Yang Han appeared in the dark palace to see his godfather, the dark king sitting with the two high lords. Yang Han paused looking round the room because he had been caught off guard.

"Greetings godfather." Yang Han said kneeling down.

He started getting worried when he noticed Lord Sly wasn't around. Yang Han quickly glanced at his godfather noticing his pale color. Yang Han stood up running to meet the dark king.

"Godfather, godfather, what's the matter?" Yang Han asked.

" I am okay. Don't worry about me." The dark king said.

" Don't worry? Your condition is getting worse. The blood core must be more unstable than ever. How can we not be worried about you?" Lord Pain said.

"Worried? God father, are you doing badly? Has the dark core been misbehaving once again?" Yang Han asked.

" Don't answer your uncle. He's just over exaggerating." The dark king said.

"Huiquing? Something must be wrong." Yang Han said mumuring.