
Liam went inside the bar and opened the fridge. He took a beer can and came back, sat next to Ryan.

"Let's talk it through Ok?" he asked.

"What is there to talk?"

"There a lot of things to talk about. You know. And the most important thing of all is Rhea"


"Why were you angry?"


"We did that for your good"

"I know what's good to me"

"Ok ok. You know you know"

"It's ok if you don't accept it, but scolding her like that is outrageous"


Liam paused and took a sip from the can.

"But it was really not Rhea's fault"

Ryan sighed this time.

"....It doesn't matter whose fault it was, but the result is all the same"

"No, it's not. You blamed her for something she didn't commit"

Now Ryan looked at Liam.

Rhea may be the one who came up with this plan, but it was because Yuan Yu asked her for a plan against Ying Yue.

Besides…" he paused then looked at Ryan. He was still looking at him so Liam continued.

"Besides, Rhea clearly told me to give the recorded clip in your hands and let you decide"


"She didn't want to expose Ying Yue like that"


"Also, it was Yuan Yu who leaked that video, and Rhea didn't have any idea about this"


Ryan only clutched the bottle he was holding a little tighter but didn't say a word.

"But of course, Yuan Yu thought you wouldn't agree so she leaked it without warning us" Liam finished what he wanted to say. He tried his best to save everybody.


"Don't you feel sorry for Rhea?" Liam asked then looked closely at his face.

There were not so many emotions there. His hand was clutching the bottle and his face was nonchalant. It was as if he had returned to his old scandal time.

His calmness confused Liam.

"Ryan, she did so much for you. I thought you really care about her..."

"Stop talking about her!" Ryan warned this time.

"Is it that you don't care about Rhea or maybe you care about Ying Yue more?"

"Don't talk rubbish", Ryan massaged his temple.

"I've never thought you'll choose Ying Yue over Rhea."

This time Ryan stood up started to walk towards the stairs.

"Don't tell me you love Ying Yue! You blind fool!" Liam almost shouted behind him.

Ryan froze on the stairs and turned towards him.

"What did you say? Love? Of course! Love... That's why… That's why I'm like this! That's why I'm going crazy day by day!"

Ryan spoke in an unusual tone. His voice fluctuated word by word. It was as if he is struggling so much because of this so-called 'Love'.

'Does he love Ying Yue that much?'

Liam unbelievably looked at Ryan. He tried to raise his voice but only air came out of his mouth. It was a bolt from the blue. However, his lip moment showed clearly that he tried to say the word 'Idiot'.

If Ryan loved Ying Yue, then, he is an unlucky idiot. What a shame? Liam was feeling awkward. Was his friend an idiot from the beginning?

If possible, there would have been steam and smoke rising from his ears out of anger. But as it's not possible he cursed Ryan inside his head.

'This is crap!' he thought.

Finally unable to take this, he blurted "Oh really? Ying Yue is the best girl in the world. You surely deserve someone like her! You too are a perfect match. I'm not going to see you or visit you anymore. It's my fault. It's our fault. It's Rhea's fault that she believed you can be cured. I don't know how she'll suffer hearing this. Idiot" he finished!

"Stop it!" Ryan said in a calm voice intriguing him once again!

"Why would I? I originally thought Rhea is the perfect match for you. Of course, you don't deserve her. Sorry, she doesn't deserve you. Only someone like Ying Yue deserve you"

"I said stop it!", now, Ryan was a lot more impatient.

"I won't! You know what? Do you remember Alex? My friend? When Rhea visited me in the hospital, he was really interested in her. I'm going to help him get her. They'll surely make a good pair. He is totally a caring man who has some brains!"

This time Ryan had already thrown the bottle in his hand. It crashed by the stair, on the floor, and broken.

Liam didn't expect Ryan to behave so rashly so he was a little shocked. But he didn't hesitate and tried to say something else, but before he could say anything Ryan spoke.

"The one I love... It's her!"

Liam paused. He didn't get it. So he squinted his eyes. "Ah?"

"I love Rhea!" Ryan calmly replied.

At first, it was hard for Liam to trust what came out of Ryan's mouth. He never expected Ryan to say something like that openly. Since Ryan was so reserved and rarely showed emotions it was really a wonderful event for Liam.

The next thing was his overwhelming happiness. His one true pairing! Ryan and Rhea. It seemed like this ship will sail. But there was a third thing that confused him.

If this is the case, why Ryan lash out at Rhea? This doesn't make sense!

"Can you repeat what you just said?" he sharpened his ears and awaited Ryan's response.

"Don't tell me to say that again! It's what you heard."

Ok. He is shy. As expected from Ryan! But, why would he behave that way around Rhea?

"Then why did you lash out at her today?"

"Because I don't want her to get into any trouble. She can never be safe this way."


"I clearly told you that she shouldn't be involved in any problems" he sounded angrier.

"You two finally dragged her into this! You think Ying Yue will stay calm?"

"Ryan! You are overprotective. This is not good for peaceful relationships. You should see a psychiatrist!"

Liam originally wanted to tease him a little. But it was undeniable that Ryan is being overprotective and unreasonable.

"No! It's that you don't know anything about the entertainment industry! There is always a dark side in every industry. Here, you can reach the stars with the fame, also you can reach the abyss as well."


"Even though I love her, I kept my distance from her because she can live a peaceful life like any other girl of her age. Because there are so many people who will be ready to pull her legs."


"If they ever know my love for her not everyone is going to wish her good life"


"Rhea is from another country. She is not someone from here. It will take her a lot more time to understand and adapt"


"There will be people who may attack her physically. There will be people to slam her on the internet. She will emotionally be hurt as well!"


"She will have to face so many people. The ones who hate me, the ones who like me, my enemies!"


"Do you think she can live a free, peaceful life like now Liam?"


"I'm scared. I can't let anything happen to her! I can't bear if anything happened to her"


"Today when I saw her with palm print on her face, do you know how I felt?"

".....", this time Liam started to realize that Rhea had already got slapped because of them. He didn't even think that as a big issue because of everything that happened afterward. But what Ryan told, could happen.

"Ying Yue… She is evil!", Ryan continued.

"I don't know what she will plot against Rhea! Rhea... she is too precious to be dragged with me"

"There will be always people watching what's going on in my life. Rhea can't handle it."

"....", Liam was speechless.

"Even I was not a good man to start with. I put an act that I love Ying Yue. My life is already full of lies and drama. I don't want her to be a part of any drama"

Liam wanted to apologize, but he didn't know what to say. He finally realized that it is Rhea who is in the danger zone. Not him, not Yuan Yu. It's Rhea, a kind girl who wanted to help. They have finally dragged her into their problem!

"Now, Ying Yue would have already started to plan against Rhea."

Ryan continued to talk as if he is so confused and worried. Ryan rarely loses his composure like this. Liam clearly could see how worried he was.

"I... I'm sorry. I only thought about you!"


"What should we do now? You want to send her back to Alaska?", Liam started to feel that will be the best way. If anything happened to Rhea, he can never forgive himself.

"You think she will agree and leave?"

"...", Liam was dumbfounded. He always thought that he is great at studying people and their minds. But the way Ryan spoke made him wonder if he ever clearly studied people. Liam could understand what does it mean to take care of people.

"She will not go!"

She doesn't care about anyone else. She did everything for Ryan. If that is divine, Ryan not doing anything because he loves her is also divine. These two were so different, yet too valuable. Liam couldn't say who is right, who is wrong anymore.


"There is no turning back anymore. From now on, I have to keep her close, to protect her. That's the only way!" Ryan replied.