The search team and the monster

Joyce: sure let's go i heard that's a camp nearby and a gas station too

Alex: that's great champ....

Joyce: is everything alright Alex

Alex: yeah everything is fine

Joyce: alright if there's something bothering you make sure to tell me

Alex: alright champ sure will

Joyce: well then ready

Alex: yes I'm ready

Joyce: alright let's go and search for food

Alex: yeah let's go

Joyce: okay I heard there's some food in gas station

Alex: we don't have any cash Joyce we left it at the camp

Joyce: it should be empty at this time

Alex: you're not planning to steal food from the gas station are you

Joyce: well we're all hungry and need food and we left money on the camp

Alex: okay I see your point don't have to rub it in

Joyce: alright ready

Alex: yeah ready we need mask though

Joyce: already thought of it

Alex: really how?

Joyce: well I'm at master

Alex: you sure are champ

Joyce: here put the mask on

-when both Joyce and Alex put on they're masks-

Joyce: alright let's go

Alex: let's

-when they get inside the gas station-

Joyce: see told you it's empty let's get food

Alex: you're right holy shit

Joyce: haha yep sure told you so

Alex: yeah you sure did

Joyce: alright you search the left and I search the right

Alex: got it champ

-once they're searched for food-

Joyce: alright what you got

Alex: a lot of food damn this food can last us for a long time

Joyce: yeah indeed it's getting dark outside we should locate a place to stay

Alex: yeah we should

-when they go outside-

-broken police sirens-

Joyce: oh shit!!

Alex: holy fuck....