Cap 14 – Just a fool

In the kingdom of Akasty, in a mountainous region, in a town without a name, in one of its bustling streets, I was Eline, walking while she saw the windows of the vendors on the road holding the hands of a man of about 80 with A long unkempt beard, with a short white hair like his beard, he looked a bit fat compared to the soldiers I had seen with my father, while I strayed in my thoughts as a habit that I acquired from myself Uncle he said:

-So, that was the last thing that interested you in your travels before reaching your old man's place- he said with a warm and affectionate smile towards me, motivated by his state of mind, I answered him with another unconscious smile.

-I saw records of my grandfather in the library, they were all dusty, but you know, you know I could read them, and I read that in his youth they told him a story about something about reaching a pinnacle, you know, you know I was interested because I did not understand what it meant pinnacle, do you know what the pinnacle is? - I said while my eyes shone with a smile plastered on my face with the hope that he would answer me something that my father could not.

-oh… so my father heard a story like that? - he asked himself while looking at nothing, after waiting a while while he thought with an adorable "hmm", in the end he answered - Well if I remember correctly the pinnacle is reaching the limit of something in specific, or by Simply put, reach the top.

-Reach the top, something? Reaching the top of the mountain counts- I said confused

He laughed out loud and said - No, no silly girl- he said as he touched my nose and I pouted - I'm not silly- he laughed again while making a sad face - Did you forget what the last one taught you You see, you have to at least try to understand what I'm saying before asking.

-Of course, I answered him exasperated from so many times that he reminded me of something that I will always end up forgetting later.

-Well, well to answer you it is easy look, for example, let's compare Uncle Lu's bread with Uncle Harry's bread, which one do you think is closer to the word pinnacle? - He said

"Obviously Uncle Lu's, Uncle Harry's tastes a bit earthy," I said as I stuck out my tongue

- AHAHAHAJ, don't let Uncle Harry hear you- he said while coughing- but hey, you don't see how simple it is when you try to understand before asking.

-Well- I said while I started to think correctly while we continued walking, as I understand the pinnacle is like a skill limit in something or something like a dog that runs faster than another dog, well maybe, well that's what I understood, I suddenly wondered, if he knows what it is, has he reached it?

-Hey, hey man if you know what it is, have you reached it?

I don't know if it was my imagination, but after I asked, I felt that the uncle trembled with emotion, but he said happily - How do you think I have achieved it ... you highly esteem your uncle, what do you think I am good at to at least achieve it? - He said, but he's right I don't know what my uncle is good at, if I remember correctly he is good at comedy, but I don't think that's something like a skill that is trained, well maybe yes but his jokes are very ill, ah, wait, the last time he had shown me magic? Is he not a magician? Then I said- Oh man, if I remember correctly you were good at magic- when I said it again I felt that I saw him tremble but discard it a moment later.

-Of course I am, don't you know that your uncle is the best magician in the world? - He said as he laughed out loud and stroked my head.

-Are you sure you are? The last time with my father I saw a magician, build a house in seconds, can you do that uncle? - I said skeptically, remembering that the last magic he showed me was birds flying to me around.

-First you don't remember what I taught you, and then you don't trust your uncle? - He said with a sad face.

-Really? -I said-

-Of course ask your father if you don't believe me- he said confidently

Well if you are so confident then you should be, ignore the fact after reaching a valid conclusion, continuing with the topic if I think about it, if you are the best magician in the world, then you must have reached the so-called pinnacle already, no?

-But man, if you are the best magician in the world, how did you not reach the pinnacle? - I said with a confused look

"Oh, you're right," he said as he slapped his hand towards his palm in a sign of finding an incredible answer.

While I was laughing, I remembered that today was the last day that I would see him until after a long time, so I decided I wanted to leave a memory of him in my memory as my father taught me, so I said:

-Hey uncle my father taught me that we can make promises and to have an unforgettable memory of someone, I don't want to forget you, so let's make a promise about you reaching the pinnacle for the next time I see you yes? - I said innocently and a touch of sadness

-Oh Eline- he said while crying and smiling - I also want to remember you forever my pretty Eline, I promise you for everything that exists and will exist in time itself, as well as in the space of emptiness, that I will reach the pinnacle- he said while trying to sound in a dignified way.

I laughed and answered- Me too uncle, I promise I'll be back- I said while hugging him.

After that I realized that we had already arrived from my uncle's house to the carriage where this potato is, so while I realized in a clueless way my father said.

