I’ve Got a Bone to Pick With You!

When Rhea turned around, she saw Ryan and Yuan Yu going towards the bar. They must be heading to the party. Since they were here a moment ago, they should have seen the sunset.

She wanted Ryan to see this sunset, didn't she? Now that he was here it's good!

None of them seemed to show interest in what she is doing there. Maybe Rhea too should forget everything else and mind her own business. It was not that easy to tame the mind which was already used to this fondness. It was so reluctant to give up. Yet, there was no other way!

Now, Rhea got three options. The first one is to pretend like nothing happened, go and talk to Ryan, which she could never implement. The next option is to apologize but that may not go well, also it's not like she is really at fault. She couldn't bring herself to that position yet. The third one is to completely ignore Ryan.

Rhea chose the latter!

Everything will be fine, as long as she stays far away.

She went to the bar and sat down in the corner. Rhea usually does people watch whenever she goes to a party. She is not the kind to sing, dance, and mingle with the crowd. She is comfortable staying in the dark corner.

Within a few minutes of her arrival, Yuan Yu and Ryan came to the bar.

Ryan was wearing a black shirt.

In most of her memories with him, he had been wearing black. He was wearing a black shirt. Rhea always loved to see him in a black shirt but today, she hated it as it gave her a sense of nostalgia.

Just like she expected, Ryan chose to stay a little far away from them for some reason. Yuan Yu came and sat right next to Rhea since she was all alone there by herself. Rhea kept silent since she was not really happy with Yuan Yu hiding about Ryan's arrival.

Ryan definitely seemed to be avoiding her and it was like rubbing salt into her wound. It's not like she committed a heinous crime. She too wanted to apologize, but only when he talks first. She can't do otherwise.

She wanted to confront him grabbing his collar, that can't he see all she's done was for his good. Still, she kept silent.

Yuan Yu already noticed something is wrong with Rhea.

She felt guilty to keep her in the dark. So once in a while talked to her. She gave hints about not knowing that Ryan would come. Although it was unbelievable to Rhea she just nodded.

Then she grabbed her phone and texted Ryan.

-If you don't want her to hate you more, just come and apologize-

Ryan came and sat next to Yuan Yu. He should apologize first before thinking about their relationship.

There was a band singing in that bar. It was an English song which Rhea really loved. Some of the tourists who were there to drink started to dance as the song progressed. Rhea seriously focused her mind on the music. In other words, she didn't mind Ryan who was sitting next to Yuan Yu.

Yuan Yu was surrounded by the awkward silence of the two. She doesn't want to keep involving in this matter anymore. She had already given the advice she wanted to give Ryan since she cared for him as her own son.

She didn't really want to confuse him but somehow whatever she said had intrigued a strong sense of uncertainty in his mind. Ryan was lost in his thoughts. He was not sure of their future.

Yuan Yu thought that she should let them handle it on their own from there onwards. So she got up and went to talk to a friend about some serious business.

Once she left, the awkward silence became even more unpleasant.

None of them said a word.

There was only one chair in between them but it felt like there is a wall in between.

Ryan once turned his head towards Rhea as if he wanted to start a conversation, but Rhea who strongly believed that he wouldn't say a word was keenly focusing on the band.

For her it was depressing.

Suddenly Rhea stood up and walked towards the counter.

Ryan had known Rhea for a very long time. But the two were never in a situation where Rhea got drunk. This time, when she went towards the counter as his eyes anxiously followed her.

Rhea was angry, depressed, and embarrassed to stay in the same room as him. She didn't know why but she wanted to get drunk.

That was indeed dumb of her, but it seemed unavoidable at that point.

There were a few cocktails on the counter. Rhea kept looking at them for a while then randomly picked one and downed it.



Ryan alerted himself. It was as if she is really going to drink all that cocktails placed there.

To his surprise, she downed the next glass then grabbed her head and staggered a little.

Ryan couldn't wait any longer.

Seeing what she was going through Ryan hurried to the counter, but before he could reach her she had downed the third martini glass.

As her hand automatically stretched towards the brandy snifter Ryan stopped her by holding that hand.

She didn't have the strength to turn around to see who was stopping her from reaching her goal. With a slight twitch on her forehead, she shook off that hand and stumbled her way back to where she was sitting. Ryan closely followed her as he didn't want her to fall.

Once she settled herself in the seat, a hostile Ryan went towards the bartender!

"What did she drink?"

The bartender checked the cocktails and replied with a smile, one Tequila sunrise, one Tequila blue blazer, one Aunt Roberta."

