4 Emergency at School

Mr. Halloway shot out of the double doors at the entrance to the gym. Some of my classmates were panicking and others were trying to console them.

"I have to find my sister!"

One of the girls called out. I was looking at the front door when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned just in time to see a flash of orange run into me. I fell backward and had the wind knocked out of me before this person landed on top of me. I was trying to pull air into my lungs. It burned to endure my situation. It was one of the prettier girls in the class that had knocked me over. I was still gasping as she pushed herself away from me. She was so beautiful. If my lungs weren't burning for air, I would have wanted to reached out to touch her. My heart skipped a beat. Suddenly, her face was twisted in fear and confusion.

"Who the fuck are you? Get away from me!"

My heart felt like it shriveled. How quickly you can go from feeling full to feeling crushed. I received a kick to my stomach before she ran out of the gym. I was already having trouble breathing and now this? Tears were running down my face from the pain in my stomach and lungs. What the hell is wrong with her? She ran into me and kicked me? She didn't know who I was...

In the middle of my pain. I couldn't help but feel more alone than ever before. I curled up into a ball. It didn't help the pain. No one sees me. How can anyone love me If they can't even see me? And when they do see me, they kick me? Fuck this world.

"Are you okay?"

I heard one of my classmates from a distance. I looked back to see someone else had fallen. Gerold was helping her up. No one even sees my pain. What would happen if... What If I just disappeared? What If I never came home. Never came back to school. People would shrug it off. My parents would remember from the post-its until they leave the kitchen. The teachers would see my name on papers and ask who I am. Then forget all over again.

Who needs this crap. Even with powers, I would be a sidekick at best. I stood up. I slowly got my breath back and started toward the exit. Who needs this kind of life? I have to take charge of making people know I exist...

Whatever this emergency is, I wonder If I can end it. My life. No one would remember me. They all forget. No one knew me more than a few sentences. Damn this existence.

I left the gym and heard gunfire in the distance. Someone is attacking the school? I went straight for the commotion. I had to pass another gym before I found a team of black-clad terrorists firing toward the teacher's office building. Their faces were covered and they had vests on. Possibly bulletproof armor. Assault rifles fired off rapidly. I saw our defenses. Several teachers were using their UNIQUE powers to hold off the assault. A wall of steel was formed by someone's power and had been blocking most of the incoming projectiles.

I thought nothing of the battle beyond my early observations. I walked out into the thick of it. I had no concern for my well-being. I turned toward the enemy side and heard a bullet whiz by my right ear. My heart was racing.

"End it."

I said under my breath. I lowered my head and waited for the inevitable.


The battle continued on. Nothing seemed to hit me. None of the teachers called out for my safety. My heart sank again. I was ready to die. I can't even be killed by people who were ready to kill. Tears welled up in my already sore eyes.


I heard a young girl scream to my left. I saw a small girl hiding around the far corner of a classroom building. She was scared. No teachers were near. I may not care about my own life at this point but, I couldn't ignore her.

I walked toward her, bullets whizzing in front and behind me. I was surprised to see a large chunk of flaming debris flying in front of me. I watched as it nailed one of the terrorists. I continued to make my way toward the girl. She had red hair, just like the girl that kicked me earlier. I stopped for a moment as I remembered the still lingering pain. It wasn't this girl's fault. She doesn't deserve to be in this situation.

She was sitting on the ground against the wall and covering her ears. I kneeled down and placed a hand on her shoulder. She quickly looked up at me in fear. Again, a flashback to only a few minutes before.

"I'm a student here. I won't hurt you."

Her eyes welled up and she lunged at me, hugging my shoulders for dear life. I could hear that there was more commotion on the other side of this building. She was trapped here between buildings. I gently pried her away from me.

"I have an idea. It may seem scary but, it's the only thing I can think of. Stay in front of me and don't leave me until you are genuinely safe. Do you understand?"

She nodded.

I walked out from cover ahead of her and got her to stand in front of me. I made sure to fill any gaps between the terrorist's vision and the girl. We slowly started walking toward the teachers.


One of the teachers called out.

"Stay with me. They don't understand. What we are doing."


I had my hands on her shoulders as we walked together toward the barricade of friendlies. As I had suspected, it was like Jeanie was invisible to the terrorists. If they can't see her because of my body and power blocking their view, she may as well not exist. We took our time and got close to the teachers without a scratch.

One teacher put up a force field behind us while another teacher ran up and collected Jeanie. The force field began to follow them. As it did, I was not accounted for in the equation which meant I got knocked forward by the force of a solid object. I was left behind like an insect for bringing the girl to safety. I could see the relief on the young girl's face. The middle-aged but build man who collected her from me, had turned and was bringing her to further safety. No one gave me a second look.