-Oh what do you hear you laugh so much about? -

- Ahahaha, it's a secret Bernard- said my uncle

-Well ahahaha, I appreciate you being with my daughter Bill.

When I realized it, my uncle leaned down and hugged me while saying:

-Well Eline, I hope you keep your promise because I will never forget it- she said happily

-I will never do it uncle! - I said

-I hope so ahahaha, take care of yourself and take care of your father for me, the next time we meet I will teach you a little magic so you can see who is the best magician in the world ahahahaha.

-HAHAHAJ- my father laughed -You're still the same Bill, well daughter, time to go- as I got up and we went to the carriage, before entering he turned around as if he remembered something and said- Oh right Bill I didn't tell you when we would come from Again, look, we will travel to the other continent by boat on a trip to see her mother and then we will return to the kingdom with her, we will most likely last a few years so keep doing your thing- my father said in a goodbye- Well Bill, Goodbye and as you always say, I will remember you.-

After that we got into the carriage escorted by soldiers as we were leaving town, I turned around to look at the back window to see my uncle to keep it in my memory for the last time, I couldn't help but be surprised to see my uncle back as if some force has limited it and I have tried to destroy it like the gravitational magic of the best magician in the realm that I had seen before, I can only describe it as if the world is trying to stop it, as if the sky itself is trying to swallow it to prevent it from turning around, I could only imagine her look of determination as if it were a story of heroes from library books going against fate in a silly way and I couldn't help but laugh.

-Father my uncle seems to have gotten older still and his back is going to split - I said while laughing.

My father was surprised and looked at the window again to be amazed after seeing my uncle for the last time before we lost sight of him and he took a step, I could not realize something, but my father began to sweat as if something incredible had just happened, I had never seen my father like this, so I asked him.

-Papa, what happened my uncle is sick? - I said in a worried way without realizing the truth

My father whispered- Ah back- until later he smiled and looked at me again to answer my innocent question.

-No daughter your uncle is fine, just that it is his habit to tremble when trying something difficult, normally he does not tremble so much, it seemed that what he is trying this time is incredibly difficult that is why he was like this, just think of it as his silly imagination doing his thing like his jokes- he said laughing.

I couldn't help but remember our promise, but at the age of 14 I couldn't help but dismiss it from my mind as something silly of my uncle, with his jokes and actions I didn't think that what he was trying was more difficult than getting out of bed how he exaggerates things so I could only laugh with my father as he watched the scenery go by.

4 years passed while I was traveling after leaving my uncle's village, in the boredom of the trip to the middle of the continent before reaching the sea I made my father after so much effort teach me magic comparing him with my uncle the best magician in the world I could not avoid laughing.

After another 4 years of 1 while we reached the sea and 3 by boat which was incredible, we reached the other continent called Plasmorsh, with its funny name, in these years of magic I have managed to learn most of the theories from my father, I think I'm ready to start doing magic

When we arrived at the port I could see my mother waiting for us in the port while the sailors shouted with excitement and my father yelled -HEARNING ALREADY ARRIVED! - My mother could not help laughing.

We spent 4 years in my mother's city, in this time I was able to do magic like my father and I am sure that in years I will be better than him, at this age, many men try to compare themselves in magic with me but not one has beaten me, they must It was because of the genes comparing myself to my uncle again, I couldn't help but laugh at my uselessness.

My father became an ally of the kingdom in which my mother's city is located and we are celebrating with my mother who continues to insist that I leave the magic and get a boyfriend once and for all, we all laugh as always, I start to miss the jokes of my uncle.

13 years we spent in the kingdom of Tinian, with the relationships we have with the country has prospered a lot and I am already better in magic than the magician of the kingdom, I think I am getting closer to my uncle even more, sure.

My mother is getting old after the years since she did not study magic her life did not extend so soon she will die, we are all sad, but we continue living in peace.

5 years later my mother died.

3 years later I got over the death of my mother and kept it in my heart, with my father we decided that it is time to return to the continent that ironically is called continent, heavens who names things to have such a horrible meaning.

When we are halfway to the port we were informed by my father's allies that they were attacking the Tinian kingdom, we could only turn back to provide help.

60 years at war, we spent defending the kingdom, in the end my father and I had to flee when we realized that it was a lost war when the 4 enemy kingdoms allied, we decided to return to the continent again.

