Continuation to this hell


-Joyce: what Alex *runs towards Alex*

-Alex: you see that

-Joyce: yeah holy shit is that

-Alex: yeah that's the dude that died in the camp

-Joyce: you sure you guys want to go *scared*

-Alex: hey Joyce calm down don't be scared you'll be with us

-Joyce: okay I'll stick together with you guys though

-Alex: okay you can joyce we'll be careful alright

-joyce: alright let's reunite the rest of the people

-Alex: feel free man I'm always here to help a friend In need

-joyce: thank you Alex you're the best of the best

-Alex: you're welcome dude *high fives you*

-Joyce: *high fives you back* let's go then Alex

-Alex: yeah let's go

-after both of them are in the car and texted everyone to go to the camp-

-Alex: alright we're here guys

-joyce we sure are Alex

-Brody: yeah dude

-Lex: hell yeah finally a place where I can be away from family for a while

-jennyfer: yeah but this is disgusting though

-Emily: I agree with Jenny this place is a huge ew

-Bianca: girls it might not be as bad right everyone

-everyone except from Jennyfer and Emily-!!RIGHT!!

-Alex: alright let's go everyone

-joyce and everyone: let's go

-Alex: alright let's talk to the owner of this

-joyce I'll come with you

-Alex: alright Joyce let's go

-Joyce: Brody keep watch of everyone

-Brody: okay man I will