never saw for a weeks now. She was puzzled looking at Anthony who was the only visible in her vision. And when the server left, he had a full view of her. That's when she also looked at him.

She looks different in her chef uniform, but it didn't hide her beauty and body figure. They were just staring at each other for a while.

"Chef, what do you need me to do again?" The answer came back from putting back the trolley and that's the reason why Ivana left his eyes and turn to the server.

"Can you put the trash at the back? It's the garbage day tomorrow and we might forget to do that again later." She said and they both entered the kitchen.

Of all the time that he didn't expect it, he finally saw her. How could he forget that Ivana was a chef and she runs her own restaurant in that same City? She told him about that during their chat at the massage room before. That is why she always got a body pain.

"Tio, necisito ayuda. I need help. I can't get it." Anthony got his attention and saw him struggling on getting a piece of chicken from the serving plate to his plate. He chuckled to see his facial expression and helped him.

He almost forgot that he is with his nephew. He always got distracted when it comes to her. Was her sister Cassandra right? Was Ivana that special to her? That she's not just an ordinary woman and not just a simple friend of his sister-in-law Selena? Was her sister Yumi right about her taking the Rafael they knew that was why he's always out of himself?

He let the boy eat because he already lost his appetite and they just take the food that was untouched on the go. They left the restaurant without seeing and talking to Ivana again. He didn't force himself to do that because he might be dragged by the restaurants security if he does that. Plus, he was also not sure what to say to her. He can't just say: "Hey, my sister told me you're special to me and I think she's right. What now?" Isn't that sound like a dumb?

"Thanks for brining Anthony here; we thought we won't see him again this weekend." Demi's mom, Dominga said when they reach their house.

"Don't mention it, Mrs. Viola. I have to visit lola Dina here as well. He told us at the wedding that we were already forgetting about her. Anyway, just call me if what time I will pick him tomorrow."

"Alright, thanks again, hijo."


He bid his goodbye to his nephew and went to the other subdivision where Dustin's granny lives. He can say that he's the closest to her among the four of them. Even the old woman admitted that he is his favorite. Staying at the spa where he grew up in Puerto Rico, a lot of granny's adore him because they said he's charming and sweet. So, when he first saw her even though he can't speak the language and only Spanish before, he still tried to communicate with him without Javier or Oscar translating. That was the reason why she started to adore him.

The next day, after lunch, he was just waiting for Anthony to come out when he received an email from his mother greeting him a happy birthday. He just grips the phone and tried not to throw it. If Anthony didn't call him happily, he might not be distracted. He just threw his phone inside his car and scooped up his nephew, bid goodbye to his grandparents and they hit the road.

He hated his birthday that is why he's not celebrating it. And how dare that woman greet him now? Is he trying to make fun of him now?
