The unstopping sirens

Joyce: oh shit!!

Alex: holy fuck....

Joyce: we gotta hide Alex

Alex: what about Lex Joyce

Joyce: do you want to die

Alex: i'm going to get Lex you hide Joyce

Joyce: okay but take care okay

Alex: i will champ don't worry

Joyce: and don't die idiot

Alex: i won't champ don't worry

Alex: *runs to warn Lex*

Lex: pls... Dear.. god.... Kill me

Alex: *frozes in place* holy fuck

Alex: i need to get out of here before that thing kills me too

Alex: holy shit Lex is dead and that thing ripped him apart his guts where all Bellow the car

Alex: i'm glad Joyce didn't come

-Sirens get louder-

Alex: oh shit!!

Unknown monster: *slashes leg and rips it off*

Alex: *screams in pain* aaaaahhh!! God help me

Unknown monster: *rips off head*

Alex: joyce if you hear me run!!.....

-Meanwhile with Joyce-

Joyce: holy fuck they're dead I need to hide

Joyce: *hides behind the cash registrator*

-sirens get louder-

Joyce: *hears sirens passes by* *whispers* holy fuck I'm saved I need to stay in here for a while

Joyce: and definitely call Brook as fast as possible

-joyce calls brook-

Brook: oh thank God where we're you guys

Joyce: brook I need your help I need to get picked up

Brook: why? what's going on?

Joyce: both Lex and Alex are dead and some black monster is running around and ran passed me as I


Brook: okay stay there I'll sent a rescue team to pick you up

Joyce: how long will that take

Brook: about 1 to 2 days

Joyce: WHAT THAT'S RIDICULOUS!! I can't wait for this long

Brook: listen you'll have to stay inside and survive on your own

Joyce: but how I never done that before

Brook: you'll have to just survive.....