The heavenly king sighed looking around. He had not thought about this on time but now, it seemed like this may backfire on him.

"Dark king, be very careful. You are in the heavenly realm. Do you think you can just easily kill me?" The heavenly king asked.

"Even if I am to die today, I will surely take you along with me" The dark king said.

"I have nothing to hide. I have already requested the nature guardian to come and judge this matter. Dark king, do not believe everything you hear" The heavenly king said.

The dark king's anger continued to burn more and more. All the elders of the heavenly realm were present which should scare him a little but it didn't. For the sake of his daughter, he was willing to day anything. Just as he was about to draw out his sword, a large amount of air blew into the hall. Even without looking, he knew who it was.

Everyone in the hall stood up in awe as the nature guardian arrived. She was fully dressed in green, the back of her dress falling largely to the ground. She was a very beautiful woman. The most beautiful in the three realms at that time. No, even until now. Half of her hair was packed up in a beautiful style and the top of her eyes were painted green just like the color of her eyes. She did not look happy.

"Heavenly king, you have a lot of explaining to do." The nature guardian said entering inside.

"Nature guardian, I ask you to be fair and just. You must be able to look past your nose in this matter or else, you might not see the truth" Elder Zhèngyì said.

"Elder Zhèngyì, are you implying that because the girl in question is my daughter, I will be partial?" The nature guardian asked, her eyes blazing fire.

"We just hope that you will be compassionate" Elder Tóngqíng said.

"Don't worry, I will make sure to get to the bottom of it. Those who need to be punished, will be punished" The nature guardian said.

"Bring in the girl in question!"

Fengge woke up with a splitting headache. His whole body felt stiff and he could barely open his eyes. He remembered everything that happened. The sadness made him close his eyes again. Maybe he shouldn't have opened his eyes. It would be better to have continued sleeping. The sudden movement of something by his side caught his attention.

"You are awake. Are you okay? Lemme check" Su Ying said leaving over to touch his forehead while she placed her other hand on hers to check.

Fengge froze in shock as she checked his temperature. They were not that close but she had not minded taking care of him. Well, he was aware she was in love with him. He shouldn't be giving her hope.

"I'm fine. I need to get up" Fengge said trying to sit up but was forced on his back again with Su Ying falling on top of him.

"I don't think you are well yet" Su Ying said, her face so close to Fengge's.

Fengge's mouth opened slightly as he wanted to say something but couldn't. He was suddenly lost in her beautiful green eyes. Why didn't he see this before? The both of them stared into each other's eyes mesmerized.

"Your Highness! Oh, sorry" The maid said turning her face away at the scene.

Su Ying moved away immediately turning her face away. Fengge sat up covering his shirt.

"What is it?" Fengge asked.

Su Ying flinched at the coldness she heard in his voice. He was obviously still very angry. Feeling embarrassed, she sat still, not daring to move.

"A meeting has been called. Everyone including the elders and the nature guardian herself is there. His Majesty has also summoned you to go there." The servant said.

"You may leave" Fengge said dismissing the servant.

Su Ying cleared her throat before standing up. There was nothing else for her to do here. Just as she was about to leave, Fengge caught her hand as she walked passed him. The look of question on her face was evident.

"Come with me. Please come with me." Fengge said quietly.

Taking in a deep breathe, Su Ying nodded at Fengge in agreement. A part of her had been dying to finally be able to take revenge on that stupid princess.

Few minutes later, the doors opened and Fengge came out. A part of her wanted to ask him why he was insisting on taking her along while another side of her was afraid of ruining things.

"Let's go." Fengge said walking ahead of her.

The whole hall was full of people. Most people she had seen in the book of legends while the rest seemed unfamiliar to her. Fengge bowed before the elders and everyone present.

"Greetings to you all" Fengge said.

"Fengge, you are here. Please tell everyone what exactly you saw yesterday." Elder Zhèngyì said.

"I will tell you exactly what I saw. Yesterday, I came to my father's study because I had been told that he was looking for me. When I got there, I was lead into his secret chamber. I felt it was kind of odd since he had never allowed me to go there. I saw my father lying in bed with someone. When I got closer, I found out it was none other than Princess Jiayi." Fengge said, anger in his eyes as he looked at Jiayi.

"That settles everything. The great heavenly king defiled my daughter. Finally, your true colors have been exposed. Nature guardian, I beg you to please bring justice to the dark realm" The dark king said bowing down.

"Don't be too fast. This doesn't prove anything. For all we know, Princess Jiayi must have seduced the heavenly king. We have long heard of her frivolous ways". Elder Zhèngyì said.

"I dare you to say that again! Elder or not, I will not allow you to insult my daughter" The dark king said.

"Yes. I heard that the heavenly king wasn't too happy with the marriage between Jiayi and his son, Fengge. Maybe this was his plot to sabotage the wedding" Lord Sly said looking at the heavenly king.

