Actor Turned Stalker!

Rhea rubbed her eyes and once again and looked in the direction.

There was indeed a tall guy standing in that direction, at the edge of the bridge. Now he had turned the other side so she couldn't see his face.

Rhea squinted and carefully observed because she couldn't trust her lovelorn eyes and stupid brain which could trick her. Her eyes were capable enough to show everyone as Ryan. It happened a few times, years ago in Alaska, and so many times a Shanghai. She would think someone is Ryan but when she closely noticed she would be disappointed.

But this time, it was different.

She simply didn't want it to be him! It would be awkward.

Rhea stood there squinting for a minute or two hoping that the man would turn around. She was so anxious because of all the recent events. Her head started to ache due to pressure.

The biggest question of all was how to face him?

She didn't have to wait too long. He finally turned around and showed his face.

Those implausibly artistic eyebrows of his, chiseled jaws and sharp nose were detectable even from the distance she was standing.

It was him!

Thankfully, he didn't see her.

Rhea immediately felt an urge to hide.

She wasn't sure which direction to run and hide. She was so lost. She almost ran back to her villa, closed the door behind her.

'Why in the world he is here?'

'Did Yuan Yu lied about him not coming?'

'He wasn't there the day before."

"When did he come?'

'Should she confront Yuan Yu?'

Rhea was unsettled. So was left with so many questions.

She had been avoiding Ryan from that day of Ying Yue's scandal. It has been almost a month. Still, it felt like yesterday. She was too embarrassed to see him.

The embarrassment because of seeing him and the emotions that emerged from seeing him after such a long time pulled her from both sides, leaving her in such a dilemma.

Rhea sat down on a sofa.

Finally, a question that made sense showed up in her mind.

'Why am I hiding?'

Yes... It's not like she did something evil. It's not like she is a wanted criminal. It's not like she is the only culprit. There is Yuan Yu and Liam. He forgave them so easily!

But they are his friends. What about her?

'Ahhhhhh. Why do I have to run round and round with the same set of questions?'

Rhea almost shouted hugging the cushion.

She stepped into the bathroom. Took her time to take a cold shower once again. She told herself it was because of the weather in the Maldives but it was really because she had sweat too much just a moment ago.

Then she once again jumped into the water villa swimming pool and swam for a very long time like the day before. But it was not evening yet. So it was not very comfortable for her to swim.

She once again took bath! She didn't know why!

When she finished playing with the shower and the swimming pool it was already evening.

Within this period of time, she had took some serious decisions.

She is here for her own purpose!

What Ryan doing has got nothing to do with her!

She had to focus on herself!

Yuan Yu had arranged for a beach party that evening, she remembered. Even though Rhea was being in two minds about going to the party, she finally decided to show up.

She can't stay inside the villa for the rest of the time here.

She left the bathroom and chose the dress to wear for that day, melancholically!

When it rains, it pours!

Since he is here, she was so sure that she can't keep calm anymore, not to mention the healing part!

Today's not going to end well!

Besides, if Yuan Yu arranges a party it's definitely going to be grand to some extent. So Rhea had to prepare in an elegant way in the midst of this predicament.

She chose the long yellow chiffon skirt and sleeveless frilly black crop top. It was the only cloth which she could wear at a party. It really looked good on her.

In the meantime, Ryan was waiting for Yuan Yu. That day, he had hoped to see Rhea but he couldn't see her anywhere, even though he had been from the morning. He was so annoyed so he called Yuan Yu who was checking the party arrangements in the bar. Without any options, Yuan Yu dropped down her business and went to him.

"If you are free, come and help me there!"

"Where's Rhea?"

"You didn't see her yet?"

It has already been more than twelve hours. He had to head to the water villa to see Rhea in the morning.

"Then what were you doing all this time?"

"She didn't come out!"

"Then you should have knocked on her door! Are you sure she is inside?"

"She probably went inside just after seeing me and didn't come out"

He saw her. But she already reached the villa door then. He couldn't see her clearly. But he knew it was her. Thenceforth, he had been waiting for her to come out.

Annoyed by the response, Yuan Yu told him,

"Then you should leave her alone. I'm leaving"

"No. You do it"

"Do what?"

"I suddenly appear out of nowhere"


"So you should talk to her first and I'll join"

Fed up with his excuses, Yuan Yu walked straight to Rhea's villa door and knocked.

Rhea who had just finished with her mild makeup opened the door to see Yuan Yu.

Behind her, a little further away, someone who Rhea didn't want to meet was standing!

Rhea averted her gaze away from him and looked at Yuan Yu and waited for her to say something.

