Just him!

It was a Monday. The shooting was scheduled for noon. When Rhea went to the cabin, Ryan was already there.

They were preparing a restaurant-like set. Rhea had always wondered how talented those people were. The environment looked so real. Rhea could feel the elegance. These people who always work behind the scenes are not known by the people out there. But without them, there is no way to prepare beautiful scenes. Rhea wholeheartedly thanked their hard work.

Suddenly Rhea realized why they were preparing this set. They were going to shoot a dinner date scene between him and the female lead, that night.

Rhea had a habit of reading Ryan Jin's script, every day. She always liked to check them before she went to the shooting. But as she was not so happy the day before, she didn't have the time to read the next day's script.

Rhea had some other works, so she just ignored it and planned to read the script once everything is set. It was already dark when they finished preparing the set. The shoot hasn't started yet. Rhea finally got the time she wanted. So, she took out her copy of the script that day. It was the third dinner date scene of the main leads. There were only three scenes. So Rhea initially thought it must be the first one. But it was the third, which meant there is going to be a kiss. Ryan had to kiss the female lead!

If she had known she wouldn't have come! She is not big-hearted enough to see the love of her life kiss another woman. She never watched Ryan's old movie kiss scenes from the day she realized she loved him. She knew that she can't handle that much pressure. But she was dumb enough to come to shoot today.

As she was planning for a way to escape the shoot, Ryan came there. He was wearing a black suit for his black shirt. Even his tie was black. He was wearing a pearl black shoe as well.

As he walked into that room, Rhea couldn't see anyone else anymore. The man who grown over six feet, wearing all black, debonair, and dashing enough to make her fall in love again and again was walking towards her.

Her Ryan Jin!

She couldn't think of anything else but him. Everything else in her sight faded.

It was only him. Just him!

How can a man be this handsome? She had known him for a long time, she is in love for quite a long time. But this was the first time she saw him in such a sophisticated, elegant outfit. If she can use only one word to describe the way he looked she would say hot. He was hot, undoubtedly.

The handsome man who ruled Rhea's mind didn't look at her. He just brushed past her. She stayed there froze for a minute reminiscing his lavish looks then silently followed him.

Ryan sat on an armchair, one leg on another. Rhea handed him the script. He calmly started to go through the script once again. A bewitched Rhea was standing a few steps away from him. She was also reading the copy of the script but once in a while, she peeked at him as well. The frequency of peeking was like thirty times a minute!

As if to destroy her happiness, the female lead came and sat next to him.

'Oh my god! The kiss scene', Rhea who fleetingly forgot about that kiss instantly recalled.

Following her, Yuan Yue came. They started to discuss the scene that day. After a few minutes, the kiss on the script became the subject of discussion.

"Ryan, this will be the first kiss of the leads, I prefer it to be a real kiss since the audience will expect this scene", the director paused as if she was not sure if he'll agree.

"I'm not a good actor when it comes to romantic scenes, you must have known this!" It was his reply.

Rhea felt as if she had turned into a feather, softly floating. But her happiness didn't last long.

Yuan Yu really wanted the kiss to look better. She didn't know how to make him agree. As she was pondering she saw Rhea who was standing near. She knew that Rhea has the capability to do this task. She will help. Only she can help.

"Rhea, what do you think? I think it'll have an impact on the audience if the scene is real."

When Yuan Yu brought up her name, Rhea didn't really know what to do. The other two who were in the discussion stared at her. Especially Ryan!

Rhea didn't like the fact that Yuan Yu called her to ask this. How can she decide on this? She was already struggling enough. How can she say yes? She didn't want to agree. She pretended to listen to Yuan Yu's reasons. She was thinking all that time.

At last, she didn't want to be selfish!

It's Ryan's comeback movie. She has a very big responsibility to make this a success. If the director of the film forces something, it has to be really important. Rhea always trusted Yuan Yu's experience as a director. Besides, she shouldn't let her personal feelings affect his career. Here she should only think from the angle of the writer.

If I am an audience, what will I want to see?

What will I want as a writer?

Of course, I will want the movie to be a success. For that, the romance between the couple should be acceptable, not vague.

"I think it's better to go with a real kiss. This scene is really important. So…." she turned towards Ryan and continued "you should think it twice!"

Ryan who was staring at her directly without any wavering didn't move his eyes even an inch away from her eyes. It was that same look as if Rhea owes him money! Nowadays it has become his way of looking when it's her. His lips moved and spat "Ok".

His icy eyes pierced her before it drifted away. For some reason, Rhea felt a chill.

After that, Rhea who couldn't stay there after that stood up and moved away using an excuse that she had got something to do. She left the area without informing Ryan. Fifteen minutes, Ryan's make-up man came searching for her and told her that Ryan had asked her to come. Ryan had called her to help him with the script. Once her work is done, he told her to stay there till the shoot ends.

Is he trying to make me cry?

Now what?

She just has to bear with this. She prayed the god that this kiss should not have any retakes so that she can forget it. She calmed herself.

'Rhea, assume you are getting a vaccination in your heart. Pain for a second but will fade with time!'

She believed it would not become a wound!

Ryan Jin was staring at Rhea as his makeup was being done. Once it's finished the director asked him to come. He handed his black coat to Rhea and went to the spot where the female lead was standing ready for the take. As the director was explaining the scene he turned two three times in the direction of Rhea which made her even more anxious. They started to act. He was confessing to her in that scene, with so much love. Rhea couldn't' stand there anymore. She hurriedly started to walk towards the door with his coat in her arms. She forgot to return it. She forgot the fact, that he told her to stay. At that time. she was aware of only one thing. She couldn't stay there!

'It hurts!'

Rhea got out of that room without a second thought and headed straight to the lift. Got in and pressed the button for the rooftop.

She wanted some fresh air!

The city was already lit and so beautiful as usual. Everything around her was perfect. The city view which usually calms her, couldn't help her today. She felt like jumping off that building. Her mind was chaotic at that time.

She stood there for about a half of an hour.

It was really cold. She started to shiver long ago.

She finally realized that there was something in her hand.

His coat! The black coat which suited him the most!

She looked at the coat which was resting peacefully in her arm for some time.

'You may be not mine. But ain't I cold? Why don't I at least... wear this?'

She calmly wrapped wore his coat and lightly wrapped it around her. It felt like Ryan was hugging her from behind. It gave her the peace she searched for, the comfort she really needed. She calmly pulled the collar over her nose and smelled it. Other than the cloth's scent, a light fragrance that belonged to him, was there. Rhea faintly smiled.

"Ryan, I won't let my feelings hurt you. Your career is very important to me. I won't stop until you shine once again. I won't stop until you once again rise to the stardom", She thought while looking at the stars which were still twinkling in the sky. She smiled widely. Amazingly, she could still see the stars amidst this city's lights. She was finally calm. She covering herself fully inside that coat and started the night sky for a few more minutes.

Rhea came down later but still didn't want to go in. So stood in the corridor. That time. Ethan came out of the room.

"Rhea, can you go, bring Mr. Ryan? We need a retake!", he said.