2 years we spent fleeing after the destruction of the kingdom of Tinian, in the end we managed to get a boat to travel, my old father I could no longer run I think he is getting sick, hopefully he will resist the trip.

My father asked me for the first time since he could not make much effort due to the disease, and he had no more to do and he said:

-By the way, I remember that you begged me to teach you magic, but I don't remember why?

-It was because I wanted to be like my uncle the best magician in the world, by the way, at what level is my uncle I don't think he has reached it after so long yet, or is it that I'm overestimating him- I said after realizing that I have been exaggerating magic a lot by being one of the best magicians on the Plasmorsh continent, my father just smiled and said something that surprised me as he looked longingly at the sky:

-Your uncle loved to joke I remember that one day in your childhood you asked him what magic is, and he spent 3 years learning just to be able to make a minor illusion of birds ahahaha-

I couldn't help but be surprised, I think I lived in a lie I reached almost the top of magic by my uncle who barely had the level to control the light, when I can destroy with my magic a city without magic, I could only get angry while laughing that until the end I fell for their jokes.

My father also did it after I told him what I thought all these years while saying that when I saw him again I would surely beat him for mistreating his daughter like that, but I couldn't help but wonder why he thinks he is still alive when we left He was 80 years old, when I asked him he said, that even life is a joke for him, so I could only laugh seeing that my father trusts him incredibly, following the jokes I could only wish they were true.

We lasted 4 years while we fled and fought in the sea towards the continent, my father could not resist after so long with his illness and so many fights and in the end he died, as for the sadness and tears I spent them killing everyone in the area with my magic.

I spent 3 years trying to lose the enemy army until I realized that it was impossible, all the magicians classified between the continents chase me, some to eliminate me and others to capture me, laughing at how I have lived without a dream I decided that if at least I was going to die I wanted to see if my uncle was alive and I laughed at the thought, I think my father educated me well to laugh before death ahahaha ...

1 years later I was able to reach the mountains where the nameless village was 100 years ago, the problem was that I was bringing an army behind me, every time my concealment magic was given, my mana dropped a third.

I was exhausted, I only had mana left for a first rank spell, while running I could see the ruins of the town, I couldn't help but sigh and continue to where I remembered my uncle's house was.

I am in the town market, I never realized how long it is, in fatigue I felt that I could no longer breathe so I tried to rest until I realized that the army was approaching when an arrow hit me in the shoulder, I couldn't help sigh in pain and run, the horses were approaching, before the arrows fell I spent my last spell to turn the corner and give me speed to get to my uncle's house.

I ran with all my strength, I did not feel my legs, I only knew that they were moving by the movement of my eyes forward, the pain was taking my conscience, at this point I could not help but remember my uncle, it seemed ironic that I was looking for him right When he was going to die, what a joke would he make, when he realized that I was bringing him an army as a gift when he arrived ahahaha ... I raised my head after laughing with my last strip of hope in my heart so that he was still alive.

I saw it, the house that I remembered

It hadn't changed.

It seemed magic

Ironic not a magician saying something is magical?

But when I saw him, something inside me remembered, I remembered, Why was he still alive? I wondered, why did my father trust him so much? I remembered how my father said that he could only do illusion magic.

Huge after months of work, but that something inside me screamed the impossible, he said he was the best magician in the world, I remembered how he trembled when talking about magic, how he trembled when talking about the pinnacle, feeling tears in my eyes when I realized it.

My father said when we were leaving that my uncle had returned and I ignored him, I saw how his back trembled before the world, but I cannot forget the most incredible thing about that trembling, it was his step, when he turned around as if the world were swallowing him He raised his foot that seemed like he was going to go alone against an army, as if before his foot he crushed the destiny prescribed by the heavens, a step that created a miracle, a step that fought against the heavens, a step that went against the same logic, a step, a promise, a dream, a wish.

At this point I was on the edge of the entrance to the patio, an arrow hit me in the lung and I fell against the wall in front of the door, but I did not feel pain from the arrow, no, I did not feel pain, just a feeling in my heart, sadness , 102 years since I left, and I forgot the promise, I forgot to return at all costs, only to arrive and die without fulfilling it, I cried when I knew how my uncle spent 102 years of his life looking for something impossible, I remembered how my Uncle I joked that he was the best magician in the world, I remembered how I got angry when I realized it was a lie, I remembered how he trembled, I remembered his words.


It took me 102 years to be the best magician on a single continent!


The limit of magic does not exist

But without time you have no way to achieve it


What did I do?

