The campsite

-Alex: alright let's go

-Joyce: yeah let's go

-minutes after they walk towards the camp owner-

-Alex: alright we are here Joyce keep your cool and don't freak out

-Joyce: o..okay *tries to keep cool*

-Alex: alright let's go in

-Joyce: okay let's go

-after they get in-

-Alex: hello who are you

-Joyce: Alex who is this person

-Alex: idk I'm asking myself the same question

-Joyce: is here even safe

-Brook: this is the safest place in this entire campsite calm yourselves down

-Alex: oh hello sir

-Joyce: he..hello si..sir

-Alex: don't mind my friend he has a stuttering problem

-Joyce: I do not *gets annoyed again*

-Brook: haha you young gentleman's are really funny well welcome to this campsite

-Alex: thank you sir

-Joyce: thank you si..sir

-brook: you're welcome young gentleman's

-Brook: come let me show you guys around

-after showing Alex and Joyce around-

-Brook: so how did you guys enjoyed the trip

-Alex: yeah I enjoy it how about Joyce

-Joyce: ye...yeah si...sir I enjoy it

-brook: great to know you young gentlemen enjoyed it

-Alex: it's an honor to take a tour at your place

-Joyce: ye..yeah it's a ho..honor sir

-Brook: haha glad you guys enjoy it

-Alex: the honor is ours sir

-Joyce: yeah the honor is ours sir

-Brook: you young kids take care

-after they leave and took a tour to the offices of the campsite-

-Alex: oh damn it's midnight already

-Joyce: yeah we should probably get going Alex

-Alex: yeah let's regroup with the others

-Joyce: yeah let's go Alex

-hours later and they regroup to everyone-

-Alex: hey guys

-Joyce hello everyone

Alex and Joyce: Ev..Everyone...