Evil Mother-in-Law

Time flew!

From the day when Ryan upbraided Rhea, nothing much changed in her life. Her life retrogressed to her starting point in Shanghai since she chose to stand down.

Rhea stopped being his assistant! She stopped visiting the studio!

The way he talked that day had scarred her heart.

The film already reached the post-production phase and was reaching the end. Thus, her absence wouldn't make anything difficult!

She stayed home using her end-semester exams as her defense since she was petrified to go there.

Handing over the resignation letters or sending any emails were out of the question!

Though these incidents had been running through her mind without a break, there were also things in her life that required her attention.

Her exams!

Her days passed with power studies and brown studies!

Finally, during her sequestered study leave period, she got a call from Yuan Yu on the last day of the shooting.

She apologized, then requested Rhea to join the farewell dinner of the shooting.

Rhea understood why Yuan Yu had to do that so she never blamed Yuan Yu in the first place. So their conversation went smooth.

But, to the dinner, Rhea didn't go!

People get to chose what they want. Ryan clearly chose Ying Yue. Rhea lost the battle, even before she gets the chance to fight. A poignant reminder of the day evolved and obscured her mind the whole day.

Nobody reached out to her phone afterward.

In the next three weeks, nothing peculiar happened except for the time when she bumped into uncle Li in her university!

They were unexcitable yet peaceable weeks, on the surface, but deep down she was still distressed.

Also, so much which could enrage Ryan happened within these three weeks.

Ryan's name was cleared. Yes! It was because of the video.

Ying Yue was criticized by everyone and it became another scandal. She had to go through everything Ryan had gone through!

Journalists crowded both of their places.

The mysterious person who uploaded the video was still unknown.

Since it was about the scandal she created, she chose to read the news at once.

She came to know that Ryan strictly avoided all those brand new well-wishers. He didn't respond to the requests of producers and directors who had asked him to act in their movies. He had told everyone that he is taking a break. He stayed in his apartment all the time to avoid media. Also, he didn't want to give any interviews.

Rhea once thought if she should apologize but later she decided the other way.

Ryan clearly avoided her so Rhea didn't want to create a scene.

During her exams, Liam sent her text messages wishing her good luck every day. To tell the truth, it was the only refreshing thing that happened to her this entire time.

Finally, when there was only one more exam to complete, she got a call from Liam. He asked about her exams. Although Liam suddenly showing interest in her education made her wonder, she didn't question him. She just replied to his questions. Also, he made sure the date the exams will be over.

After Liam's call, something weird happened. She immediately got a call from Yuan Yu.

Yuan Yu tried her best to avoid contacting Rhea since she felt really awkward and guilty after apologizing. Rhea had known this as well. So when Yuan Yu called, it was a little surprise indeed.

Yuan Yu straightly jumped into the conversation without even saying a 'hello'.

"Rhea, will you be free, next week?"

"Next week, I'll be going back to the states"

"Going back?" Yuan Yu seemed so shocked.

"Yes...", Rhea was surprised because of her voice.


"Not permanently! It's my semester break"

"Oh. Good. The thing is, our crew have arranged a tour"

"....That's good. Enjoy!"

"Can't you join?"

"No madam. Actually, my father is already tired of waiting. If I didn't go early, he'll come here"

"Rhea, it's just for three days. Can't you join? If you didn't I... I"

If Rhea didn't go, what? Rhea couldn't understand.

"I...I...." Yuan Yu was still stammering!


"I would feel very bad. Yes! I already feel so bad. I created a big misunderstanding between you two. So I need to take care of it"

Between you two...

Rhea understood where it was going. Yuan Yu want to mediate the conflict between her and Ryan.


Rhea didn't want to meet him any time soon. She was embarrassed enough. If possible, she would never meet him. That is the best for everyone.

She was reluctant to meet him again because she didn't know how to face him in the first place.

If she had to meet him again, what can she possibly say?

Based on the situation, Rhea had to say, 'Hi Ryan! I indeed ruined your love life! My apologies!' or else, 'Hi Ryan! You ruined my love life! Apologize!'

Both sounded extremely weird so she chose to not meet him in the first place!

"No need... madam" Rhea refused. "It was my fault as well. Let it be!"

Yes, let it be! These love triangles are catastrophic! She would better stay away since she already received enough damage!

".....No Rhea!"


"I'm sorry!"

"No need to apologize again!"

"Please come. I...."

"I don't want to interfere in his business anymore!" Rhea spoke.

"..." There was a huge silence on the other side.

After a while, Yuan Yu spoke.

"Ryan just texted me and told me to tell you... no! no! Not to you. He told me. I mean Ryan won't come. Yes. He just texted me that he can't join this tour, so please join us"


"It'll be our farewell. A farewell between you and me. Also, it will be my apology"


"For me! Just accept this girl!"

"..... Is it next week?"

