Cap 15 – Another Fool..

I still remember

Aco Broúntzos

My life was very normal based on this world

My parents always took care of me and I was happy

Until i get to school

One day before the incident my father said something funny to me

-Papa !, Papa !, do you know how I can understand people? - I asked him about the nerves of meeting people, but he answered me something that I never expected.

With a smile on his face he told me

-Do you know Aco, we can see that each person is a world in itself complicated and with many changing variables, so to understand it you should try to understand the world, of course that does not sound easy, right? - He said it while laughing as if it were a joke.

My mother died of a terminal illness after I was born and my father raised me alone

But the next day my father left after saying goodbye wishing me luck in school

The catastrophe happened

A space monster appeared when the ship left the scanners of humanity, the ship was prepared to explore another planet that seemed habitable by the data collected

First you see that humanity discovered living beings that could survive in space and move accordingly, of course the first thing humanity did is try to study it, but after unsuccessful attempts the beast ended up going to another solar system, danger passed, but I on the mother planet I suffered like never before.


I never suffered when my mother died because I could not meet her, but my father raised me the pain was shocking I was still a girl who went to school at that age it was terrifying, with the help of the chip, as well as different government systems. It gave the ability to continue studying, as well as the inheritance of my father, I continued studying while an idea was generated in my mind.

I got to higher education, it was time for the decision of what to do with my life

But nothing attracted me

I had a silly wish

Understand the world

That's what my father said

I don't know how I got to this thought, but it was fun

Made me laugh while crying

-I want to make a world with my own hands- I said to myself

What delusions of grandeur

But the more I grew that desire, the deeper it deepened in my brain as if trying to drill down to my soul, so I went to higher education.

After looking for multiple careers, none of them aligned with what I was looking for

But a few days before enrollment closes discover a unique ad

It seemed crazy


Something that shouldn't have existed

But a couple of crazy people from the federation parliament decided to try their luck

A bitter smile appeared as I made my decision

But in a whisper my voice was heard

-Create a world -


The first day of school was quite interesting

At first there was no one and I already had the idea that no madman would come to this mad race, but a man appeared.

Schmo said it was his name, he was quite energetic I can accept it, but I didn't know him very well so I acted reserved the conversation was fun until the third person appeared to make a group of madness form.

It seemed like a funny joke of fate

Agito said it was called a lovable name since it doesn't sound like he's a Russian maniac

They talked quietly

But out of nowhere his smile turns strange and he asks us something to a stranger

-They are alive? -

At first I thought it was idiotic, but then I remembered I remembered my father again

All my childhood passed through my eyes

Schmo responded as if nothing

But I knew that my answer was stupid but I still said it based on everything I have lived

-When my will is eternal I will feel alive to answer that question - I said without knowing if you understand what I was referring to, but instead of answering us, she started to laugh out loud.

Quite a strange man, but it got even more interesting when Schmo returned the question and answered with a depth he had never known.

-I don't know- his voice sounded hoarse as if he had woken up from a nightmare

Curiosity came to me strongly, but Schmo said something even stranger

-Let's take an oath! - So his voice sounded excited by so many words

A promise to link our lives, a promise for eternity sounded like fun so I immediately agreed. These two seemed like a lot of fun back then.


Work of fate perhaps?

As if the heavens laugh at our meeting

As if they laughed at my love it happened

They made us separate to improve the development of humanity, hatred and anger towards humanity consumed me, but in front of them those feelings disappeared, they made me want to destroy humanity, but when I met with them that feeling disappeared.

I felt those two like my family

I made them promise before our separation that we would always be family

Schmo a silly and funny energetic brother

I shake a crazy but fun loving husband

And after 5 years I started to love him

Why, you ask?

I do not know

A man without sense of himself

A man who only looks happy by our side

A man who would give anything for us

A man who tried to hide his sadness

A man created by chance looking for a desire to grasp with his own hands and not let go

There are more reasons, but how fun he was to be with and how warm I felt with him made me want him, with Schmo it was just a feeling of having a younger brother.

