Chapter ten- Bee

Bee- "Be so happy that when others look at you, they become happy too!" – unknown

It's so fun here! Sure, it's a little scary, but I really think everyone has started getting along!

"What's everyone's… favourite animal?" I say, I don't think they heard me as no one replied.

After training, which I didn't really like, we had to stay in our dorms. I see Dara looking anxious as he keeps flipping through books.

"Dara's such a pretty name. what does it mean?" I ask. I think Nakia was so mean yesterday when they said about Dara's name. Dara looks up in surprise,

"Oh, er thanks. It means nugget of wisdom." He says, red faced. I see Nakia scrunch their face up,

"Nugget?" they say in confusion. Dara goes redder.

"Well, I think it's a cool name. what does yours mean, Nakia?" I say, trying to break the tension.

"Pure and faithful." They say smugly. But I can see something behind it, not quite sure what yet.

"That's a cool name too! What about you, Max?" I say, trying to get her to warm up. I was sad that she didn't take her bracelet yesterday, but maybe she'll start to like me.

"I dunno." She says, looking annoyed. Maybe I've done something wrong? Oh no. I hope she's not mad at me.

"It means, the greatest." Recites Dara quietly.

"Jeez, did you swallow a textbook or something?" Max snaps. For a moment I don't move. This would never happen at Almaland!

"well, Max is a really cool name. And Dara's so smart for knowing. What about your name, Harlow?" I say, trying to avoid conflict. They shrug their shoulders, looking equally as uncomfortable.

"from the mound of the people." Says Dara, instantly. Max and Nakia look like they're about to say something, so I intervene.

"Cool! What about yours, Raven?" I ask, as chirpy as I can.

"Seriously?! A raven is a bird!" snaps Nakia. I go red and look down.

"Actually, it means dark haired or wise." Chips in Dara, thankful I smile at him.

"What about your name, Bee?" asks Harlow. Still surprised as most people don't ask me things I answer,

"Beatrice means she who brings happiness!"

"Of course, it is." Mutters Max. Dara is about to say something else when he's interrupted by a loud noise, sounding like a siren. I look to Max in panic, who usually shows no emotion has a flicker of panic on her face. I know it's bad. Still, she wipes the fear from her face.

"Everyone get down under a bed!" she orders. Without hesitation, everyone slides themselves under their bunk. Even Harlow.

The siren continues to blare and a lady on the intercom order everyone to evacuate. And 'follow procedure'. After looking around the dorm, Max beckons us over to her bed. Raven moves without hesitation, sliding on his belly to where Max lies. The others soon follow, looking terrified. I still haven't moved. Seeing my panic, Max carefully slides forwards, so half of her body sticks out from under her bed. She extends her hand, Raven doing the same.

I take a deep breath before launching myself out on my stomach and grabbing their hands. They both pull me, and I scuttle further forwards. I changed my mind; this is not fun. Not fun at all.