
"Betrayal!" the word escaped the being's lips.

As though powered by the word, his suit gave off a flash of bright purple light as a purple sphere began to grow around him until he was fully covered by it. The dome pushed all the stones and rubble away from him, giving him space to breathe again before he disappeared from the spot, leaving an empty space between the rubble above and the earth.

Seconds later, the rocks collapsed, causing the entire cave to shake, and with it came the sounds of the surface caving into the cave itself.

"What's happening?" the woman called out when she noticed the shaking.

Without any hesitation or waiting to discover the cause, she quickly began climbing the stairs to find her way out of the space. But just as she set her feet outside the cave, the entire thing collapsed, possibly killing or trapping the men inside.

"Did they just resurrect him?" she asked herself with a look of utter disbelief.

Humans could hardly cure certain diseases, and these guys had just resurrected an ancient being by simply chanting. Clearly, she didn't know much about what they were doing, but she did at least know that it involved resurrecting the one who would bring an end to the world, En Sabah Nur.


"[Sir, you have a call from Professor Xavier,]" Queen said as she materialized inside the virtual space.

"Thank you, I will call back later," Richard answered as he completed his business deal with the representatives.

The world of virtual technology was a very big market, and Deus Corp was at the center of it all with the Deus Glasses. Richard signed several contracts to lease certain areas and to create certain things in the space for the several companies.

"May we have a long-lasting partnership," the representative said as they shook hands, and he left.

Just a morning's meeting was enough for Richard to bag several contracts that would earn him more than 100 million dollars, and even better, Deus Corp was made up of only him and Queen. They could employ others, but it wasn't really needed.

Well, not entirely all of Deus Corp was run by him and Queen; he still had a few factories where the Deus Glasses were produced, so he was creating jobs, just not enough for the people. Richard had other plans, naturally, but for now, this was how things were.

With the man gone, Richard sat back as a huge smile formed on his lips. His little company was becoming bigger—well, at least in terms of income since he currently had zero employees working in the main company.

"[Sir, I think you would want to see this,]" Queen said as she materialized in the office.

Richard had lined each and every area of his residence or occupancy with holographic projectors. The point of it all was simply for Queen to be able to appear in the physical world. It was only fair that he created it for her so she could appear in the physical world since he could appear in the digital realm and the virtual space.

"What is it?" Richard asked, knowing that it would probably be something annoying.

"[The possible emergence of some powerful mutant,]" Queen answered, and almost immediately, Richard lost interest.

"Queen, powerful mutants are born on this planet basically every two days. I don't need to be aware of each and every single one of them."

The Marvel universe was full of powerful mutants, from reality warpers to matter manipulators. Marvel had it all. Some of them weren't even that known, like the X-Men. Hell, there's a World War II veteran that can manipulate reality even though he himself didn't know he was doing it.

With how many there were, Richard didn't want Queen keeping track of them since it was best to just stay out of the way of these mutants if you don't want any tragedy following you.

"[No, this is what I'm talking about,]" Queen said as she projected a video on the screen.

In the video, three men could be seen walking down the road when suddenly there was a bright explosion of purple light. Richard was not impressed by this at all since he wasn't concerned about it. As soon as the lights died, it revealed a massive man who was standing at a height of about 7 feet tall and had muscles that made him look huge.

The man had blue skin and was wearing a suit of armor that was colored blue and black. The armor had several pipes that ran from its back into the man's head and body. Seeing the man, Richard immediately paused the video.