Why did I make him swear that?

Will I end up murdering him under my hand by bringing him the strongest army of humanity?

While I was crying I could see that the army stopped in front of the house while I was down, but I stopped worrying about them, I was only interested in the promise, I was only interested in seeing him again, I tried to maintain consciousness as long as possible, I tried to resist, I wanted to see if there was at least a hope among the impossible, he wanted to trust that he would be capable, he wanted to know if he was alive.




She tried to fulfill a foolish wish of her brother's daughter in childhood

And so she threw her whole life on an endless road

And I who gave him that promise

I couldn't give him anything else

Just suffering

Tears were coming from my eyes

All sound was isolated

As if time did not exist

Footsteps were heard in the house

Beside me, the door opened, an old man came out, but I could only see his back, but that was enough, I knew when I saw him and I knew who he was, I smiled at death and smiled at his presence, I smiled while I cried and said with the last of my mana that I got in this time of eternal suffering

Before falling unconscious.

I told

-I came back. -


I lost consciousness, I thought I was dead, but I could see a familiar ceiling again, in a familiar bed, with a familiar sheet, the tears came out uncontrollably I could only cry, after losing my father and mother, I could only cry without that nobody was there for me, but I almost forgot, I forgot whom my father had a blind trust, while I was crying next to me an old voice was heard that said:

-Hay Eline you kept your promise, but you know I expected that when you came back you would bring me your family with your husband eh, children, but I went out and discovered a crowd I thought for a second that you had a rabbit syndrome or something ahahaha ...

Hearing him joke I could only cry louder, but surprisingly I did not feel mana from him anywhere, but I knew it the same, that to get rid of that army you needed to be stronger than myself, I had to be stronger than an entire continent, like this that between tears I told him what made my heart bleed.

-You did?-

-AAHAHAHAJ, of course I did, why do you think I opened the door for you, if I had not left you out a few more years to fulfill the promise, you know you arrived just in time, a year ago I understood the concept of the pinnacle, so it could be say that if you arrived earlier my promise was not fulfilled ahahaha-

I could see how his words concealed his father's love for me unmistakably.

And as a lie so that my mind would not break.

Losing everything I wanted in the world.

Without a dream and living for fun.

Isn't it funny that so that my mind wouldn't get lost in eternal suffering whoever caused it I consoled myself?

At his words and my thoughts I just kept crying in his embrace until I fell asleep again, but I kept reaffirming myself, I kept thinking, I believed again that my uncle never lied, I knew it today.

My uncle was the best magician in the world.

My uncle reached the pinnacle.

My uncle never forgot about me.

My uncle did the impossible.

Because of me

For a childish promise

A silly promise

For the first time.

My uncle.

He took a step.


The world is about to end, you know?

A voice is heard when I regained my consciousness almost as if it did not exist in this world as if it spoke about heaven.

-I saw your memories calmly, it is normal for father to be angry to see your life, when he explicitly told you to try to live happily. - The voice sounds somewhat resentful and jealous of me but my conscience has not yet recovered enough to speak or move my body so I keep hearing, thinking my countless questions to her words.

- Well the main theme, this world is only a battlefield for beings other than humans, humans for them are only considered entertainment and food, and in summary now the two strongest species will fight for fun to see which side wins this planet and many more- the voice says it as if this story did not concern him, as if it were a talk in the field.

-Samuel, what are you telling my sweet Eline when she starts to wake up? - sounds the unmistakable voice of my uncle laughing.

-Well, Eline I'm sorry to be in a hurry, but I will give you a diary that I write about my life so that you understand the whole situation, as for getting lost, be calm, just say my name and I will hear your voice no matter where you are- His comments surprised me, but my calm forged over the years helped me calm down.

- Now I have to go to fulfill another promise I had so while reading the newspaper to pass the time, remember just call me- slowly I felt that I could move my body and my mouth.

-As for the danger of the world, be calm and, by the way- I turn my head to see her smile as if it were a demon.

- Eline Sidero, what if you could travel in time, do you want to go back and try to change the future again, or will you live in this exact time? - My uncle asked it in a serious way, but at the same time comical, I know that he says it to protect me from this world that according to him is approaching the fall, and in any way if I can change this future, even if I can travel in time , I want everything to stay the same, and how long to live?

A small smile comes from my lips in a mischievous way

Before death forget

But I have many wishes

Didn't she after all tell me before? Live happily

-Just put me in a safe place, it is not necessary to send me to the past - I tell her because she seems to be in a hurry for something else.

