
"Ryan, come here. Let me kiss you!"

Rhea who was dressed as a princess commanded Ryan Jin who was a general in her kingdom. Rhea could see that she was an ancient Chinese princess from her dresses. Ryan was with long black hair. He was so perfect in that 'hanfu' he was wearing.

"Yes, your highness!" he took two steps towards her.

"Ryan Jin, you can't do this to me!", Lilly Chen shouted from somewhere near.

"Ryan Jin, I'm here for you!" and this is Ying Yue.

Ryan Jin froze then and there. Turned towards that last voice.

Now Rhea started to shout, "Don't go!"

He didn't seem to hear her. He went away, far away.....

Rhea swiftly woke up from her dream, scaring Chaoem Choi! It was ten past six in the morning. She hurriedly picked the water jar near her bed and downed it.

Her hand was sore. That's why she must have got that bad dream. She then got off the bed to get ready!

After the 'truth or kiss' incident, Rhea didn't want to see Ryan Jin for now. She was ashamed. She wants some time so he will forget the fact she violated him using a silly game. She actually forced a kiss on him using a game. That's not fair after all.

It was the first time he kissed a man.

It took about five hours for her to wake up from that kiss's fascination and then took another five hours to regret it. After those ten hours, she finally made up her mind. She had no other way than hiding herself.

Hibernation always helps.

He will forget it with time. It was just a peck. It was nothing more than a peck. Ryan appeared so stern and nonchalant back when she kissed him. There were no feelings, from his side. So he will forget.

Rhea hid well for about two days. She didn't go to the studio! She stayed in his cabin most of the time. But this time she didn't get a phone call from Ryan. She had clearly explained to uncle Li that she has a really important assignment to complete. She really had one. She also asked uncle Li to send her the scripts for the next few days so she can work from the dorm. So it can't be considered as leave, since she completed her part.

Meantime, Rhea was wondering about Ryan's idea about her. She clearly feels that he was shocked by her sudden courage. Now she was not sure if he really has goodwill towards her. Ryan may even hate her after the incident.

Annoyance, anger, disgust...

Rhea didn't know what Ryan currently feel towards her. So what else she could do other than hiding?

She also wondered what to do if he fires her? Maybe that was her last day as his assistant. But he can't stop her from going to the film set anyway. All these things were going through her head. Still, she didn't want to go there.

On the third day, Rhea went to the studio.

She behaved like a soldier entering the enemy territory!

She walked all the way, hiding, checking, and walking. Then repeating these steps.

There, she hid from Ryan and did her work by only talking with uncle Li. Ryan had already left for the shoot when she entered the cabin, and before he could come back, she escaped from his cabin and went home. The next day she met Ryan accidentally on the corridor. He just brushed past her! They didn't talk. He didn't look or mind her. He must have been busy. As he didn't talk to her, her anxiety grew with the days. So Rhea thought it's better to face this head-on and apologize. She prepared what to say the day before and even memorized those lines.

But before she reached his cabin, she got a call from Ryan!

She was scared as if she had seen a ghost when she looked at her phone screen. She tightly grabbed the phone which was almost going to fall from her hand.

'Is he going to fire me right now?'

She hesitantly answered.

"Rhea, I want the script for tomorrow. Take the print now and hand me before I leave!".

"Ok!", before she could respond, he had already ended the call.

"....", Rhea was shocked.

'He is undoubtedly ANGRY!!!!'

But she tried to stay positive since he hadn't dismissed her from her job! After the call, anybody with a normal state of mind would have naturally felt relieved. But to her surprise her heart raced, her hands shook. She must have been so nervous to feel that way. He must mean a lot to her. Even she couldn't believe how much his voice made her panic.

She was listening to that deep voice after ten days. She can somewhat understand her heart!

Rhea hesitantly went to his cabin. She had already taken the print he had asked. She even completed checking them while staying in the cafeteria.

When Rhea opened the cabin door, the man who was sitting in his usual seat was busy staring at the computer. His face was calm and composed. His long eyebrows, sharp nose, and chiseled jaw added to his serious look.

He didn't look at her.

Rhea couldn't still believe that three days before, she kissed his perfect face, right there, in front of that table.

Suddenly she realized where she was standing and what she was thinking. She hurriedly moved towards the table and placed the file in her hand on the table. Then she hurried back towards the door.

"Rhea!", he called before she could reach the door.

She turned hesitantly turned, "Yes!"

"Uncle Li will not come next week"


"Check if you are available", he handed the shooting schedule.

Rhea checked them for some time. Although there were some clashes with her classes, she really wanted to make up for those ten days' leave. So she finally said she can come.

"Be here on time!", he told her then once again drifted his gaze towards the computer.

That day, Rhea was afraid to use that opportunity to apologize to him. She didn't want to turn everything awkward once again!

From that day onwards, things went back to normal. Ryan seemed normal, on the surface. He casually greeted her whenever he met her, talked to her, and gave her tasks. But Ryan somehow felt distant.

She has been thinking through the incident, again and again, finally, she decided to apologize! There was no other possible way for her. She felt suffocated to live this way.

As the shoot was reaching almost the last scenes, Ryan Jin was always busy. So she was waiting for the right time.

One day Ryan finished his work very late. Since uncle Li was not there to assist him, Rhea had to wait for him. She had to hand over the printed script of the next day.

Once he received the script he volunteered to drive her back to her hostel. As she was waiting for the right time to apologize, she didn't turn him down. It was usually uncle Li who drives him to the shooting. But now a new driver was there.

The night lights of Shanghai were shining on both sides of the road.

What a beautiful city!

Rhea always liked the busy night roads of Shanghai. The tall, beautiful skyscrapers, the lightings, and the vehicles on the road. Every single thing added to Shanghai's beauty.

Although she had been admiring the scenery, she didn't forget her motive. She somehow gathered her breath and spilled out a sorry.


Ryan who was in his thoughts didn't seem to get it.

"Hm?", now he turned towards her.

"About that day", as they were in the car with the new driver, she didn't want to say the word. She showed her lip with her finger then pointed at his cheek. Her eyes were full of apology as if she really regret it!

Ryan abruptly turned away his head towards the window and opened the window as if to get some air.

Rhea was Really discouraged by his reaction. He didn't forgive her, nor blamed her!

As Rhea continued to look at him expecting something he just said "I forgot it already!"

I forgot it already!....

He forgot!

She was struggling all this time but he forgot it already!

Rhea felt her heart aching. She hid from him cause she wanted him to forget it. Now he really forgot it. But why is her heart aching?

Because it was her precious first kiss. The first time she ever kissed the man she loved with all her heart. When she really came to know it meant nothing to him, and he had already forgotten it, her eyes naturally started to tear up. She almost choked.

She tried her best to hide it from him so turned her head towards the car window.

"That's great. Then I have nothing to worry about", she said.


"I too forgot it already", she added.


What the hell was she saying? If she has forgotten it already why would she bring it up now today? Her words didn't make sense to even herself.

But he just replied "Good for you!".

"But Mr. Ryan, I can assure you this will never happen again!"


"I'll never give you a dare or ask for truths!"

This time although he kept silent, Rhea, felt that his head turning towards her. She was looking out the window then so she wasn't sure.

Once they reached her hostel Rhea just got off the car and hurriedly left to her hostel without even saying a good bye. She forgot to say that you as well. She was in such a hurry. He didn't want to expose her misty eyes to him!

She actually cried that day, for a minute or two but didn't weep over that again and again. After that, she went to bed. The Sun didn't wait for her to recover from her sorrow. After a few hours, the land started to get some light once again!