Chapter 11- Raven

Raven – "I am prepared for the worst but hope for the best." – Benjamin Disraeli

Shit. The sirens are announced as a practice before they happen. Not this time.

"ok, everyone look out for each other and run like hell." Whispers Max. I take a deep breath before running after Max, the rest following. We run through the crowds of panicked people. We run through corridors and over debris. We push past as many people as we can.

This was not supposed to happen. I was supposed to have a week of safety, of no fear!

We run and run, our lungs aching. I hear Bee fall and shriek. For a second, I consider leaving her, that would happen in the junkyard. I sigh and push past the people running towards me. I grab her arm and half drag her forwards. I don't let go until I spot our group again. Most people have found pods already, so we run into the first free one we see.

The pods are like mini spaceships but are only meant to fit 5 people. The six of us squeeze in and shove the hatch closed. Max straps in the driver seat, I sit next to her.

"What now?" I ask, suddenly everything quiet.

"We wait until they say." She says, obviously trying to stay calm. Bee and most of the others sit in silence, pale and looking scared.

"What's happening?" says Dara, wide eyed.

"someone probably set the alarm off by accident." Says Max, trying to calm herself as well as everyone else down.

I know no one set it off by accident. The alarm is in the control room, guarded and in a glass case.

"All pods please evacuate calmly. Set your course to Joyaland and wait there for further instructions." Says the intercom. Definitely not by accident. Shit. If we ever have to follow protocol or something it usually means someone from Relicta land has somehow ended up here and tried to commit a crime or something. This feels different.

Max starts the pods engine and draws the gear stick back. The metal doors behind us fly open and we're sucked into space.

Max guides the pod in silence, other pods float around us.

"Bee, are you ok?" I ask, turning around to the back. She nods, looking pale.

A few hours later, the others had fallen asleep.

"Max? what do you think happened?" I ask quietly.

"Not sure. Something bad." She says shortly. Suddenly the pod begins to sputter. A look of concern flicks over Max's face. it sputters again and she starts flicking switches.

It sputters again, this time Max looks more than a little concerned.

"What's up?" I ask.

"the… engine is failing." She says quietly. Oh shit.

I wake the others up and they immediately start to panic,

"Shut it!" Max yells and everyone falls quiet.

"we'll stop at Rookland, get some parts then catch up." She decides and starts lowering the sputtering pod near the massive planet.

The ground approaches quickly, I realise it's getting closer too fast.

"Brace!" I yell, just in time as the pod hits the ground hard. Winded, I cough and sit up, my head resting on the dashboard. Ouch.

"everybody good?" max yells and feeble yesses answer. She climbs out first, coughing away the smoke. She ties her hair back and a determined look sets on her face.

"ok, Dara is there any garages nearby? Or spare pods?" Max asks. Dara nods eagerly, glad to be able to help.