The start to a new day

-Chase:Hello in case you see this I'm already dead if you come to this camp leave immediately.



-joyce:hello in case you guys are wondering I'm Willam Joyce I found this video tape in front of this place.

-And now I'm curious where to go into that forest or not the person in the video tape were really scared and pale.

-It brought me into curiosity should I really go into this forest or now as i say this i start tremble and shake in nervousness.

-Joyce: sh..Should I really go into it I'm curious but my own is on the li..line.

-Alex: yo wassup Joyce *nogies your head*

-joyce: aye Alex stop it *slightly annoyed*

-Alex: haha well me and the rest of the boys are going to a camp the girls are also going to come you're down.

-joyce: sure give me a sec gotta get ready to go.

-Alex: alright I'll wait for you

-joyce: alright feel free to watch tv do whatever you want.

-Alex: alright I'm going to help myself *turns on the tv*

-joyce: *gets changed* alright time to pack up *packs up for the trip*