Yuan Yu turned towards Ryan and waited for him to speak with Rhea.

But Ryan was already dumbstruck.

Although on his way to the Maldives, he had been planning a lot, he couldn't say a word.

He was overwhelmed to see her!

Also, he didn't expect to see such a beautiful Rhea that day.

Rhea was dressed to kill that day!

She looked gorgeous.

The cloth she was wearing exposed a lot more of her porcelain skin than usual. Though he had seen her wearing sleeveless tops before, this black crop top showed him the beauty of colour contrast. That long yellow skirt which was almost dragging on the ground perfectly matched with her skin tone.

Her loose hair was fluttering elegantly in the salty breeze. She looked sexy, or rather striking.

Her exposed translucent skin made it difficult for him to look away.

In addition to that angelic face, her gracefully thin neck, dazzling shoulders, lean arms, delicate hands, long graceful fingers...

Indeed glamorous!

And her slender waist...

He abruptly lifted the gaze with some sense of guilt.

'Damn!', he cursed in silence turning his head away from them.

It's not his first time to see a woman nor his first time to see someone dressed like this.

But never felt this way towards any of them. Whenever he sees Rhea he is unexpectedly attacked.

This time, he was already swamped with emotions once he saw her and then got gobsmacked due to her charm.

He always ends up behaving like a teenage kid, a brat to be precise. What a shame!

"Yuan Yu, I'll go look for Mr. Li", Ryan rattled off one of their crew members' name who didn't even join the trip and moved away.

Yuan Yu was left flabbergasted. He wanted to apologize, made her knock on Rhea's door, then ran away?

It's not funny anymore! Yuan Yu felt wronged.

"Is Mr. Li also here?", a confused Rhea asked a more confused Yuan Yu!

Yuan Yu seriously didn't know what to say. She had to grapple with the situation somehow.

"No, it's not that Mr. Li..." she sheepishly smiled.

Rhea just let it slid. Maybe he just wanted to avoid seeing her so found an excuse!

"I'm going there to capture the sunset view. Wanna join?", she showed the opposite direction.

Then only Yuan Yu noticed Rhea's backpack. She was ready with her camera and stuff.

Yuan Yu felt like being with Rhea could expose both herself, and Ryan more so she just declined Rhea's invitation. Besides, who wants to be a part of these two's game?

"No no Rhea. All I do all the time is seeing people take photos and videos so I'm currently too fed up to take part in anything related to a film", she sheepishly smiled again.

"I understand" Rhea nodded with a smile. After forbidding goodbye to Yuan Yu Rhea moved to the beach area.

She set the camera on the tripod and waited for the perfect time.

Ryan who went in the opposite direction suddenly slowed down.

He was worried!

Rhea looked extremely attractive that day. Even on normal days, he saw men hitting on her.

Today, she looked extremely attractive!!!

What if someone tried to make a move? What if someone did something bad to her?

He paused.

He turned around and started to speed up in that direction. Maybe his luck, he didn't bump into Yuan Yu. Or else, he would be definitely get scolded. It seemed like she had already gone inside her villa. He stepped as fast as he could to catch up with Rhea, but when he saw her silhouette, he hesitated.

It's better to stay afar and watch over. If anything happens he can help, he decided.

Rhea was standing by the beach staring at the sunset. She didn't turn around so she couldn't see Ryan who was also there by the beach a little far away.

After some time, when the sun finally touched the sea, Rhea went to her camera and captured the shot. Ryan too captured the view in his phone then captured Rhea as well!

He was indeed happy to meet Rhea after such a long time. That happiness intrigued him to do something crazy!

It was a Weibo post!

Ryan had been staying away from social media after that scandal. During the scandal time, some of his followers unfollowed him. But once his name was cleared his Weibo account had already gained quite a lot of new followers. But, he hadn't posted anything even after his name was cleared.

Now he suddenly wanted to post. The sunset he is watching together with her. Although, it can't be called together, in Ryan's world it meant a lot.

He went to his Weibo and posted the sunset picture with a caption.

-The shades of orange and black above the blue sea, not always do the magic. This time, the shades of yellow and black did it for me-

He had been staying lowkey all this time. But now, that he posted something, his post was trending, with a 'RyanIsBack' hashtag! His fans were overloaded with happiness and there were a lot of likes, comments, and shares.

None of them understood what he actually meant. But Ryan was caught red-handed by someone and it was none other than Yuan Yu.

Yuan Yu was scrolling her Weibo page then. She was too bored. She also feared showing her head outside the villa because of the cold war between these two. Like that, she accidentally saw Ryan's post. At first, she couldn't figure it out either. She was indeed confused. Like most others, she thought that he is referring to that orange as yellowish.