"Liar! How dare you insult our king like that! Heaven's harem is full of beautiful women from all over the three realms. Plus, His Majesty won't stoop so low as to seduce his son's wife" Elder Fēnlí said angrily.

"What do you think ice god?" The nature guardian asked looking at the god of ice for the first time.

The expression on the god of ice's face remained the same despite the fact he was thinking. Even a blind fool could see beyond this matter. He was well aware of his brother's evil character and knew the heavenly king didn't want the wedding to hold. But although his brother could be called anything, there was one thing he couldn't be called. A rapist. It was obvious this was done with the consent of both sides. This was good. He also didn't want this wedding to hold. Since they were aiming for the same thing, it was only right that he gave his brother a helping hand.

"This matter is too delicate. I'm afraid that I dare not comment rashly. It has to do with the peace and harmony of the three realms" The ice god said.

"Please don't feel shy. You are well respected across the three realms. Of course your opinion matters" The nature guardian said.

The heavenly king's eyes widened immediately as he realized that the ice god that cast the " Secret Mind Lock Magic" between him and the nature guardian. What exactly was he telling her that he didn't want anyone else to hear. The secret mind lock was a type of magic spell that enabled one to speak mind to mind with another person without letting others know. Breaking the connection between both parties or trying to eavesdrop depended on how strong the bond was. The nature guardian was far more powerful than him.

The ice god's face continued to remain emotionless as he talked mind to mind with the nature guardian.

"Nature guardian, I will be more clear and direct with you. Why go this charade when you know the truth already?" The ice god asked.

"I can't believe it. No. I refuse to believe it" The nature guardian said inhaling.

"Do you want me to clear your doubts?" The ice god asked.

"Please" The nature guardian said.

Without saying a single word, the ice god stood up summoning something in his hand. After the thing appeared, everyone could see a large big ball in his hand. The ice god moved closer to the middle of the hall holding the ball up.

"Can you all see this? This is the truth crystal ball. Let's use this to find out the truth." The ice god said.

Everyone present nodded their head in agreement except Jiayi and the nature guardian. The nature guardian looked in the direction where her daughter was sitting. A part of her was scared of what the truth might be. Meanwhile, Jiayi immediately looked at Lord Sly indirectly asking for help with her eyes.

"Please step forward. Jiayi, you go first" The ice god said.

Jiayi was brought to the center of the room. Her eyes shining full of fear. The ice god instructed her to hold the truth crystal ball.

"Master, you have to help me." Jiayi said talking to Lord Sly using the mind magic.

"There is nothing I can do at this point. Jiayi, you have really disappointed me. How can you fall so easily for such a trap?" Lord Sly asked.

"It doesn't matter at this point! Master, I am begging you." Jiayi pleaded.

The nature guardian shook her head in disbelief. The truth was now clear. Angrily she turned her head to Lord Sly warning him that she had very well sensed the use of the mind magic.

"I will just ask one question. This will prove everything. You claimed to have been lead into the room by a servant because you had been told that Fengge was there. Do you still stand by your word?" The ice god asked.

"I.... I can't remember." Jiayi said narrowing her eyes.

"Can't remember? That's what you told Fengge am I right or wrong?" The ice god asked.

"Yesterday, I did come to look for Fengge. I went to his palace but he wasn't there so I came to pay my respects to the heavenly king as courtesy demands" Jiayi said evading the truth.

"I will just ask you one question. Did the heavenly king force you in any way?" The ice god asked.

"It must have the incense or something." Jiayi said making the whole room go silent.

The ice god moved over to the heavenly king instructing him to do the same thing. The heavenly king held the truth crystal ball up while the ice god asked his question.

"Little brother, you better say nothing but the truth. Did you decieve Jiayi and orchestrate this whole plan in order to stop the wedding?" The ice god asked.

"No, I didn't" The heavenly king said, his heart besting fast.

The whole room looked up at the crystal ball. It had remained glowing meaning the heavenly king did not lie. The dark realm people were now silent, ashamed because of the truth that ha been spilled indirectly. The heavenly king's mouth opened slightly as he realized something had been wrong. The truth crystal ball had not changed even when he had lied.

"Whether this was planned or not, the deed has already been done. The heavenly realm must give us an explanation" Lord Sly said.

"You are right. In that case why don't we just allow princess Jiayi to marry the heavenly king?" Elder Zhèngyì asked.

"Over my dead body will my daughter marry the heavenly king" The dark king said spitting on the ground.

"Then what do you expect us to do? Everything has its consequences. What if the princess turns out to be pregnant?" Elder Tóngqíng asked.

"I will marry the princess. The wedding will go on as planned" Fengge said shocking everyone. Su Ying's hands dropped in shock as she heard him talk.

"What did you just say?" The ice god asked, his face showing anger for the first time.