Chap 19

RAFAEL was just sitting at his bed watching sports game. Even he's attention was not really into it. He was just staring at it. It was his day today, a day that reminded him that he shouldn't exist in the world. He will just let the day pass and he'll go out and drink, but for now, he will cave in and sulk in his room first. It's always been like that so he knew that his siblings won't bother him.

The only reason why he was still alive is actually because of his siblings. The moment he knew that he has them, he thought that he's not alone in this world, that there was also someone who was just like him. But he was different from them because he was the only one who experiences that kind of thing when he was a kid, among his siblings.

He was curled up in his bed while staring blankly at the TV screen when someone knocked. Not his front door but in his bedroom door. That made him puzzled. No one knew her door's code nor had a keycard in her home except for her sister Cassy and Minji who got the extra key card because they live with him when they visited the country.

He didn't mind it, maybe he just heard it wrong when the knock gets louder and saw a shadow in the small gap below the door. He stood up and made the volume of the TV down. Should he call the security now? Is there a burglar who passed the security of the private place now?

"Rafael?" He stops dialing on his phone when he heard someone call his name. He was sure that it was not any of his sister-in-laws or his sisters. But the voice is so familiar. "Rafael, its Ivana."

He immediately opened the door and faced the woman who really owned that voice. She was also startled when the door suddenly opened. He was blinking trying to erase if he's day dreaming or not. These past few days, he'd been seeing Ivana's face everywhere, that's how she affected him now.

"Hi," she said after a while. "Your sibling gave me your house keycard." She raised the keycard to show it to him. "They send me here to---."

Even if it's a dream or his imagination, he didn't stop himself to kiss her again. "Raf---el." She tried to stop him but he won't let her. He moved her inside his room and closed the door, still not breaking the kiss. She was still trying to push him but after a while she gave in. So, he loosens his grip to her, only to be paused in his bed. He was stunned. It feels so real.

"I am real, you moron." Ivana said furiously whole standing in the middle of her room. Then she came near her just to pinch his cheek that made him cringe for pain. "See? I'm real. I'm here take you out of your house. Your siblings are--- hey!" He pulled her and hugged her again.

"If you're real then let me hug you, first."