"What?" he was so shocked hearing that.

"Goodness. What a trouble maker!" Ryan ran his fingers through his hair then after thinking for a second he walked back to her.

She is a real troublemaker indeed.

Before he could reach Rhea again Yuan Yu already went to her.

"What's wrong Rhea? Why are you drinking all these?"

"....", she kept silent.

Yuan Yu steadied Rhea and helped her move out of the bar. It's useless for her to stay there anymore. So she had decided to bring her back to the villa. Ryan followed them leaving a little distance in between.

But Rhea was reluctant to go. She wanted to drink more. So she kept turning her head towards the bar while Yuan Yu tried to drag her away.

"Rhea, let's go back!"

"No, I won't go with you!"

"You are drunk!"

As the two were pushing and pulling each other, Rhea accidentally saw Ryan behind them.

"Ryan Jin! Ryan! Look! She is abducting me. Help!" Rhea shouted suddenly.

Hearing her shout like that, Yuan Yu put her hands on her head. "Who wants to abduct you?"

"Ryan Jin!" she continued to call him.

Ryan was so shocked that he didn't immediately move and stayed where he was. He didn't know what to do now. Should he save her and play along?

"Ryan Jinnnnn!" She shouted now. She looked like a furious little mess.

Ryan walked towards the two. He patted Rhea's head twice.

"Go, rest like a good girl", he told her. This made her go mute. She looked at him with wide eyes. It was as if she had already remembered them not being on good terms.

Her sudden change made it difficult for him to continue what he was doing. He pulled back his hand. He really thought that she remembered everything. So he just nodded at Yuan Yu started to drag her again.

Yuan Yu had already pulled her a few steps but suddenly Rhea shouted again. This time, it sounded a lot louder than before.

"Ryan Jin, you big meanie!"

Ryan was startled as he paused on his track.

"Who do you think you are?" came the next question.

"Ryan she is drunk. Don't be angry" Yuan Yu hurriedly apologized since she knew Ryan's temper very well. No one can talk to him this way. No one has really talked to him like this before. Considering the situation, he is going to lash at her.

"Who is angry? Him? That giant bully over there? How dare he? It's me who is really angry. Really really angry!" Rhea continued.

With a sigh Ryan walked towards them, much calmer than what Yuan Yu expected of him.

"I'm here. Don't be angry," he spoke as if he's talking to a child.

"You come and go whenever you want. Who gave you the right to do this? You are not allowed do this!" The drunken mess continued blaming Ryan.

Yuan Yu looked at Ryan since she wasn't sure how long he will be patient with her. But he looked like he could be patient forever. His eyes was not looking at anything other than Rhea.

"I'm sorry. Alright?" he asked her gently.

This made Rhea's eyes go even wider. She kept watching him fixedly. Once she understood he really apologized, she smiled brightly.

"Good boy!"

Yuan Yu's eyes widened in shock. She didn't know what to say. Ryan still remained calm.

"Rhea, let's go back!" to avoid further drunken confrontations, Yuan Yu requested in a little voice.

"No, I won't go with you!" she strongly denied.

"Don't give me trouble. Let's go!"

"I'll go with him!" she pointed her index finger at Ryan.

Yuan Yu tried to control her but it was all in vain.

"Carry me to the villa, Ryu!"

"...…." Yuan Yu looked at Ryan. She wasn't sure if she would burst into laughing. Rhea was taking it all on Ryan and she couldn't deny that she was kinda enjoying it. Now she had given him a new name as well. Ryu, which meant dragon.

Ryan's gaze was still on Rhea. He could clearly see the power of those cocktails. She was totally insane now. But to be honest, he liked this very much.


"She's calling you," Yuan Yu smiled.


"Yes. Come here," Ryan stretched his hand and Rhea swiftly moved to him.

"I'll get her back to the villa. It's next to mine," Rhea told Yuan Yu.

"Her villa is next to mine as well," Yuan Yu squinted.

"But in her state, it will be difficult for you to drag her with you. Also, the party is still ongoing. You are the host."

"....." Yuan Yu wasn't sure.

Ryan didn't wait for Yuan Yu to agree. He was ready to lift her in a piggy-back.

"Ryan, are you sure?"

"Yes! You go and continue."

"Take care of her."

"I will!"

Yuan Yu went back. Rhea's villa is at almost the end of that long bridge. One has to walk a little more to reach from one villa to the other. But Ryan chose to carry her anyway.

When they had already passed half the distance, she leaned and whispered by his ear, "Stop."