"Yes yes yes", Yuan Yu seemed anxious.

"How long the trip will be?"

"Just three days"

"...Ok then, I'll.... join"

"Thank you, Rhea!"

"Where are we going?"

"Ah... The Maldives"

"Maldives?" Rhea almost shouted. She didn't expect it to be another country. Goodness!

"Yes yes. All you have to do is agree. You already agreed, indeed. We'll... I mean I'll take care of the rest!" she completed her sentence.

"But..." Rhea tried to refuse again.

"No more buts. It's done then. Bye Rhea. Take care!", Ying Yu hurriedly ended the call!

She was left speechless and confused at the other end.

Is it ok for her to travel now? She was not in the mood for a tour now...

But, it's Yuan Yu who asked her to join. Yuan Yu is an elder, also an accomplished woman. So, Rhea didn't want to act like she has her nose in the air. Yuan Yu may have hidden the truth from Rhea but Rhea had all along known that Yuan Yu was not a bad person. Besides, she had helped Rhea a lot. Since Yuan Yu asked her she couldn't simply deny, out of respect.

Rhea remembered that she too wanted to visit the Maldives before. Finally, she thought it was ok and then started to prepare for the last exam.

Yuan Yu on the other side stared at the phone for a while.

She sighed then turned towards Ryan, "If you want to talk to her, you should do it by yourself. Don't drag me between you two!"

"It was your fault that he can't talk to her at this moment" Liam came for Ryan's support.

"My fault? Who told him to scold her? Me?" she asked.

"It was my fault" Ryan made a poker face.



Seeing his face, Yuan Yu and Liam looked at each other speechlessly.

"Cheer up poker face! I can sense your sad aura behind that face of yours. It's all gloomy here!" Liam tried to comfort him while teasing him.

"So Ryan, you just told me to tell her that you won't come. Are you really not coming?"

"I will come!"


"You should tell her that it was my last moment decision"

"You want me to lie?"

"You should. Help me this time. Please!"

"But Ryan... Why are you doing all these?"

"I..." He started to say something but Liam suddenly cut in.

"He wants to apologize!"

"Ok. That must be done. She worked hard for you but you blamed her. I felt bad for her."

"But again, you are also at fault here" Liam spoke again.

"Well... I'll make up by making you two friends again. Ok?", she told Ryan then turned towards Liam, "And you! You don't have to remind me that every time. I know what I have done and I'm already feeling sorry for her!" she told Liam.

"It's good that you know. Rhea is a good girl. Don't do this to her again" said Liam.

"You seem to care about her a lot. Is there something that I didn't know? Do you... by any chance like Rhea?"

"Me? Hahahahahaha. Ryan, did you hear that?" Liam couldn't help but laugh out.

"He doesn't like her!" Ryan denied.

"Ok. If he like Rhea, I would feel worse for her. I know what kind of a player you are." Yuan Yu told him with a smirk.

"Love is not my kind of thing, indeed. If you want to ask this kind of question ask Ryan!"

"I know my boy is not ready for love yet," Yuan Yu said.

"Oh yeah?" Liam said while secretively peeking at Ryan. He had to try his best to hold himself from laughing once again when he saw Ryan's still poker face and confused, furious eyes.

Liam sent Yuan Yu off then came back, sat next to Ryan.

"Why didn't you let me tell Yuan Yu?", Ryan asked him.

"Oh? Do you want to let her know? How interesting? You want to let everyone know right?"

Ryan glared at him and said "Not exactly"

"Yes. You can't let Rhea know"

"...." Ryan kept silent for a while. "Tell me why you stopped me?"

"I felt it's better to keep it a secret for now for two reasons."

"Two reasons?"

"Yes. First one, Yuan Yu may be good at hiding secrets, but she is too bad at lying. Just a moment ago, she accidentally spilled the plan to Rhea, more than once"

"...Then what's the second one?"

"She thinks herself as your guardian. If she didn't like the idea of you loving Rhea, she may become an evil mother-in-law to Rhea"

"Evil mother-in-law?"

"She hated Ying Yue. She could hate Rhea too. You know. That's how it goes in soap operas."

Ryan smirked.

"Rhea is already risked a lot. I don't want Rhea to suffer from another problem," Liam added.

"No one can give her any problem when I'm with her! I won't let her suffer anymore!", Ryan spoke as if he is making a vow.

Liam was surprised but more than that he wanted to tease his best friend.

"When you are with her, no one else is required to make her suffer. You are enough!"

Hearing this, Ryan's heart sank. He made that poker face once again.

"Ok ok. Cheer up, buddy. Don't let her suffer anymore. Just apologize when you see her"


"Well, I know that you are scared to talk to her or face her. But you have to do it yourself. I can't help you with this"

"....." Ryan kept looking at the ground then nodded.

"I'll try my best!", he said.