But with Agito, it was an obsession, I did not want him to leave my side, I wanted to be with him always, I wanted to fulfill my dreams and help fulfill his while we supported each other, I wanted so many things from him

Wish so many things i wanted to make you happy

I felt happy making him smile and he looked at me the same

My almost impossible desire he supported him with all his being

But I still didn't know what his wish was, he never told me


3 years passed after hearing his voice reassured me again, I had been holding the anxiety within me to look for him for 3 years, I wanted so much to hug him to disappear the darkness that surrounded him.

I heard his voice trying to get to his position as fast as he could, I did not care about my surroundings or the situation I just wanted to see him.

But something hit the ship everything went black

I woke up with only half a full body

Strangely I was calm I did not feel pain

My life passed a bit in my eyes, but it's not as cool as I expected

My feelings a little off in the past that I can see so he smiled with amusement

I heard the door of the ship open and responded jokingly when I saw it

Even at death's door

I can laugh when I see your face

I realize after not seeing him for 2 years

A smile is plastered on my face

I still love him

Isn't it fun?

Imagining how my childhood fantasies about being a princess

Just when I found someone to love me

Just when i found someone i love

It was only 3 years he said he did not want to separate

But dude


I'm just a fool

A big fool

- And finally, let's take an oath! Not after all, I really like to swear to do something impossible - I tell him trying to stay awake I tried to cheer him up with my best smile I kept joking and meant everything

Why wait for another life?

Will you love me for eternity?

Will you even find me dead and bring me to your side?

What sweeter thoughts

But I have more crazy at this moment

I ask him again

He answers yes and his answer fills me with warmth


Your smile

Her smile deepens

In the depths of her eyes she tries to hide it

Try to force your smile not to change

But i notice


His smile twists between sadness and a determination he had never seen in the

But I can see how their eyes with limitless love absorbed me

I realize what I just did

My thoughts are the same as maybe?


But I see in his face the answer that he had never told me just when we said that we would never keep secrets huh ...

His wish was foolish just like mine then

I can see what you want

Your smile tells me clearly

Want me

My laughter explodes without limits

My mind explodes in memories of my only longing


My thoughts

Do not succumb to death

Why am I laughing after all?

I can hear my childish voice screaming in the distance

My sense of reason screaming

My mind screams that it's a lie

But my heart beats

Like a flame lighting a rifle

Limitless emotion fills me

My mind begins to collapse I find it hard to think

My memories start to fade

Everything starts to turn white

But before I fall into the hands of death

A voice echoes within me

-Just wait for me -


Only white

The white begins to disappear begins to turn into darkness

I feel all dark

Time passes


My thoughts appear

My breath appears

My mind trembles

My memories resurface

My feelings explode

I feel the tears in my eyes fall as I remember my end

A family of crazy people in the end, even dying, I don't care about my own life and I'm lost in my thoughts, but.

Do you expect tears?

I'm alive?

I open my eyes

A multi-colored starry sky looms over me

I hear a whisper in my ears

My body trembles

A voice deeper than the sea itself

Filled with endless sadness and longing

But to my ears it changes

What I hear is not sadness, it is love, a love that transcends space itself

That longing is as if he could finally lift a heavy load from his shoulders

Like he's carrying a world on his back

I know I'm exaggerating with my words, but a comfort and sweetness is felt in my mind

I don't care because I'm alive

I am only concerned to see if its existence is real

I look back

I see the man who said those words, but my tears have not been able to stop yet so they cloud my vision, but I know who he is, I will always know.

Only my trembling gets stronger, I want to jump towards him, but I try to squeeze out a few words before moving.

I open my mouth

I try to move my tongue

I am trying to talk

My voice doesn't come out

The man's smile has not stopped, as well as his tears

Our tears

As if nothing exists around us

Only we can squeeze my words out of what I feel at this moment

I try

I try with all my being

But in the end they don't come out

Did he smile at the end I must let everything flow right?

I feel my body stop shaking and I speak

-I came back? -