But suddenly she remembered what Rhea was wearing.

Yellow and Black!

She read the post once again...

Finally, she was so sure! It was crystal clear!

She got out and went in the direction where Rhea went, saw Ryan a little far away from Rhea, staring in her direction. Finally, she understood that her godson is a real grown-up now.

Even with Ying Yue, he never behaved this unsettled. He just dated her. But this time, it's different. To her surprise, he is now only behaving like a teenager after spending his teenage years like an adult.

At last, he is in love!

Rhea seemed to have finished with her photography. She started to pack her backpack. Ryan was ready to hide, so he stepped backward little by little and turned, only to see Yuan Yu standing a few feet away. She looked a little furious with her hands on her waist and titled head.

There was a phone in her hand.

Ryan understood.

"That was so romantic!" she told him in a sarcastic tone, emphasizing the 'so'.

Ryan who was caught in the middle of the act looked like a kid who had just stolen some candies. He looked here and there thinking what to say as a reply, finally looked down. Then with some determination, he looked at Yuan Yu.

"I wanted to tell you, but..."

"But what? You should've told me. I was unknowingly dragged in your love game!"

"Shhhh... Shhh... Calm down", he shushed her, "She might hear you", he turned in Rhea's direction. She was far away still packing her camera.

"Damn it, Ryan! I brought her thinking you were going to apologize. Now I feel like I helped you with your selfish motive."

"It's not like that. I really wanted to apologize. That's why I told you to bring her here."

"Let me finish first!" Yuan Yu stared at him.

"Ok. Talk, but talk quietly!"

Yuan Yu just shook her head in disbelief.

"Listen, I'm fine with her as my daughter in law"

Ryan stood there without showing any emotions. It's not like he asked Yuan Yu's permission with this.

"But what you've done was not right. She is thinking you love Ying Yue so much. Judging from what you've done and what she went through, she may hate you already! I thought she likes you but I'm not sure anymore. She is young. Her feelings could change. Future is unpredictable Ryan. If that happens, you'll be hurt just like what happened to me. I don't want you to get hurt. So hurry and propose and get start your life!"

Ryan's brows twitched at that statement.

"I told you I love her. That doesn't mean I want to be in a relationship with her," Ryan finally spoke surprising Yuan Yu.

"What do you mean?"

Ryan smiled. "I can never be the right person for a girl like her."

Yuan Yu seriously squinted her eyes. "Then why bother asking me to bring her here? I'm not letting you play her, Ryan," she frowned.

"I'm not intending to. She is the girl I love."

"Then, what the…"

"My happiness lie in protecting her. I will be content as long as she stay in my sight, with a smiling face," he said looking at Rhea who is now taking some photographs.

Yuan Yu was frowning for a few seconds. If it was someone else she would have laughed off this. But it was Ryan Jin and she knew he was being serious.

"Is that why you appointed her as your assistant?" Yuan Yu squinted even more.

Ryan was silent, and Yuan Yu understood that was the case.

"How long are you planning to do this hide and protect?"

"She is in danger because of me," he said.

"Yes, I'm aware. But it's not like she would always stay in this danger unless you create new ones for her. Now, answer my question, how long are you going to keep her in your sight?"

"As long as I can," he sounded as if he have lost his cool.

"She'll return in two and a half years," Yuan Yu added.

"She wouldn't. She has a career here. She is here because she wanted to. She wouldn't leave."

Yuan Yu was startled by his confidence. But it didn't feel right to her.

"Let's say you're right. Let's say Rhea would stay. But she wouldn't live alone for the rest of her life. She would fall in love and marry."

Ryan's face darkened. "Do you think I don't know this?" he asked with a frown. 

"So you know. Good. Then you should also know that you can't always protect her when she is not yours to begin with. It would ruin both of you. If you insist on keeping her in your sight and protecting her, her husband would probably want to hunt you down, stupid boy," Yuan Yu spoke as if she was mocking but she sounded more like angry.

"I'll cross the bridge when I get to it," Ryan looked furious.

Yuan Yu didn't know what to say to that. She had no idea how to convince him that he needs to pursue the one he loves. As if it didn't like the conversation, her phone buzzed.

"It's time. Let's go back start the party. If we are going to play hide and protect, we should at least leave before Rhea finds you here. Run stupid boy!" Yuan Yu patted his back and pushed him in the opposite direction asking him to move.

Although Ryan didn't say a word, Yuan Yu's words had already created a tempest in his mind. In the heart of it was Rhea with some other faceless man in a wedding aisle.