Chap 18

WEEKS had passed since Selena's wedding and now she heard she's pregnant. Marcel was also dating now despite her busy schedule. She said she already gave up getting one of the Redwood brothers anyway. She heard about Selena's pregnancy days before she saw Rafael in her restaurant. She saw Javier's son first, and remember that Rafael was his closest uncle, but was surprised that he was with the man. They look like father and son, if Javier is not with them.

Ivana was aware that she has no right to be spiteful, but she really felt betrayed. He knew that Rafael didn't do anything wrong because Selena told her that they were just being careful on revealing their identity to anyone. Maybe that was his reason on not telling him about his identity, but still.

She never thought about it before, or it never occurs to her. She really thought that he was just an ordinary masseur, but now that she knew about it, she just realize that she never saw him wore uniform before. He wore summer getup or bohemian clothes; any thin clothes that fit the tropical spa atmosphere. Plus, she was also fascinated by him because it's not a secret that she's always fond of Spanish men and their accent.

He's always fun to be with, even thought they were just inside the massage room and has a limited time. He knows how to catch what she threw, whether it's naughty comments or whatsoever. That made her to easily trust and believe him. She was just shocked from the truth and she needed time to compose herself again.

She lost her confidence in front of him. What she said and did while she was with her was not a proper image of a decent woman. So for her defense mechanism, she avoided him, but still didn't changed the fact that she missed his him… he missed all of him.

Before, she was okay if he didn't saw him for two weeks or even a month. It just felt different now that there's something happened between them. She felt like during that night, that wild night, they shared, they already have an agreement; an agreement that they were attracted to each other and have a connection. It was just tainted because of the unexpected revelation. She can't hide the fact that she still misses him so much, but she just can't go back there and say: "Hey sweetheart, I'm back. Come to mama." That sound like a cougar.

"Chef, Miss Selena was outside." A server informed her after putting the ordered list. All of her employees knew Marcel and Selena that every time they visit her restaurant without informing her first, they always inform her if they saw them there.

She told her sues chef to take over first. She has two assistant chefs to help her in the kitchen, because sometimes she has to go out of the kitchen.

"How's my preggy friend? You didn't even tell me you're coming. I should have brought my gift for the baby." The bump in Selena's tummy were already visible that's why she's wearing dress now.

"We were on our way back from visiting Lola Dina when I feel hungry, so I told Dustin to come here first. He actually didn't know that this is yours."

"I always eat here when I'm in town. I didn't know that the chef is beautiful. I might as well knew you first before Selena." Dustin joked just to taunt her wife.

"Dude, sorry but Ivana was not interested to the infamous Redwood Brothers. Plus, she's more into Spanish looking guy." Ivana was just listening to the two talking. "Anyway, I also knew that you will make a fuss if I won't see you whole I'm here." Selena finally turned to her.

"It's not that I'll make a fuss, but anyway, you can just send me a message to meet you anytime, you know. By the way, are you enjoying your food? Do you need anything else?"

"Yes, I was actually wanted to ask you about something personal, if you have much time?" Dustin said with hope. She looked at Selena who just shrugged and started to eat.

"Okay," she shrugged and sat at the vacant seat beside her friend. "What is it?"

"It's about my brother, Rafael? We were planning on surprising Rafael him in his coming birthday. We were thinking about inviting you to come."

Ivana turned to Selena with a question mark in her face.

"I didn't say anything to them, Ivana. The moment I found out about you and him, ate Cassy already knew about it. She was the one who told Dustin about you. I told you how these siblings are tight." Selena explained before she voiced out her question.

"Even when Rafael won't tell us what he truly feel, knowing him, we knew something was bothering him. Plus, we saw the changes between the two of you, since the wedding's reception. Rafael can't fully join the party, but still tried. Recently, our sister, Yumi, told us that Rafael seems different, so, we talk to him. He didn't tell us what's going on or what happened but we know it's about the two of you." Dustin added.

"Rafael was not celebrating his birthdays since he was a kid. He actually hated it because it reminds him of something from his past. That's what their sister Cassy told us when she called us recently. We don't know why but we know that it was a huge part of Rafael's past too. Anyway, his brothers told us that they don't celebrate his birthday because Rafael preferred to stay at his house and sulk. They can't force him to go out or do something." Selena added more.

"Cassy wanted to help Rafael forget about his past and celebrate his birthday. She's actually flying back here now to do that. She told us to talk to you first. I don't know about her plans but she said that we should make him feel that he's being loved and there are people who are thankful that he was born." Dustin also informed her.

"I get your point, but why am I getting involved?"

"Cassy didn't tell us her plan yet, she just told us to talk to you first."

"Why me?"

"Just be there, Ivana. I'm not also sure but I think Cassandra knew something about you and Rafael. They were always together even before the wedding. She said, Rafael needed someone to be with, like a mother figure so she became 'that' to him and she wanted to do something for him."

She just took a deep breath after that conversation with Dustin. She doesn't know what to say anymore.

"Ivana, I'm sorry if I didn't have the time to talk to you about what's bugging you now. I wish I could just talk to you and help you too."

She smiled at her friend. "I understand your situation, 'Len. Don't worry. It's not that big anyway. I was just confused on what's going on with me, that I know I am the only one who can answer it. Fine. I'll help you with your plans."

Maybe it's about time to face him anyway. She hoped that everything will be fine after and not to get more complicated.
