The backstory of a great person

Alex: man this day sucks

Hi everyone I'm Alex a local student at barstools high school once again another hell and prison to go through

Zavala: yo Alex long time no see nerd

Alex: yo zavala how are you

Zavala: so far no good yo you saw the new girl in town

Alex: not yet dude how so

Zavala: bro she's hot af

Alex: I see and why are you telling me this man you know I have zero lucks with woman

Zavala: oh c'mon bro you can do it

Alex: alright *sigh* I can give it a try

-Alex goes to talk to the new girl in town-

Alex: yo

Ariana: what is it norm

Alex: *slightly annoyed*

Ariana: haha hit a spot didn't I

Alex: yes! 😡

Ariana: haha relax take a chill pill

Alex: whatever what do you wanted this anyway

Ariana: idiot so I can do this *kisses your cheek*

Alex: *inshock* *in mind* HOLY SHIT ALEX YOU DID IT!!

Ariana: you're kinda cute Alex I enjoyed your company

Alex: right Ariana I'm glad you enjoyed it

Ariana: my pleasure Alex

Alex: *mumbles* yeah yeah me too

Ariana: *laughs a bit* haha stop mumbling

Alex: yeah got it

Ariana: so I'll catch you later

Alex: yeah I'll catch later

-to be continued-