Maybe going through so much one unconsciously realizes

Why haven't I tried living before?

Even dreamless people have a silly wish

Even if it's impossible

I see the cover of the newspaper with its summary, it appeared in my hands without realizing it

...… ..

-The story of a fool-

Without knowing why to live

For feeling what it is to be alive

For losing his beloved abandonment to his brother irresponsibly and to a world that had faith in him

For a promise I embark on an impossible journey

He bet his all on a foolish plan trying to deceive a being that had the power to control worlds.

Unable to escape the gaze of the powerful being, he decided to give it a try in his next life.

But after so long he began to stop feeling alive, the spark that supported his madness began to fade, saying that he would do it in another life, he thought that what he was trying was impossible, after all.

Can't a man defy destiny written by the heavens?


When i was about to give up

A girl just as silly as him

Told her to do something impossible

A family of fools and crazy is this

The man who was about to abandon everything to try in another life

He made another silly bet with his life as if it were a game

And the worst thing that whenever you make a bet is worse and stupider than the last

It complicates senseless

But this time with the accumulation of the work of his two lives to search for the answer to another meaningless question.

Do I achieve the impossible?

Can you believe it?

Isn't the world crazy?

Am I crazy maybe?

And worst of all

It motivates me and makes me want to follow your idiocy

To do something impossible

Maybe the world favors fools?


I laughed after reading and understanding what my uncle's life was about I was going to ask him but

I saw it, if she didn't want to see such a thing, but she saw it

Your smile

Her smile that had nothing but emotion

An uncontrollable emotion

That smile made him realize

That your grandfather

She was a fool, she made her sigh.

But i was sure

I didn't know why

But she knew

That someone who is a fool trying to accomplish impossible things for fun.

I would see it again

Remembering in her wake

I just whispered while looking at the sky

-Pinnacle huh? - with a mischievous smile


The mountains trembled

The sky was splitting

The gods trembled in fear

The demons danced

The animals sang

Humanity cried

And me

Smiled with excitement

After so long I will finally see her again

But I remember Eline one more time instead of getting lost in my thoughts about my beloved

I heard her words before sending her to my world full of my army

My smile deepens

Remembering her memories of my meeting with her

I try that laughter does not explode from me

But I write in the diary that I gave him that he has not seen, my words on your last page

Silly girl

You should know more than anyone

For a promise….


A silly promise….

I will do anything….

It does not matter that….



I say with a deep voice after returning to this reality

A spear appears in my hand

Everything around me fluctuates

As well as my thoughts

I wonder what there is besides the pinnacle


My laughter echoes across the planet

I swing my spear forward with excitement

The time stops

The river of time stops flowing

My universe begins to change

I focus on a world that I built just for her arrival.

An ice castle in a world full of life as the green of the trees is counteracted and the blue of the eternal ice looks quite good before my eyes as if it were corruption

After all it was a silly dream she had

My smile softens

In a bed made of sea blue flowers with a cotton texture

I focus my gaze

The whole universe begins to revolve around this planet providing me with its energy

Samuel ensures that time remains stopped in the original timeline

While I thank him in my mind and he answers me to concentrate with a voice full of longing as if it were his mother

I can't contain my laughter

I move the MaTime

I align the river of time to my pleasure by placing a nonexistent time on the bed, just when she died

Her being

Her body

Her soul

The stars in the sky begin to fade

I am creating a change in time, in the future, in the past, I am trying to change the river of time and the cycle of reincarnation with my own hands.

Everything so that everything I wish to begin again

Without losing my smile I move my hand

The whole sky darkens with all the dead stars


Everything changes again

Time generates change

Like a spark in the dark, the light of each star begins to spread throughout the planet's sky, but without caring about this legendary scene, I see the bed with longing and madness.

The body is formed slowly, I regenerate time in the parts lost in death, I recover the soul and its memories right at death, I lower its pain a little so that there is no trauma of death.

I finish my actions and the whole world has been enlightened, only me and the body of my beloved remain in the world.

But how is my job I know

The wind caresses her silver hair like the moon

By having her body with Matime her hair color changed

But the essence is the same



I will open the eyes

And her tears start to fall

My eyes have tears too, but it doesn't even matter

The world carries my words to its ear

My feelings of millennia are released in a single word.

My oath to eternity echoes in my mind

And you hear

-I found you-